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Mechanical engineering student at Cal poly Pomona with an emphasis in robotics.
2012-02-23 - joined Synthiam
2012-02-23 - created first new question
2012-03-28 - joined your first forum discussion
2013-09-18 - answered a forum question
2013-12-12 - posted a robot project showcase
2014-08-27 - shared your first video in the forum
2014-08-27 - shared your first photo in the forum
2015-01-02 - attempted to help a fellow robot builder
2015-03-02 - created a custom avatar
2015-04-07 - connected ARC to the cloud
2022-05-14 - subscribed to ARC and unlocked new features that make your robot even smarter
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Android With Usb Connection
Greetings Programs, I am currently running an embedded computer in my robot. The EZB and computer are connected via USB. Since my computer is not doing much other...question

Slower V4 Response Time
Hey guys I have a question/ am curious about something. I have 3 V4 boards and 2 of them work great. One of them has a serious delay while running ARC scripts. the script...question

Sabertooth Troubles
Hi guys, I am currently trying to use a sabertooth 2x32 but am unable to get it to work and think it might be related the the DIP switches? just for background: -I have updated to...question

Powering The Signal Pin With More Than 3.3 Volts?
I know that the signal pin is regulated at 3.3 volts on the V4. I have a led array that I am powering from the signal and...question

Runt Rover From Actobotics
Hey guys, I saw these new little platforms that servocity. com is offering for sale. They are all pretty cheap and might make a cool base/drive system for a little...question

V4 Servo/Sensor Power Board
Hello everyone I know that the V4 has a direct voltage input from the battery to the digital pins. I was unsure however if this also incuded supplying direct voltage...question

Automated Ez-Room
hey ARC s! I was looking to automate my room using the ez-board. I planned on being able to turn things on and off, weather reports, checking rss feeds, etc. I have a desktop computer in...question

Finding The Wireless Camera In The Video Device Window
Hi Im new to building robots and starting work on my omnibot build. I am a mechanical engineering student so...No general conversations. Click here to start a conversation.
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Robot56s Astromech Droid
Hello everyone so i have begun building my full size astromech droid! I know that this project is going to take a long time but I feel it will be worth it in the end. My...robot

Robot56s Just Another Omnibot
This is my Omnibot Tomy. I havent really been able to work on him much, but Ive been collecting a lot of parts. I have the camera working now, even though it isnt...No live robot hacking sessions. Click here to view the past live robot hacks.
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