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Member Since:


  • 2013-03-04 - joined Synthiam
  • 2013-03-17 - created first new question
  • 2014-05-07 - joined your first forum discussion
  • 2014-05-28 - posted your first tutorial
  • 2014-10-16 - attempted to help a fellow robot builder
  • 2015-12-19 - connected ARC to the cloud

Latest submissions

Slow Performance

Slow Performance

When I do a benchmark test of the Read 300 ADC I get a result of 5 reads per second. I know it use to be around 65. I thought it was because of the Limited WiFi message, but its not. I...

Wifi Limited

I have a Lenovo laptop and ever since I started using the WIFI with EZ-V4 I can connect but it is very slow, like graphs update at 1 second intervals and there is a ton of pauses. I then noticed that under the signal strength list for the WiFis the one for EZ-V4 board it says LIMITED. I googled it and I see where people say that it is a bug in...

Turn Off Low Battery Warning

Is there a way to permanently turn off the low battery warning?

Shipment Time

I ordered some parts and they arrived from China in 8 days. Thank you EZ robot. Great product.

Theres No Money In Robots First prize = 2,000,000 dollars.

Communicate Between An Ez-B And An Arduino Board

Does anyone have experience and know which way is the easiest to communicate between an EZ-b and an Arduino board? I see there is I2C, UART, serial etc. I hope someone know the easiest so I gain from your knowledge. Thanks

Noisy Analog Dat On The V4

I have about 5 adc units of noise on my 256 adc analog inputs. Also the battery voltage and cpu temperature are noisy. I have checked my incoming battery voltage and it is steady. I tried to filter the analog inputs but no luck there. Thanks oops I guess I can not go back and fix my typo in the title.
1 Second Lag Question

1 Second Lag Question

Hi EZ Robot, I have an issue that crept into my project. Everything was going fine then a lag of about one second appeared. I tried two different V3 boards and I think that I can...

Pwm Slider Question Pwm On D4 Turns D14 On And Off

I am finding PWM slider issues, heres one that I have posted in the cloud, (is this the proper way to request help?) When the PWM slider on d4 is moved up to 100%, d14 output goes high. Then when I slide the d4 PWM slider down to 0% d14 then output goes low. This happens across multiple software revs, board os and 2 different v3 boards. This can be...

Connectors, Sockets,Housing

If anyone is looking to make there own connectors you can get some nice crimpers, I use them a lot, that work on just about any pin type. They are 45 dollars, not bad considering that the one designed for a specific pin type will probably run you 250 to 300 dollars. They are at a company that is very nice to deal with. I also included...

Struggling With Pwms

Hello, I have a new computer running windows 8.1 with Microsoft Bluetooth built in. I have a few issues with the PWM sliders that has my project, just about dead in the water. 1. My PWM sliders somewhat control my outputs (leds at this time) but when I run the script the outputs do not do anything. Although on my PWM on screen slider controls, I...

Does Anyone Of The Lucky Ones Want To Sell A V4

I do not want to wait until July for a v4, does anyone want to sell one, when they get it? I have a v3 and money.

Reload Firmware To Controller

I think I may have a corrupted os on my controller. After the last upgrade it seems that there is a delay of about a second or two and pwm controls are not acting right. The reason that I believe that I may have a corrupted os is that I may have been too far away when I did the update. I tried to reload but it says that it is already the current...

V3 Different Flavors?

I have two v3s and they not the same. Should I expect them to behave the same way? Thank you in advance

V3 Ez-B For Sale

I see Robot City Workshop has EZ-b v3 for 110 dollars.

Rounding To 3 Places

I think there may be a bug in the rounding to 3 places, it seems that it rounds to 2 places. Here is my little test program that shows it. It may be Im doing something wrong too. $55 = 55.18975647547689 $rten = Round($55,0) Print($rten) $55 = 55.18975647547689 $rten = Round($55,1) Print($rten) $55 = 55.18975647547689 $rten = Round($55,2)...

Is There A Way To Get Previous Versions Of ARC

I have an older computer that has XP, is there a way to get ARC for it? I know EZ Robot does not support XP anymore.

My Introduction

Hi, My name is John. I have been reading the posts every day now so I figured I should introduce myself. I am an electronics technician, I like to say I know enough about electronics to be dangerous I am working on a robotic arm that I have to say without my EZ b I would have gving up a long time ago. Its the one thing that I have come accross in...

Slider Question At 45%

I hooked up two motors through a H bridge and everything seemed ok at first. I noticed that as I moved the slider up and down it had a shift in the speed on each motor. It appears that when the slider is at 45%, the ez-b output goes to 5 Volts. I thought maybe its a problem with my motors or H bridge, so I put a meter on another digital port. It...

Technical Capabilities Demostration

I am going to show the EZ everything to some people I work with. They are technically minded people. Is there anything I could show that would show the EZ-Bs upper abilities in speed , processing power or anything like that? Thanks in advance

New To Ez-Robot, Help, Getadc

Im new to EZ robot. I have motors connected through a sabertooth 2x12A controller to my robotic joint and I have read back from a potentiometer for position. I can see the position on the graphic display and the digital voltage readout. Everything is working as expected. I then assume, that for me to control it they way that I have to, I need to...
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