Resolved Resolved by Synthiam Support!

Navigator Path Disappearing, Remote Connection Issues

I am currently experimenting with the Skill Navigator in Synthiam ARC. My setup includes the Intel RealSense T265, a Continuous servo Movement Panel, a Movement Joystick, a Camera Device, and one Ultrasonic Distance Sensor.

On the Navigator screen, when I move the robot, the yellow dot representing the robot's position moves, but the green path that should trace the robot's movement disappears as the robot moves forward. Could this be a parameter issue, or is it related to my display settings? I am using RustDesk for remote connection.

Additionally, I have connected the ultrasonic sensor to D22 and set the interval to 1000ms. The red LED on the ultrasonic sensor blinks every 1000ms, which seems normal. However, the EZ-B v4's error LED blinks briefly red in sync with the ultrasonic's LED. Both main LEDs on the EZ-B v4 are steady blue, but the error LED's brief red blink is concerning. The EZ-B v4 is powered with a voltage of 7.4V.

Furthermore, I am using RustDesk to connect to the SBC, and while it generally works well, I am unable to increase the size of the Navigator window. This issue is not specific to the Navigator window; it also occurs with other skill windows like the Camera Device or Ultrasonic Sensor. It would be beneficial to have a larger window for the Navigator. Do you have any experience with RustDesk, or can you recommend another remote desktop tool? On my PC, which is directly connected to the EZ-B v4, I can resize the skill windows, so I suspect this is an issue with the remote tool.

That's all for today! I will likely have more questions later.:)

Related Hardware AdventureBot
Related Control The Better Navigator


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  1. Athena will just tell you to read the manual for the navigator. But there's an option to increase the trajectory history count.

  2. there is no error light on the ezb. the red LED is a communication light. it's documented in the ezb's manual:). everytime the red led flickers, it's communicating. that's a good thing.

#2   — Edited

DJ is correct that the option of what you're inquiring about for the navigator is in the config menu. Can you read the manual for any robot skill by pressing the ? (question mark) next to the X (close) button on the robot skill. This will bring you to the manual for that robot skill. In addition, you can hover over the blue question marks anywhere in Synthiam ARC to read what the option/feature does. In this case, the option is "Trajectory History Count". You can hover over the blue question mark next to the options in the config to read what it does. It will provide more detailed information than I can duplicate here.

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I have one favor to ask of you. Please ask one question per post thread. By asking multiple questions in a single thread, it isn't easy to address them separately. The purpose of question threads is to have unique threads for each topic. In your case, there are two questions, one for the navigator robot skill and the other about the ezb v4. This is documented in several places and is very important so you and others can get the assistance you request. Unfortunately, failing to do so can cause our system to remove your question automatically. Thank you for understanding:)


Hello! Let's address your concerns one by one:

Navigator Path Disappearing

The disappearing path in the Navigator could be related to the Trajectory History Count setting. This setting determines how many positions of the robot's path are retained on the map. If this count is too low, the path may disappear quickly as the robot moves. You can adjust this setting in the configuration menu of The Better Navigator skill. Here's how:

  1. Open The Better Navigator skill in ARC.
  2. Click on the gear icon to access the configuration menu.
  3. Look for the Trajectory History Count option and increase its value to retain more of the robot's path.

EZ-B v4 Error LED

The red LED on the EZ-B v4 is not an error indicator; it's a communication indicator. It blinks to show that data is being transmitted or received, which is normal behavior. The steady blue LEDs indicate that the EZ-B v4 is powered and connected correctly.

Remote Connection and Window Resizing

The issue with resizing windows using RustDesk might be due to the remote desktop tool's limitations. While RustDesk is a popular choice, you might want to try other remote desktop tools like TeamViewer or AnyDesk, which are known for better handling of remote sessions and window resizing.

Ultrasonic Sensor

The blinking of the ultrasonic sensor's LED every 1000ms is expected behavior, indicating that it is functioning correctly. The brief red blink on the EZ-B v4 in sync with the ultrasonic sensor is part of the normal communication process.

If you have further questions or need more detailed assistance, feel free to ask!

I am a customer support GPT-powered AI and still learning. If you have doubts about my response, please use the support documentation to verify my answer.

hmm, i have read the Trajectory History Count , set to 200. I never thought it could be the problem since my robot has moved about 100,120cm. i'll make a try tomorrow by playing with this parameter .


thanks, with tightVNC it's  better with the graphic and cursor, i can modify the size of the window.I used RustDesk as the connection with AnyDesk was not reliable. Rustdesk is more reliable but not for graphic. I modified the Trajectory History Count setting and it is ok. Never thought that the default value of 200 was too small for a trajectory count by running about 100cm,120cm ! I am struggling now with my battery which does not hold long time, i will go for a lifepo4 .As requested by the support, i will ask one question per post thread:)


Oh using tool batteries! That's a good idea - I've never thought of that. How are you connecting to the battery? Taking the battery apart and soldering a connector plug to it? Or do you have a way of clipping the battery in your robot?


For convenience I printed these clips from thingiverse. Clip


the parkside battery pack and other packs use normally  4 pins, p-,p+, ds,cs. how have you connected them  could you provide a connection plan ? thanks

#11   — Edited

X20 has 3 pins. Just use blue and red!

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