Release 2012.11.05.00

(Autonomous Robot Control Software)
Make robots with the easiest robot programming software. Experience user-friendly features that make any robot easy to program.

Change Release Notes

This release is another tiny one with a big impact for those of you who miss the drop-downs for selecting options. A few releases ago we updated the UI to a new control which requires holding the mouse and dragging the cursor in the appropiate direction. Although many of us like it, some of you miss the old style.

Well, now the Drop Down item list has been restored if one of these two conditions are met:

  1. Right Click on a control displays DropDownList


  1. When HTTP Server is ENABLED displays DropDownList always
  • Right click on parameters to show Down Down list
  • HTTP Server makes all parameter fields Drop Down lists
  • New ControlCommand() for HTTP Server [StartServer, StopServer]
  • HTTP Server Image Compression adjustment for high and low bandwidth connections


ARC Downloads

ARC Free


  • Includes one free 3rd party plugin robot skill per project
  • Trial cloud services
  • Free with trial limitations

For schools, personal use & organizations. This edition is updated every 6-12 months.



Only $8.99/mo

  • 2 or more PCs simultaneously
  • Includes unlimited skills
  • Cloud backup
  • And much more

Experience the latest features and bug fixes weekly. A Pro subscription is required to use this edition.



  • Load and run any ARC project
  • Operates in read-only mode
  • Unlimited robot skills
  • Early access fixes & features

Have you finished programming your robot? Use this to run existing ARC projects for free*.

  • Minimum requirements are Windows 10 or higher with 2+gb ram and 500+MB free space.
  • Recommended requirements are Windows 10 or higher with 8+gb ram and 1000+MB free space.
  • ARC Free known-issues can be viewed by clicking here.
  • Get more information about each ARC edition by clicking here.
  • See what's new in the latest versions with Release notes.

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Feature ARC
  Get ARC for Free View Plans
Usage Personal
Early access to new features & fixes Yes
Simultaneous microcontroller connections* 1 255
Robot skills* 20 Unlimited
Skill Store plugins* 1 Unlimited
Cognitive services usage** 10/day 6,000/day
Auto-positions gait actions* 40 Unlimited
Speech recongition phrases* 10 Unlimited
Camera devices* 1 Unlimited
Vision resolution max 320x240 Unlimited
Interface builder* 2 Unlimited
Cloud project size 128 MB
Cloud project revision history Yes
Create Exosphere requests 50/month
Exosphere API access Contact Us
Volume license discounts Contact Us
  Get ARC for Free View Plans
* Per robot project
** 1,000 per cognitive type (vision recognition, speech recognition, face detection, sentiment, text recognition, emotion detection, azure text to speech)


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With Synthiam ARC Pro, you're not just programming a robot; you're shaping the future of automation, one innovative idea at a time.


Yep, he was right, DJ your a robot!

Thank you for the update!


Hey DJ, i had some time to work on my Wall-E again, installed the latest release and immediately got an error that the soundboard could not play any of the MP3s, everything was working perfectly in the older version before the new interface. What's up?

User-inserted image


Perhaps an uninstall, reboot, reinstall. Sometimes Windows does strange things - out of my control:)


Same problem DJ. Even cleared registry with ccleaner. Is there anything else I should be installing before installing this? Obviously already installed Microsoft's .NET 4 to be able to install this. Not saying your fault, just don't know what is going on and Wall-E is a bit upset:(.


DJ, i ran into this problem once before that it was only able to play .WAV file, then you fixed it to support MP3 files, and i think we're back to the same problem because i just loaded a .wav file and it played.


In tests, I can play mp3 and WAv. I cannot reproduce the error. The code of the soundboard has not changed in many months. Post your project and ill see what error I receive


That's too bad, i was hoping it was the same issue last time.

Even when i start a new project then just load the sound module, i get the same exact error with MP3. So i don't think its the project file error.

Update: I even just now clean up all Microsoft .NET Framework and reinstall version 4, uninstall ARC, restart, install it again and still the same format error, strange.


I get the same issue with sound files of my own... I don't use it as much yet so I never noticed till I saw this post and tested. .WAV play fine but the same error as @Louis_T when trying to play .MP3

User-inserted image


I cannot reproduce the error - very strange. I can play every audio file in your project with no errors. Great selection of Wall-e audio btw! Some real good ones in there:)

Hmmmmmmmmmmmm this is a toughy


Thanks DJ, some of those sound i custom made them using a Wav editing program, especially the starting/charging sequence, I couldn't find some of them on the net so I made it. Well I hope you can figure out what's happening here, @gunner...glad I'm not the only one :-)


I found it... I am able to reproduce the error on another computer. It works fine on my development machine, and not on another. I'll have it fixed for the next version as usual:)

It's amazing how big the differences can be between different processor manufacturers and windows versions. The low level interop calls seem to be unpredictable


Wow...glad it was not my system:)
