Other robots from Synthiam community
Wolfie's Scraps
i got bored it took alot of time to piece it all together still lots planned for it that i need...
Rentaprinta's First Real Video Of Hansi - Inmoov With...
Here is the first interesting video of my Hansi. With working Head and Torso ( and of course with Neo Pixel Rings)
Gotrobbed's The R7 Droid Project
When I say movie robot whats the first thing that comes to mind? If youre like most people, you are probably thinking...
Looks super rad man....you should also give him a paint job and maybe put some cool headgear to fancy him up!
Cant wait to see that beast in action!
now coloring the rest pieces in gold colours and it's perfect <3 I love selfmade humanoids!
I'm glad you all like it, I was thinking about coloring the ez pieces in gold but opt for basic in case I re-use parts in the future. But I am planning on more little add ons here and there and programming a bit of personality into it.
Base testing
A little more gold added
Love what you have done. Great project. Is there any way to have original head fit over ez b camera or something like it. I love the look of the ARC head..
I enjoy the Cyclops thing going on so never planned on keeping the spacy bot head. Glad you like it, making a custom body has been a long time goal so its cool other people like it.
First time playing with thermoplastic so better form fit Arcs legs. Omg hr finally stand on his own.
For those of you that haven't used thermoplastics before, this stuff is so easy to use and filling little gaps with remoldable plastics is so satisfying. Just did all that with under 100g for the pellets mixed in hot water. Just wanted to share this new ebay thing I found out about to all my DIY robot peeps.
Good work man....getting there!