
Im using the soundboard exb to play audio files but they are very faint. Is there a way to add an amplifier like on the ezb? I couldn't find a seperate audio out other than the speaker plug. The default voice from the IoTiny sound good but not my audio files which are mp3, i amplified the files in Audacity but they are still faint.
Related Hardware EZ-B IoTiny
Related Controls
Output Audio from EZ-B
SoundBoard (EZB)
You can right click and normalize the audio when editing the track in the soundboard
connect an external amplifier to the speaker output jack if you want a different speaker
Ok thanks, I'll give that a go. I wasn't sure I could if the output was already amplified.
The output is amplified, but you’d have to control the volume
there might be a direct breakout from the dac, I don’t know where it is. Can always check the schematic for the iotiny on GitHub
or someone who knows a better answer might chime in
you can use mp3 volumer to make mp3 files louder. there are more of this kind of tools.mp3 normalizer for excample.
mp3 volumer
Hi, I bought these at Amazon
2 speakers that work well with the IO tiny - sound is much louder
EZang good find. you can also use speakers from an old pc screen.
I have a 4 inch pyle speaker that sounds good with the default voice that comes with the Iotiny, like when it says the battery is low, my MP3s don't. I'll have to play with the audio files and see if the problem is with them. I'll also have to try as a wav file and see what that does.
I very confident that the MP3s (or MP3 encoder) you are using is giving you a lower volume. Usually MP3s and Wav files are louder that the default voice. The speaker that comes with the IoTiny is quite loud with the onboard amplified circuit.
Here's an MP3 that I use to test with:
There is no DAC breakout on the IoTiny but you can solder to the left side of C11 if you'd like to run the audio to your own amplified circuit, at this point I feel like it'd be easier to figure out your encoding issue but anyway here's the location if you're feeling adventurous:
Thanks Jeremie for the idea of soldering to the left side of C11 to run audio to a separate amp. This has at last given me good sound from the IoTiny.
When editing any files, use normalization in your editor.
Also, the ARC soundboard editor has a normalize feature built in. Use it to normalize your audio files in the soundboard after they’ve been imported
It’s not documented in the manual for the soundboard, but here’s the option circled
Interesting on soldering to C11 for good sound...I have a question about where the data specs say 3.3v --5 volt signal out tolerant. would my ultrasonic sonar that runs between 4-5 volts be too much current draw from signal output? I know I was advised never to do that on EZB4
Edit-----Oh okay I see now that is only 5volt input not output only 3.3v.