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Country: Germany
Member Since:


  • 2012-05-12 - joined Synthiam
  • 2012-07-07 - created first new question
  • 2012-07-12 - joined your first forum discussion
  • 2014-01-19 - posted a robot project showcase
  • 2015-10-11 - connected ARC to the cloud
  • 2016-02-18 - shared your first photo in the forum
  • 2016-12-25 - shared your first video in the forum
  • 2016-12-25 - created a custom avatar
  • 2018-08-21 - used the Bing Speech Recognition to convert spoken speech into text

Latest submissions

Since Update ARC Dont Work

Since Update ARC Dont Work

Since Update ARC dont work, what can i do?
Bing Speech Recognition

Bing Speech Recognition

Hello, i have today update ARC and Bing Speech Recognition. Ive had a script for over a year, sending the questions Ive seen in Bing either to ARC Speech Recognition or to...

Question With Bing Speech Recognition

Hello, I have a problem with the Bing speech recognition. My test version had expired, now I have registered again and pay for the service. I have a new key, unfortunately, the speech recognition only once, then you have to wait a few minutes until it works again. Do you know what the problem is? Thank you in advance

No Connection Ezb With Blackberry Priv Android 6.0.1

Hello DJ, i have follow problem, i have a new mobile a Blackberry Priv with Android 6.0.1. I can connect this device with my EZB by WLan. But I can not call it in ARC Mobile there stands with Wifi SSID N / A. What is the problem? Thank you

Robo Scratch Android

Hello, I tried using Robo Scratch for Android Mobiles today to program a loop. Is this possible at all? So I would like to start the scratch again and again. Thank you

Wait Until Time

Hello, i have a Problem with a script which at certain times something can be said the robot. It has worked, maybe coincidence: WaitUntilTime( 21, 45 ) $z=1 SayWait(Sven, es ist Zeit für einen Joghurt) $z=0 ControlCommand(Leben, PauseOn) WaitUntilTime( 22, 30 ) $z=1 SayWait(Jetzt ist Zeit ins Bett zu gehen) $z=0 ControlCommand(Leben, PauseOn)...

Scripts Dont Work

Hello DJ, follow Scripts dont work: Exec(C:\Windows\Notepad.exe) Browser( FileWrite(c:\temp\mylog.txt, My Variable: + $x) FileWriteLine(c:\temp\mylog.txt, My Variable: + $x) And when SpeakRSS is active, I can not stop using a voice command it. The voice control reacts to a command when Peak RSS is active. I will stop the RSS...

Rotation Servos

Hello Dj, i have a Problem with my Rotation Servos. I have these servos few years ago when you ordered along with the EZB-V3 and never used. Now I want to build a small robot and use these servos. Please look at the video, then you understand my problem: I have the problem with all 4 servos and even with two boards...
ARC Dont Work By Make A Photo

ARC Dont Work By Make A Photo

Hello, i have follow Problem, the ARC Software dont works when i make a Photo. The ARC dont work by the follow Command: ControlCommand(Kamera, CameraSnapshot)...
ARC Programmierer Aus Deutschland Programmer From Germany

ARC Programmierer Aus Deutschland Programmer From Germany

Hallo, da mein english eine Katastrophe ist bin ich auf der suche nach einem EZ-Robot Bastler aus...
2 Questions With Scripting

2 Questions With Scripting

Hello from Germany, I have 2 problems when programming scripts and hope someone can help me. Problem 1: Speech Recognition at Low Confidence, I want that the robot at...

Camera Question

Hello, I have a problem with the camera, and the EZB-V4. When the camera for a long time is in effect. Crashes the system. Enough memory can not be the cause, I have 8GB Ram and including about 40% occupancy. There come the following error messages: ezbv4 camera image render error: System.OutOfMemoryException: Nicht genügend Arbeitsspeicher. bei...

H-Bridge Question With Ez-B V4

Hello EZ-Robot Team, i have follow problem: I have a remodeled Omnibot 2000 I have successfully operated with the ECB-V3 and the H-bridge. Now I have changed to the EZ-B V4 and since then he moves only very slowly. When I use the PWM controller to Max. Point moves the robot extremely slow. I place the PWM regulator to slowly he drives no longer....
Speech Recognition In Other Countrys

Speech Recognition In Other Countrys

Hello robot designers from other countrys, I am from Germany and for the past 9 months have not the speech recognition at the EZ-B get to work. I...
Dual Axis Compass

Dual Axis Compass

I have order a Dual Axis Compass for my EZ-B. Please give me a wiring plan. Thank you very much

Speech Recognition

hello, my speech Recognition dont works, the Microphon Level are in the middle when i speak. whether German or English, I dictate text box that the robot does absolutely nothing. Do I need to install any language program? Thank you

Ip Cam?

Hello, is it possible to use instead of the single-cam an IP wireless webcam? Has anyone ever tested this? Thanks Sven

Ip Cam?

Hello, Is it possible to use instead of the single-cam an IP wireless webcam? Has anyone ever tested this? Thanks Sven
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