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  • 2013-03-24 - joined Synthiam
  • 2013-03-24 - created first new question
  • 2013-04-11 - joined your first forum discussion

Latest submissions


Ultrasonic Sensor And Camera Tracking Not Working.

How do you solder on an ultrasonic sensor, because mine does not work. Which wire goes where? Any help would be greatly appreciated! Also I am unsure why my camera doesnt seem to track faces. The robot just seems to quickly glance at objects. How bright does the room have to be because, I am wondering if maybe it just isnt detecting my face...I...

I Have A Few Questions With My Ez Robot

Hello again, Lately- I have been working on EZ builder with my EZ robot and have been quite stumped with 3 things. 1. My robot doesnt track my face, it just quickly swivels the camera around and doesnt seem to focus on my face without looking away frantically. I have tried different things- but now it is getting a bit frustrating. I clicked the...

Need More Help With Ez Robot.

Hey, EZ builders! I need some help with my robot as I can not figure out how too make the robot track my face. I am able to make the robot look around using his built in camera, but when he does he doesnt appear to focus on anything. He just moves his camera around franticly. I am trying to figure out why the robot wont focus on and track my face....

Can Just A Laptop Give My Ez Robot Sound?

I asked this question earlier...I am wondering if I can give my ez robot sound through the laptop or a speaker. I need help with this because I just bought a Bluetooth speaker that is not compatible with my laptop sadly, so I need to figure out if my laptop alone can do the sound or if I should just buy another speaker. I also am wondering how you...

Need Some Help With My Ez Robot.

I asked this question earlier...I am wondering if I can give my ez robot sound through the laptop or a speaker. I need help with this because I just bought a Bluetooth speaker that is not compatible with my laptop sadly, so I need to figure out if my laptop alone can do the sound or if I should just buy another speaker. I also am wondering how you...

How Do I Give My Ez Wall-E Robot A Voice?

Hey everyone, I have been working on my WALL-E for a while, but I am stumped wondering, how I get sounds and voices for my WALL-E robot. I cant find a feature on ARC that allows this, unless I must be mistaken! I am wondering if I need to buy an additional part and what that part would be. Also would the sounds come from the robot or the computer?...

Ez Robot Camera Question

Hey guys, the camera used in my robot is displaying very off blurry colors now. It was working fine before, but now it comes out a blurry purple and white. I am not sure if it is a setting, or if it needs the batteries charged or what. I hope you guys can help me soon- thanks.


I am quite a geek, and like WALL-E, I am kind, curious, obsessive, and lonely- very lonely. It reminds me of my amazing, but distant friend Mackenzie, a girl that I care for deeply that I dont get too see or talk to very often- because of my own lives situation. But our wonderful friendship reminds me of WALL-E and EVE I just wish and pray everyday...

Robot Direction Movement Faults.

Whenever I press the keys to move my robot forwards, backwards, left, and right- it gets the directions mixed up. For example- when I press the forward button, my robot just spins in a circle. when I press the backward button, it just spins the other direction. When I click the left and right keys, it goes forward and reverse...:vS If anyone could...

Ez Robot Power Supply Question.

Hello everyone! I just got my wall-e EZ build working perfectly! Everything is good. just a lot of problem solving lately. I just had a quick question to ask...since my robot runs on 6 non rechargeable energizer AAs, is it safe to use 6 rechargeable energizer AAs? I didnt want to try it till I was reassured. It would be better if I could, because...

Need Help With Connecting Ez Robot.

Recently, I bought this EZ robot kit, and everything looked impressive. I built a WALL-E EZ robot from a u command toy. Sadly my EZ robot isnt connecting to the ARC software causing me to feel worried and a little agitated. before it was getting the connections from the Bluetooth adapter, although it still didnt do anything to begin with as I tried...

Need Immediate Help With The Ez-B Chip Please

I was working on my WALL-E robot and just finished. I then installed all the electronics and the EZB and the blue light came on and a red one was blinking. A few days later, my EZB stopped working and seemed to have blown out. I am unsure of how this happened as the chip was lit up with blinking lights before, although I never actually got to use...
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