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United Kingdom

I'm trying to create a auto connect script using the EZ-Load Creater, but as I get to saving the shortcut, the Create shortcut box and  the Copy file to clipboard box is greyed out, and won't allow me to select them? I have completed step 1-4 in the EZ-Load Creater correctly.

Any idea why?

I'm using the latest ARC release.


Hey guys - i took a look and ARC indeed has this issue. I fixed it and it will be included in today's release later this evening. Thanks for the heads up:)

United Kingdom

Thanks DJ, I’ll try it out later day.


Hey, Im having an issue with the Shortcut Creator as well. I am using latest and greatest ARC version. I have one project that I created the shortcut for already which was done long time ago. Now I want to add 2 more project shortcuts.  When I tried to create my second project short, the creator went thru all steps, but in the end never created the shortcut upon my desktop. The original first one I ever did is still there, but no second one, nor could I find it anywhere on the computer.  So, can I create only 1 shortcut and no more?? am I missing something???


I tested it, and it works fine. Make sure you follow the instructions, I guess is the advice I can give:D

User-inserted image


PS, here's the step by step instructions. Just make sure you remember where the shortcut file was selected to be saved. You might have several in a weird folder that you accidentally selected:D


Hi DJ, and thanks. I did follow the instructions, making sure to use all the default settings as I went thru each step, thats why I am a bit lost, Its not where I thought it should be., even when I did a total search of all drives, nothing showed up.  Yes odd. I will keep looking of course, It has been a long time since I've used this feature.