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Speech Recognition

hello, my speech Recognition dont works, the Microphon Level are in the middle when i speak. whether German or English, I dictate text box that the robot does absolutely nothing. Do I need to install any language program?

Thank you


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Hello Bravia, Thank you for your answer in have see the Video, in the Speech Recognition Window i dont see the Command. it is black!


Ok So your commands are not getting through for some reason. Are you using win7 ? any errors when you first open EZ-B ? if not open "sound recorder" in windows and check microphone does record


Yes Win7 64bit No Errors when i open my ARC Sound Recorder and Skype works fine


in speech recognition in ezb click on setup adjust microphone levels and boost,in advanced tick "allow applications to take exclusive control of this device" Good luck


Hello Bravio, I have checked their recommendations, but unfortunately it was unsuccessful


I have testet with another Win7 PC, its the Same.


There are several reasons it's not working - In my case it was the speach recognition app in Win 7 was english based - not American. Once I matched them (same version of English as ARC) it started working. You could have the same problem or one of several others. Do a search and check all the references in this website (use google search) and you will find the answer to your problem. Speach recognition is fun but takes a lot of fine tuning and determination. Good Luck..


Can you tell me where i can Download a german recognition App for Win7? How can I test which is set for a language on my PC?

Thank you


Contol panel-region and language-keyboards and languages - change keyboard

add English United States ,make it your default ,leave your german ets

Ensure voice recognition operates in win

All Programs-accessories- Ease of Access-windows speech recognition, And setup speech recognition,here you can test and improve speech recognition accuracy



My Windows 7 Speech recognition works fine, but in EZ Robot works not. When i change the Keyboard, then its the same, not working.


@lizpoir you are so near getting it to work If windows as you say works ok with speech recognition ,it is down to thye final settings on ez-b config

If you have no results ,I note you use skype maybe we can talk it through,if you are prepared to give Skype name Pat


@lizpoir you are so near getting it to work If windows as you say works ok with speech recognition ,it is down to the final settings on ez-b config

If you have no results ,I note you use skype maybe we can talk it through,if you are prepared to give Skype name Pat


We have tested yesterday evening with Bravia and achieved nothing. Is there anyone here in the forum can help me out of Germany? We think it is due to the language of the operating system.


Have you trained your computer? Use Speech Recognition under the Control Panel. There is a train option. Sadly, the Microsoft Speech Recognition cannot be responsible for strong accents:(


Hello DJ, Thank you for your Answer, at the Moment im in Holiday, i will testing in September and give you a Feedback.
