Asked — Edited

Ezb Controlled Lynxmotion Johnny Five Robot

I made a johnny five robot from lynxmotion and made many changes ,upgraded to higher torque servo's,added another deck for itx board,change the motors for higher torque,looking to add feedback,plus more servo's in arms ,plus web cam and more

Most of this is done already,was going to use lynxmotion SSC-32 servo board until i found the best controller for it EZB

BIGGEST problem finding a small ITX to replace my pico-itx board at 1 ghz 2 gig ram

here is a photo of the design without changes

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will be posting photos of it with changes,it a little apart for more upgrades kit is about $900 and to add very high torque servo's about $1300 like i did 16 servo's now and might add 2 more for drive


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That's a very cool robot! How big is it? Looks to be a great size!


Basic kit is about 16 inches and i added a second deck about 6 inches high plus added a higher neck for pan and tilt camera instead of the sonar, so i guess it above 24 inches will post photos of my design monday


Oh nice! I cant wait to see pictures of johnny junior!


Awesome robotmaker! I'm in awe....very cool

United Kingdom

Looks cool, but I hope you change that head for something bigger:)


yes a lot bigger with vu-meters

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these photos are from my friends website,and i made a lot of changes But gives you a idea what mine looks like.


This little close to my design made by another person few added arm changes ,plus the round torso is much higher since i added another deck

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he added a PICO-ITX board in back of the robot ,mine in on the second deck i added


Very awesome. Post pics of your build. We wanna see yours and its progress:)


looking at monday night to post photos,it a little apart for many changes ,but mostly arm and body design is done,making the head a lot better and small change to the deck and tracks for another pc board i had pico-itx board running at 1ghz using windows xp pro lite,but buying a faster board to handle the WINDOWS 7 and EZB ,board is a ZOTAC 1.7GHZ DUAL CORE AND 4 GIG of ram with wifi built in,plus more 5 inches by 5 inches ,fits perfect

also the head part i am using air cylinders just like real one in the movie has


Do you have a link for the pc?


i bought it as a barebones system no memory and added a 4gig of memory $25 no SSD hard drive ,since i have my own and has WIFI they do have it complete

zotac small computer $202 for the computer and ships free


What battery you have for it


you need a 12 volt battery and a small converter fron 12 volts to 19 volts like the ones they use for laptops but using a car plug can easy find them on ebay or amazon 12 volts to 19 volts laptop adapter is good name to seach for it


Thank you robotmaker(FRED) for your linking to the pico-itx board as I too will install such a dedicated processor. :) .....5 inch by 5 is super small for such a high capability. and the price has been reduced to 202$


What battery you use for the computer?


do need memory plus hard drive,4 gig of memory not bad price $25 newegg has the model too but higher cost ,and amazon (i am biggest customer) has other ZOTAC boards also,but this fairly low cost and fast with WIFI


12 VOLTS ,NICAD or may use LI-PO FOR LYNXMOTION design if other designs depend if gel cell at 12 volts,like my omnibot project i may use gel cell 12 volt battery

but dont forget to get the adapter ,12 volts to 19 volts since the board take a 19 volts like most laptops do

this one is cheap 3.3 amps out ,11 to 14 volts in $6.95 12 volts to 19 volts laptop adapter


In my lynxmotion design i think i dont enough room for it,i bought 3 slim LI-PO 12VOLTS THAT TOTAL MORE THEN THAT,this way you can place them in different area's battery most likely have that size of it,but good for other robot projectd ITS a good find,i buy from dealtime alot


Do you have a link?


got them off ebay while back,will post photos of them today its 14.5 volts at 5000ma and another at 4000ma and another at 11.1 volts at 5000 ma


Cool I like this project, will be following and thanks for all the info and cool ideas


soon as i get home tonight hope to post photos of my build

here is a photo of a head design looking to make

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mine will be close to it


Those head pistons look like air actuators. robotmaker do you have robots that have air actuators or " air muscles"?

United Kingdom

That's the kind of head I would expect on a J5, not the silly little head they put on the Lynx motion one.


Yes i am using air actuators on mine,it will be a mix of lynxmotion and plastic and other parts to make it kinda close,i havent odered the parts yet,mostly got the torso and hands done and base. I first made the complete kit and then made a lot of changes ,even his hands are near the same 3 fingers instead of 5 that the kit has. going to use windows 7,stripped version


also i found a red headscarf that looks close to one johnny five has

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United Kingdom

Hit up ebay for paisley bandana and I'm sure you will find a match, there are thousands of them on there.


found a better and cheaper $2.75 on ebay

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I luv it when people give their robots characters! way to go robotmaker!


Any chance you will build a full sized J5? Now that you're retiring early you will have lots of time.


YES i bought some parts already tracks alone are $500 each waiting on the plans to be done

website for full size johnny 5 plans

Troy check out this website they almost have the plans done and hopping to have mine done for the new movie SHORT CIRCUIT 3 thats comming out soon,when i asked the creator ERIC he said maybe another year,may be johhny gets a girlfriend in this one

yea cant wait for retirement day :) :) :) why wait 18 years to retire,doing it early


Maybe you could take them to the movie theater and get paid for showing it? I'm not sure of the legality of that or what permissions you need from the creators of the movie. If you use ez-b in any part of it be sure to mention it.:)

I read the disclaimer at that website. It says it's "in no way a source for blueprints for this robot. Our information is kept private and is not intended for commericial purposes".


yes a guy did it for WALL-E design,just like in the movie and took it to the theater


You guys are killing me (in a good way) I am already thinking of other projects once F.R.E.D. is complete, R2D2 , Wall-E, Johnny-5, B-9....arrrgh:)


Well it took me awhile to find my box with my johnny five lynxmotion design

So will post it up today,have so many many boxes of of my robots and robot parts.

So glad i found the perfect board for this design (ezb) ,do have to make many changes to make it work.


@robotmaker perhaps you need a EZB inventory machine to fetch a certain box . That is a vertical and horizontal carriage. like a CNC/3Dprinter only verticle.....just trying to be helpful:)


I just have boxes in different rooms ,and it whas in my large storage shed 15 feet by 40 feet


both are ,i took both about 30 min ago one is my hand design as you can see it has a few changes and second has a lot of changes too


i guess the hand part you cant see it has 3 fingers like JOHNNY 5 has


NECK part looks to be the hardest,for some of the custom pivot points ,and for air cylinders They have 2 types one to make the head tilt side to side and another to tilt up and down besides rotate.

That milling machine i bought will come in handy for that,might use stock plastic bar or stock aluminium bar to make the mounts.

this photo is part of what i need to do

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and here is the second part of the neck

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Amazing and thanks for the updates robotmaker!


here is part of johnny five eyes i am getting

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mostly the head will be close to johnny 5,may be latter can do the arms and body ,by using plastic covers

this will be my biggest project so far,i also ordered my air cylinders from china


Next month i got one more long trip to CHINA for work,to teach a tech on how to fix my in-house testers ,there is a lot of them,so it may be 3 weeks maybe more :( tired no robot making

Good news it a big pay :) ,mostly i wont be able to see much of china SO going to have some more updates and photos on my EZB projects before i leave.


Hopefully your trip is not into Beijeng a very polluted city! Big pay is good to help support your family and robot projects and we are ALL looking forward to your EZB photos! ps please post any robotic stuff you might see in China!:)


WISH i have have time,but the area is mostly all businesses,


Here is the AIR SOLENOIDS i ordered for my project.

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Little by little getting parts in for my johnny five project.

I have lot of milling to be done. and getting ready to order some of the plastic bars for it.

I do have a full size wooden PROP from the movie i bought while back,using it as a template and with photos off the input-inc site (cant wait for the plans for full size to be ready) i might be the first to get the plans.


How are you going to control these air cylinders? How can you interface this with ezb


with a air switch,and using a small air tank,and if it needs to be refilled ,i can use a servo attached to a syringe to pump more air into it plus will have air stops switches

I used some like this at work for special fixtures i designed and made for production


Interested to see this can you post like a part list and a diagram on how you gonna use the air cylinders?


once i work out the parts and where to get them


I got my air cylinders in,and now going to paint them blue to match the ones johnny five has will post photos


Johnny 5 air cylinders are anodized. , not painted. But then agian your not making a replica. ; p


YES i know but if painted cant tell the difference,at the same time real johnny five not made with lynxmotion parts too


NEW update on my johnny five lynxmotion design ,i got my NANO ZOTAC computer in,and looking to remove the outer case,since its a little bigger then what i needed size of the board is 4 1/4 square with casing its 5 1/4 square

another edit change

I took out the board and it fits perfect with some room on front and back,sides very close and height is perfect even with SSD drive

NEXT is to mounted it will standoffs and fix the air vent on the fan on the board once it done will post photos of it

THEN add my windows XP software,i like it better then windows 7,but will wait till i try it,and with software IF doesnt work great then change to windows 7 good thing about WINDOWS XP ,support for it for the next 2 years about

when i downloaded ARC it does say its for windows xp,vista,windows 7 on the EZ SDK only good for windows 7 and higher


Leaving soon on a long trip to china for work again this time its 3 weeks long,i need to trean the tech over at the plant to fixthe IN-HOUSE testers,not happy about it but the pay is way more then i can ever ask for :D and aftet it NO MORE WORK EVER YA-HOO ROBOT MAKING TIME ,almost full time

hope to get part of my lynxmotion design work on and photos taken,it will need a lot of work


Update on my johhny five project, i am mounting my computer board tuesday and will post photos ,also i got my new AIR-BRUSH tool in,so will be getting ready to paint some parts.


wont be able to post any updates,since going on my last trip for work till end of march ,after will have full time to work on my robot projects


WILL be comming home in a few days so will update my design with new photos since i am retired.


OK just made some changes ,i mounted my small ITX computer to my deck

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Next part i made was the led for his mouth ,only did the front Next is the 2 sides

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Another update on progress Saterday will be adding the EZB to my build,and adding the turret, ordered two 14.8 volt 4.5 amp (9 amps total ) LI-PO BATTERY for ITX mother board and drive motors,so hope to get them in soon

Will post more photos of my build saterday or sunday


Ok here is some photos of my mounted turret and H-BRIDGE boards H-BRIDGE board is a 2 CYTRON MD10C, robotshop has them for about $16 each 10 amp 3-25 single controller.

On the turret will have photos of how i made and parts list

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Well i did more work on my design i had some maxbotic sonars to it,and ordered a side cover from plastic for my deck will have photo up tonight or sunday on the sonars i added. and some part #'s and links


PRETTY soon will be posting many many updates of my robot projects and boards i made Been working for a few weeks building boards and updates.


Nice.... looks awesome.


Thanks making side covers for it next,need to use 2 EZB because so many digital ports and analog ports.


Nice , I like the progress , great job buddy


I started on the led VU MOUTH to be controlled by his voice

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Call me lame but I really dig the LED mouth concept. When I'm confident enough to build a robot using more than the EZ Complete kit I'll be using a LED mouth. I'm excited to see your progress.


WILL post circuit up soon,it uses LM3915 bar graph chip and few parts,there are a few kits out there BUT not as much fun as building the circuit from scratch.

THE design will have bar graph on the sides just like johnny five has.


Very cool:) Send a pic soooon ..we def want to see the proud maker (you) with your johnny 5 ..I love that robot:)


Robotmaker, That is an awesome robot you are building.
I can't wait to see your progress and more pictures. Thank you for sharing your project with us. Is there a way to make your projects show up under showcase?

Steve S


STEVE this is a major project for me,it need milling and some lathe work ,witch i have in my big machine shop

Mostly the head design needs to be very close to the real johnny five design and thats the hardest

Then make plastic covering for body and arms ,but not that important

Plus need to finish a few small robot projects like BIPED design 95 % done and roomba design may be 95% done and may be one more

I asked DJ but still no answer on this about showing up in showcase ,i think when i was a ghost and then un-ghosted he forgot to put them back.