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&Quot;Integrating Sabertooth With Synthiam ARC&Quot;

I currently have a remote-controlled system utilizing a Sabertooth 2X32 motor driver to operate two electric wheelchair motors, which are controlled with Flysky wireless radios. I plan to expand this setup by adding a total of eight wheelchair motors and drives to create a robot similar to the Chaos robot seen here: Chaos Robot Guide.

I've read that there have been issues when using Synthiam ARC with the Sabertooth motor driver in the past. Has anyone managed to successfully integrate these components, or is there alternative drive hardware that provides similar functionality to the Sabertooth 2X32?

Additionally, I am new to Synthiam and noticed a significant gap in their YouTube content from two years ago until recently. Any insights on this or assistance with my project would be greatly appreciated! Thank you!


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Hi there, welcome to Synthiam. There are no open reported bugs or issues across any robot skills or the ARC software. There is the Sabertooth Movement Panel, as well as the Kangaroo. However, the Sabertooth is the motor controller you're asking about. The manual for its robot skill can be found here: https://synthiam.com/Support/Skills/Movement-Panels/Sabertooth-Movement-Panel?id=16039

You will find updates about Synthiam products and features on Synthiam's website (this website). Occasionally, we post a video on YouTube. However, the community of users has spoken out several years ago that it's not a preferred learning method, as they prefer written content to follow at their own pace. This website would be the best place to find information about Synthiam.

#2   — Edited

Hey! Nice to meet you. Yeah, I've only recently been pushing a bit to get a few videos made because I enjoy sharing with the community. I think during the COVID lockdown, we got used to not filming anything, and that became a habit. I'm hoping to do at least one video a week, even if that means simply talking about updates to ARC or short tutorials on how to use a robot skill.

*edit: as support said, the sabertooth has no reported issues. actually, there are no bug reports at all right now. knock on wood


Yea, I miss the videos too. Fun to watch, especially the video lessons from DJ and Prof. E:)


I share Robohappy's opinion. it would be great


I've integrated many 2x32 Sabertooth motor controllers into the robots I've built and control them successfully with Synthiam's ARC. Most of them are used with the Kangaroo board to give them position and speed control. I've never had issues with ARC commanding any of them. I don't use any of ARC's Sabertooth or Kangaroo movement panels that are available. I have had a look at them and they seem very easy to use and set up. I'm pretty sure you can only have one Movement Panel per robot project and this one panel will only control one Sabertooth or Kangaroo motor controller. This is something you need to consider if you are going to have more than one motor controller in your robot. In one of my robots I have five Sabertooth 2x32 motor controllers (with Kangaroos attached to them) that move different DC motors. I got around the limitation I mentioned above using the Movement Panel by using scripts in ARC I write in JavaScript. I run the scripts to send the Simple Serial commands from ARC, through an EZB UART and onto the Sabertooth/Kangaroos. Of course you need to have the script command witten properly to send the Simple Serial command or the motor controller won't respond.

It looks like you are wanting to use ARC to move the treads on your robot and may not be using the Kangaroo like I do. My ARC scripts all are written for the kangaroo but looking at the 2x32 Sabertooth manual I see that it will accept Simple Serial commands (and other input commands) from a microcontroller just like the Kangaroo does.

Good luck and please reach out if you need any help. Hopefully we can lend a hand.;)