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Wall-E, Help Me Pls Guys I Am New And I Am 14Yrs Old

can you tell me the full details of how you built your wall-e


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United Kingdom

Have a look at DJ's Wall-E

Also, have a look through the project showcase at other Wall-Es, there are a lot around which you can use for inspiration.


Welcome:) Everyone on the forum will help you as much as possible. You will have to look at some of the tutorial videos to get ideas of where things are mounted. Like @Rich says, there are some great threads already created for other Wall-e's. The main tool you will need is a Dremel (or otherwise called a rotary tool). You don't need to get a Dremel brand, as they are a bit expensive. Knock off one's work great too!

Also you will need a hot glue gun. It's great to use because it can be removed with a little dab of rubbing alcohol, wait 5 or 10 minutes... and voila! The hot glue separates and you're good to go:D

United Kingdom

That's probably my favourite Wall-E on here (but the others are great too!)


Good Morning @Rich !

May I please have your Email ?

Thank You,, 602-246-1246(H)

United Kingdom


hey i'm twelve, almost thirteen and I got half way through my wall-e before I broke the track off(oops). I made 2 posts. will post later. ez-robot seems to have the community down currently so ill probably be the last post.