Steve Thurston

Does Shortcut Creator work in ARC?
The Create Shortcut and Copy file path to clipboard are both greyed out and not clickable
Thanks Steve
Related Hardware LattePanda
I'm trying to create a auto connect script using the EZ-Load Creater, but as I get to saving the shortcut, the Create shortcut box and the Copy file to clipboard box is greyed out, and won't allow me to select them? I have completed step 1-4 in the EZ-Load Creater correctly.
Any idea why?
I'm using the latest ARC release.
Hey guys - i took a look and ARC indeed has this issue. I fixed it and it will be included in today's release later this evening. Thanks for the heads up
Cheers, thanks DJ :-)
Fixed here: https://synthiam.com/Products/Releases/ARC-Beta-2020-03-19-00-19052
Thanks DJ, I’ll try it out later day.
Of course it works perfectly now ;-)
Thanks DJ
Hey, Im having an issue with the Shortcut Creator as well. I am using latest and greatest ARC version. I have one project that I created the shortcut for already which was done long time ago. Now I want to add 2 more project shortcuts. When I tried to create my second project short, the creator went thru all steps, but in the end never created the shortcut upon my desktop. The original first one I ever did is still there, but no second one, nor could I find it anywhere on the computer. So, can I create only 1 shortcut and no more?? am I missing something???
I tested it, and it works fine. Make sure you follow the instructions, I guess is the advice I can give
PS, here's the step by step instructions. Just make sure you remember where the shortcut file was selected to be saved. You might have several in a weird folder that you accidentally selected
Hi DJ, and thanks. I did follow the instructions, making sure to use all the default settings as I went thru each step, thats why I am a bit lost, Its not where I thought it should be., even when I did a total search of all drives, nothing showed up. Yes odd. I will keep looking of course, It has been a long time since I've used this feature.