Release 2012.12.16.00

(Autonomous Robot Control Software)
Make robots with the easiest robot programming software. Experience user-friendly features that make any robot easy to program.

Change Release Notes

This release includes a few new EZ-Script commands for file operations and GUI enhancements.

  • EZ-Script Edit Window now saves the size of the window you resize to

  • Examples Menu has easier to read buttons

  • New EZ-Script File Operations (FileReadClose, FileReadReset, FileExists, FileReadEnd, FileReadChar, FileReadLine, FileReadAll)

  • New EZ-Script function for splitting string into fields - Split()

  • Speech Recognition Control includes Audio Level Graph

The File Operations Example Project will demonstrate how to perform EZ-Script File Operations for Reading, Writing and Parsing. Choose Examples and select the File Operations project.

File Operation Example Project

User-inserted image

New Speech Recognition Control with Audio Level

User-inserted image

File Write Example

# This  EZ-Script will log the positions of 
# servos D3 and D4 in the specified file. 
# The loop will repeat 10 times for 10 seconds

$filename = "c:\temp\myfile.txt"


$cnt = 0
$max = 10


  print("Writing line $cnt or $max")

  FileWrite($filename, "Time: $time")
  FileWrite($filename, ", Left Servo: GetServo(d3)")
  FileWriteLine($filename, ", Right Servo: GetServo(d4)")

  $cnt = $cnt + 1

  if ($cnt = $max)



File Read Example

$filename = "c:\temp\myfile.txt"

if (FileExists($filename) = false)
  print("File does not exist")



  $txt = FileReadLine($filename)

  print("Read: $txt")

  if (FileReadEnd($filename) = true)
    print("End Of File")


File Read with Splitting Fields By Coma Seperator Using SPLIT() Function

# Reads a file and seperates each field by a comma.
# The Split() function will return a
# specified field index

$filename = "c:\temp\myfile.txt"

if (FileExists($filename) = false)
  print("File does not exist")


$cnt = 1


  $txt = FileReadLine($filename)

  $DateField = Split($txt, ",", 0)
  $LeftArmField = Split($txt, ",", 1)
  $RightArmField = Split($txt, ",", 2)

  print("Row: $cnt")
  print("Date: $DateField")
  print("Left Arm: $LeftArmField")
  print("Right Arm: $RightArmField")

  if (FileReadEnd($filename) = true)
    print("End Of File")

  $cnt = $cnt + 1

SPLIT() Example #1

$x="one, two, three"

$first=split($x, ",", 0)
$second=split($x, ",", 1)

print("First Field is: $first")
print("Second Field is: $second")

SPLIT() Example #2

$x="one - two - three"

$first=split($x, "-", 0)
$second=split($x, "-", 1)

print("First Field is: $first")
print("Second Field is: $second")

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  • Load and run any ARC project
  • Operates in read-only mode
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  • Early access fixes & features

Have you finished programming your robot? Use this to run existing ARC projects for free*.

  • Minimum requirements are Windows 10 or higher with 2+gb ram and 500+MB free space.
  • Recommended requirements are Windows 10 or higher with 8+gb ram and 1000+MB free space.
  • ARC Free known-issues can be viewed by clicking here.
  • Get more information about each ARC edition by clicking here.
  • See what's new in the latest versions with Release notes.

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Feature ARC
  Get ARC for Free View Plans
Usage Personal
Early access to new features & fixes Yes
Simultaneous microcontroller connections* 1 255
Robot skills* 20 Unlimited
Skill Store plugins* 1 Unlimited
Cognitive services usage** 10/day 6,000/day
Auto-positions gait actions* 40 Unlimited
Speech recongition phrases* 10 Unlimited
Camera devices* 1 Unlimited
Vision resolution max 320x240 Unlimited
Interface builder* 2 Unlimited
Cloud project size 128 MB
Cloud project revision history Yes
Create Exosphere requests 50/month
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* Per robot project
** 1,000 per cognitive type (vision recognition, speech recognition, face detection, sentiment, text recognition, emotion detection, azure text to speech)


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D.J. You are Truely Amazing! and part Magician , I think.



awesome DJ great work,looking forward to the next the speech recognition add-on


FRED tells me to DOWNLOAD immediatly......Thank you so much "robotinDJskies" very appeciative ,Glen(FRED'S master):)


Sweet! ARC, the gift that keeps on giving!


Thanks again DJ! Again wish I was not stuck in a hotel room and could be building and testing! Soon.


DJ looking at you file read command looks very good,i did have a question about adding my own jokes using text file ,but this will work,i know you can look up jokes on the internet with a script ,but not the same thing,good to put different jokes on a text file and random read them GREAT JOB DJ


@Robotmaker...DJ has an example of script for random speech using varibles called nouns, verbs and adjectives and randomly mixes themup EXAMPLE 23!...sometimes they ARE very could do the same for you joke idea.. :)


yes i saw that before,i had plans to use it i see this board EZB needs a lot and a lot of programming in scripts

United Kingdom

It doesn't NEED it, but it makes it better. Luckily writing the scripts is easy (or EZ):)


RobotMaker, you won't be asking as many questions once you start using it:)

To give you an idea, there are many thousand users of the EZB, and we only have a few ppl who ask questions on the forum:). The rest just use it, or learn from watching some of these questions. Everything you have ever asked is possible and easy within ARC, but you'll need to actually use it first lol:)

That is the reason our forum rules strictly limit posts to helpful EZ-Robot building information. We receive thousands of unique visitors viewing the forum daily, and they are mostly existing users. The forum is a knowledge of community support to help others and define new feature suggestions. There are many thousand existing forums online that will provide you're daily dose of drama - just not here:) we're building robots and changing the world!