Robot Building Questions

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Remote control robots or add telepresence capabilities with Exosphere
Remote control robots using your phone or PC, or grant access to others for collaborative control.
Add your robot to Exosphere for telepresence and remote operation
Sythiam Swag
Robot Builder Coffee Mug, 11oz

Robot Builder Coffee Mug, 11oz

Start your robot building day on the right wheel, err foot, with this Synthiam Robot Builder black coffee mug. This...
Dual Camera Servo Server by Synthiam Inc.
By Synthiam Inc.

Dual Camera Servo Server

A server for DIY usage that allows a client to control servos and sends two stereoscopic camera streams to the client.

Modified AIML BOT by EzAng
By EzAng

Modified AIML BOT

Modified AIML BOT -  I can ask him any question, did not want to make the video too long He is a conversational bot . Two small servos for...


Wifi Problem With Outside People Connecting

First time teaching with the JD humanoid, I have several classes, currently only using the robots for one class. We just learned how to connect though the Iphone App. The issue I am having is that someone is connecting to our robots outside my classroom, Is there any way to stop them like maybe set up passwords for the wifi? I plan to teach...

A Couple Autoposition Actions Not Responding On First Call

or anyone who can help. There is something going on with a couple actions Ive built in my Autoposition control that I dont understand. I have about 8 actions built from from a larger number of frames that position 6 servos. Three servos in each of two robot arms.  Ive noticed that at least two of my actions in the Autoposition control will not...
Kinect 360 Body Control Skill

Kinect 360 Body Control Skill

How do I pause and unpause the Kinect Body Control skill within a program? There doesnt seem to be a ControlCommand to do this. Without this ability, I have to...
Spin Master Bb-8

Spin Master Bb-8

Has anyone seen this BB-8...I believe it is new. I think this would be an interesting project to convert to ARC. Head and body are independent, it would be cool to have a camera in head...

Play Mp3 Audio File From JD Humanoid

I want to write a robot skill in C# that will play audio from an mp3 file over the speakers of a JD Humanoid robot, how do I do this?
Error Playing Audio

Error Playing Audio

What does the following error mean when playing an audio file using PlayAudio command? My files are MP3 but I might change them to WAV. The error message is occasional. error playing...

Which Skill Gives Coordinates Of Objects In Camera View

Which skill gives coordinates of objects in camera view? I remember seeing a skill that had many different variables listed for the camera view but I cannot find it.

Making Motion Arrive At The Same Time

Is there a certain command/parameter that I need to put in Javascript and if possible in Blockly to move axes with different values arrive at the same time? Example: Move servo V1 to 5565 and Move V21 to 8755 at the same time and then arrive at the same time. I know it can be done with Auto position but Id like it in Javascript so that I can...
Inmoov Legs

Inmoov Legs

Some extra filament rolls and servos.... Picture from the official InMoov site under activity members

Libre Bot Connection

why can i not connect to bot libre from the ARC bot libre skill? i am using my correct user name and password but it will not authenticate?

Putting Controller In Wifi Client Mode

@Athena Why ca i not put my ezb4 controller in client wifi mode using arc pro there is no option in the connection skill?
Anyone Else Experiencing Cereproc Voice Causing ARC To Crash?

Anyone Else Experiencing Cereproc Voice Causing ARC To Crash?

Has anyone experienced the following: You have used Cereproc voices with your ARC projects...