Asked — Edited
Resolved Resolved by DJ Sures!

Autoposition Missing - Can'T Get Into Basic Servo Fine Tune Interface

In various instances with my students' JD, when they attempt to use the Basic servo Fine Tune interface, they get the message "There is no Auto Position to use the basic fine tune interface. Use the advanced interface until an AutoPosition has been created. Closing..."

I am trying to create an AutoPosition profile, but have not had any luck. I have used the Advanced servo Fine Tune to create a profile, but I cannot get the one created to be the AutoPosition profile. What is the secret to setting one of the advanced servo profiles to be the AutoPosition profile? The students (and myself) much prefer to use the Basic servo Fine Tune interface because of its ease of use.


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I'm assuming that you have an Auto Position control added to your project before trying the servo fine tune profile (edit: as mentioned above)? If so, you need to add servos to the frames in the Auto Position control before doing the fine tune, otherwise there are no servos there for you to fine tune.

In the Auto Position configuration menu, under "Frames"...

Click "New Frame",

Name it,

Click "OK",

"Add Servo",

Choose the port the servo is connected to,

Click "close", then click "Save",

Then click on "Configure" under "Servo profile" to fine tune the servos.


I did add the Auto Position control, but still had no luck. I wasn't quite sure what to do with the control after adding it so I tinkered around. I imported a profile that I had created using the Advanced servo Fine Tune interface. After I did that, it appeared that I had to add all of the servos on JD. That was much more than I wanted to do. All I wanted to do was to get the default profile created so when JD connects, it positions itself properly.

To give you a little background, I started out with by loading the Example Project "Camera - Camera Control." I wanted to go into the Basic servo Fine Tune interface to use one of my previously created profiles as the default profile. That's when I received the error message "There is no Auto Position to use the basic fine tune interface..."

Maybe I'm going about this the wrong way. What is the simplest way for me to create the default profile for JD in this project?


You cannot use servo profiles with the example projects. The example projects are specific to one feature, which is the example project's name, respectively. Just like the trunk of your car does not contain an engine, or wheels, or a radio. This is because an Example Project is merely demonstrating a component. As you will notice, loading a project that does not support servo fine tuning will not prompt when the project is loaded.

Merely adding an Auto Position control to a project will do nothing - because it will have blank/empty data. For example, if you load a word document, there will be no text in the document. It's up to you to enter the text, the same works for a new control. If you add a new control, it is empty and requires you to create the configuration of the control.

Example projects demonstrate specific programming functions, to aid in learning to program. You can find out more about example projects in the Activites guide:

If you wish to use JD, load the JD project from the File -> Open menu option. Once the JD project is loaded, the Auto Position will be prompted.

We can get to the root of your issue if you could further explain what it is that you're attempting to do?


Makes sense. I just wanted JD to get to its previously set default position so I know it is working properly when I connect to it. If this can't be done, the so be it.

My plan is to use the example projects as a guide for my students to get into scripting. I will continue on without the previously set default profile now that I know it will not make any difference.

Thanks for clearing this up, DJ.


A suggestion, particularly if you are using JD as the base for your lessons, since it is so sensitive to the servos being correctly set.

Always use the JD sample (or really, a copy of it) as your starting point. then you can use the Merge function to import example objects and code from example projects.

When testing example projects on your own to see if they are a good fit, I would use a simpler robot. (I believe you have Six's, and maybe others from previous discussions). A six with just the base and a camera, and the minimum servos you need for the example (without all the legs attached) can be used with many of the example projects. That way you don't even need to worry about servo profiles.

An adventurebot is also a good place to start. Just a camera and two wheels, but easily expandable with additional parts as needed.



Excellent - if you wish to get JD to it's default position, simply load the JD example project. You can load the JD Example Project from one of two ways...

  1. File -> Open -> Examples and locate JD in the list. If JD is not in the list, or this project gives you trouble, it may have been re-saved accidentally by a student. In which case, use option #2

  2. File -> EZ-Cloud -> Open and locate the JD project in the list. This will require an internet connection, and will download the most recent JD project from the cloud.

Not certain what version of ARC you have, but a few versions ago the software now prompts with a warning if someone attempts to overwrite the example project. I know people can always overwrite files anyway, if they choose to - however, it is one measure to prevent overwriting example files.


Thanks, guys, for all your suggestions. I guess being a minimalist pays off when experimenting with the example projects.

My students always started out with the JD example project. That's why I thought JD needed to get to its standing, arms extended, profile. Also, I try to update much more frequently than I had in the past. I am currently using the latest version as of this morning.

Thanks again for all you help.