Release 2012.06.18.00

(Autonomous Robot Control Software)
Make robots with the easiest robot programming software. Experience user-friendly features that make any robot easy to program.

Change Release Notes

Do you have a RoboSapien toy kicking around? Time to do something awesome with it! This EZ-Robot release implements a few new awesomeness! Yeah, "awesomeness" is a word. With the new firmware update from this release, you may now follow our tutorial video and control your RoboSapien v1 and v2.

This release also implements a long over due feature for file associations. The .EZB files are now associated with ARC, this also includes downloadable internet files too. When you are on the community forum, and someone has pasted an EZB file, you can click and select OPEN. The file will be openned into ARC directly. Also, you can double-click any EZB file on your drive and open ARC.

  • RoboSapien Movement Panel
  • RoboSapien EZ-Script commands (all remote commands supported)
  • File Associations
  • 4800 BPS Baud Serial Support

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  • Includes one free 3rd party plugin robot skill per project
  • Trial cloud services
  • Free with trial limitations

For schools, personal use & organizations. This edition is updated every 6-12 months.



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  • 2 or more PCs simultaneously
  • Includes unlimited skills
  • Cloud backup
  • And much more

Experience the latest features and bug fixes weekly. A Pro subscription is required to use this edition.



  • Load and run any ARC project
  • Operates in read-only mode
  • Unlimited robot skills
  • Early access fixes & features

Have you finished programming your robot? Use this to run existing ARC projects for free*.

  • Minimum requirements are Windows 10 or higher with 2+gb ram and 500+MB free space.
  • Recommended requirements are Windows 10 or higher with 8+gb ram and 1000+MB free space.
  • ARC Free known-issues can be viewed by clicking here.
  • Get more information about each ARC edition by clicking here.
  • See what's new in the latest versions with Release notes.

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Feature ARC
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Usage Personal
Early access to new features & fixes Yes
Simultaneous microcontroller connections* 1 255
Robot skills* 20 Unlimited
Skill Store plugins* 1 Unlimited
Cognitive services usage** 10/day 6,000/day
Auto-positions gait actions* 40 Unlimited
Speech recongition phrases* 10 Unlimited
Camera devices* 1 Unlimited
Vision resolution max 320x240 Unlimited
Interface builder* 2 Unlimited
Cloud project size 128 MB
Cloud project revision history Yes
Create Exosphere requests 50/month
Exosphere API access Contact Us
Volume license discounts Contact Us
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* Per robot project
** 1,000 per cognitive type (vision recognition, speech recognition, face detection, sentiment, text recognition, emotion detection, azure text to speech)


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Nice work DJ, can finally test out that MP3 player...Thank you:)

Could you add MP3 support for soundboard in future release? don't understand why you did only WAV format.

United Kingdom

Just noticed the extra Robosapien script commands Burp & Fart :) Hilarious

I predict a run on Robosapien Robots well done


Louis, the sound board supports MP3 format. Only some mp3 bitrates are supported.


what's the maximum supported bitrate?


This is fantastic! very easy the modification Robosapiens, everything is controlled from the port d0? fantastic again!:D

United Kingdom

D1 in this case I think he said. Or should that be the DJ port.....


@DJ I considered 96kbps/128kbps low bitrates MP3s but still can't play them. I think any lower bitrates would greatly reduced sound quality and unnecessarily. Why is there a limit on MP3 bitrate? I mean it plays on the PC, not thru EZ-B afterall. Not a complaint, just curious as there may be a good reason for it.


Great job DJ. I have a version 1 robo, I'll try this hack. Is there any chance you could post a straight on still frame as to where exactly to solder the wires? hard to tell from the video.



Thanks everyone.

@Fxrtst it's good to see you back. Thanks:) .. About the picture - once you open the robosapien, it will be very clear where to solder. It's labelled as i state in the video. Just pause the video on the frame if you need to see:)

@Louis I think you're mistaken - Windows Media Player is what plays your MP3 audio in Windows. ARC is a different program. Writing an MP3 decoder is a little more work than you would imagine.

Try the new release file i put up today and see if it works for your bitrate. It's release 2010.06.19.00


@DJ I know what you mean. I was thinking that since ARC is playing the audio on the PC and not using any resource on EZ-B, it'd be great to play high quality music thru the robot's speakers some time instead of just robot voice and noises:). Just something to consider improving. I'll try the new release. Thank you!

Update: New release works perfectly, even on higher birates, you're awesome!


Hi DJ, First of all I would like to thank you for the amazing features you just added to ARC! And I have noticed with the latest release that the "repeat" box, in the settings of the EZ Script, between the name and debug, is no longer there. The issue here is that this is a key feature that use extensively to accomplish many useful actions in my programs. Would it be possible to restore it please in a future update?



@nicolson the repeat box has been removed due to the new compiler. To repeat a script, do the following:


# code goes here


The reason for the change is due to EZ-Robot conforming to some software development standards for educational use. I put that in because it was a neat feature, but does not conform to development procedures. To properly loop is to properly understand your development environment:)

For example, after a bit of EZ-Script, you will eventually begin using VB or C# scripting controls due to learning:D


Thx DJ! You definitely want me to progress in my programming skills.;)


Hello DJ I really dont understand wich microcontroler it is an ardiuno but which one. and wat do you need to connect with the ardiuno do you need connect to the motors how many wires because i have buyed the robo kit and robospaien V1 but i really dont get it how to send the program to the controller and is the robot hacked and how do you send the program to the ardiuno. and the program i really need help i need the scheme of how its put in together because its an school project and i need the details of what im doing thats why please Dj help and sorry for my english i hope you understand me. thanks

United Kingdom

Hi wajih_sethi

Its not an Arduino board that interfaces to the Robosapien and other robots that you can build yourself. You need the EZ-B board that DJ sells on this website. There are lots of tutorials on here that tell you exactly what to do and how everything works

Arduino is a great open source platform but here we are only talking about EZ-B which has thousands of lines of code and and interface program in ARC that runs on your PC all built by DJ that takes all the hard work out of building robots well all the hard programming work in any case.

I suggest you download ARC (its free) and look at the options it has then review all the tutorials. Everything you need is here


Thanks so the microcontroller is called EZ i have the kit but my teacher was asking al the time wich controller is it so i was under pressure and he was asking also what to do with the motors so you dont need connect the motors thats a releaf but what about hacking the robot because its sometime stressfull because its something it needed to be clear what im doing and can also program in for programmers but you dont have an tutorial of that


United Kingdom

Yes its is a PIC microcontroller that is called EZ-B

For the Robosapien click here for tutorial

For another robot you need to add a motor controller like a H bridge such as a Sabertooth board. Or even easier use modified servos to drive the wheels of something they connect directly to the EZ-B board.

As an example each project in ARC can have one movement control which then controls the robots movement and interfaces with any other control you might add to your ARC project. So if you configured a movement control for your robot or Robosapien then you could simply add a Joystick or Wii remote control and that will control your robot without doing anything else. Thats the genius of ARC and the EZ-B board.

You will have to able to do some simple soldering and understand some basic concepts and you'll be fine

Perhaps your teacher should look on this site?

Pleased you have the kit thats a good start


So it doesnt need to hack you just connect the power or your ez-b to your robot on/of button and another wire for your cam and the joystick does it connect by it self or you need to do something for that

United Kingdom

As I said follow the tutorials


But on the robosapien you have also 7 motors but you need only connect the power to the ez-b controller and the IR sensor to the port D0 D1 but how do you connect the camera

And i wanted to ask do have this product in stock because my friend wanted to buy one also

if you can help thanks


@wajih_sethi Welcome:) The camera is wireless and does not require a connection - unless you wish to provide direct power to the camera instead of using the internal batteries.

Here is a link with a tutorial video:

And yes, there are plenty of EZ-Robot Complete Kits in stock:D



Hey DJ thanks for your replay

And the servo motor where do you connect it because you use the power on the controller and the IR SENSOr on the ports D0 and D1 and where to connect the servo motor


Hello Sethi, please follow the tutorial section on our website. The EZ-B Controller has 20 digital ports and 8 analog ports. The 20 digital ports can automatically control servos, serial devices, etc.. It's magic, really:)




Hello I tested the standard servo and its great but when i try speach recenation its gives an error of ad control can you help and i watched the tutorial of servo(D14,1) but if i click on the speech recenation but the rest work perfect thanks:)


User-inserted image

this is the problem hope you can help


Sethi, that is a strange error. I can not reproduce. Can you open DEBUG and tell me if anything is displayed in the DEBUG window?

  • What operating system are you using?
  • Does your computer have a sound card?

I use the newest version of ARC thats come when i debug EZB 0: Attempting connection to COM5 EZ-B reports EZ-B Firmware V16 Connected Disconnected Disconnected Attempting connection to COM5 EZ-B reports EZ-B Firmware V16 Connected Error with speech recognition init: Toegang geweigerd. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80070005 (E_ACCESSDENIED)) Error loading phrases (Custom): Value cannot be null. Parameter name: collection Error loading phrases (Custom): Value cannot be null. Parameter name: collection Error loading phrases (Custom): Value cannot be null. Parameter name: collection Vuzix Open Error: System.ApplicationException: Could not connect to VR920: 55 at EZ_B.Vuzix.Open()

EZB 1: EZB 2: EZB 3: EZB 4:

im using windows 7 normally it needed to work or need i connect something extra for voice


"Toegang geweigerd" means access denied.

Your user profile does not seem to have permission. If you are not the administrator of that computer, ask for speech recognition permission. Otherwise, your account is limited.


hey Dj

I wanted to ask what how do mean by Digital Controls - Set Digital for robosapien on port D19 it goes automatic on but i dont connect the port how does this port work then

and i didt connet the ez controller direct to robosapien but i did i used 6 x AA Battery Holder & Adapter does it matter


Hey i wanted to ask where to get those Glyph pictures which you use in one of your videos and i tried the new ARC the most updated one but i can not work on that maybe is it because my laptop is dutch on mine other laptop is use the old version and this work great mayube you need the english version of window seven thankss


Also, pressing the ? on the Camera Control will bring you to the settings page:)


I am currently using the robosapien v1, how can I send command to the EZ-B for the arms and finger movements?

United Kingdom

@pjdatechy please make a new topic or post in one which is relevant, you will find that you'll receive more help that way.

All robosapien commands are in the script manual. Add an EZ-Script control and look in the right hand panel of the configuration/script dialogue, every command is listed.


Hey thx for the glyph pdf DJ did with the omnibot with a bal when the omnobot sees the ball he says with the command or script Say(I see the ball) can this work on the Robosapien and for glyph picture first you upload it i did and you have also glyps script glyph 1: Robosapien(walking forward) maybe its wrong or you need to write something else to move the robosapien

bcse its mine final project and i am nervous thats why i ask so much question and thanks


Hello! I wonder how you connected the camera on the robot and made it move using qrcode. you have a tutorial on using the camera robosapien? stress


Hello to the group. I'm a total newbie to robotics but, have RC experience with airplanes, helicopters, and cars. When I'm not building, repairing, or flying my planes, I scour the internet for interesting stuff. I'm fully retired (yee haww we say in Texas) and there are days when I "need" something to do.
I have recently discovered and become fascinated with the E-Z Robot site and systems offered. I'm particularly interested in the mods/hacks DJ has done to the commercial "toy" robots and in particular the Wow Wee brand of bots. I am very excited about the Robosapien mods, both versions, and am currently scouring the web for the right bot at the right price.
I'm strongly drawn to the V2 because of it's interactivity. The wiring issues with the V2 worry me. Is there a mod to enable the V1 to use the vocalizations of the V2? If so, that would make my decision very easy.
I'm looking forward to this project and the challenge it presents. Today a Robosapien, tomorrow ...who knows?


Welcome rowdyjoe! and happy retirement. You will find lots of great community and support here at EZB! Good timing on the Robosapien V2 topic. A friend of mine just gave me a robosapian V2 he acquired from a garage sale and everything works perfectly......but first things first is to review ALL the support videos and go from there!:)


irobot58 Thanks for the welcome. Congrats on your V2. I'm still scouring for a decent unit at a decent price but, I did snag a V1 a few minutes ago from ebay. Now the fun begins. I need to scrounge up enough dough from my piggy bank to buy the EZb, etc. I should have the V1 in about a week and can hardly wait.

BTW ...I am happy in retirement but, my wife thinks I'm too happy sometimes. :)



Ahhhhhhh ! I just discovered that ARC requires Win. 7 or 8 and I'm still running Vista. Is there an older version I can download and use? I hate to change OS because Vista is really working well for me.


United Kingdom

You must be one of very few people who have Vista running well...

Vista has issues in itself which cause issues using ARC. There are some older versions (12 months old or so) which can run on XP and Vista however you lose a lot of functions, may include some bugs and are unsupported. They are not available to download from here, your only saviour would be if a member has a copy.

It's highly recommended that you upgrade to Windows 7 or Windows 8. You will find huge improvements in everything if you upgrade. The cost to upgrade to Windows 7 or 8 should not be too much at the moment and both should run on anything that could run Vista however you may require Windows 7 Starter or a low rent version/stripped down version.


Rich, Thanks for the reply. I've had this PC for a long time and have since tamed Vista ...with whip and chair.:) Actually, it's been a solid OS for me from the beginning.
I was afraid the answer you gave was the answer I would get. Guess I'd better start looking for an upgrade.



Computers a dirt cheap now days... Just bite the bullet and get yourself a used Win7 machine... ;)


That's a good idea. Maybe I could find a laptop so I won't be tied down to a fixed position.
Win. 7 is still available for purchase and if I can find a reasonably priced "upgrade" I won't have to reformat and reinstall everything on this machine. I just went through that when this computer crashed during a lightening storm. Power flickered on and off faster than I could hit the off switch and it scrambled my OS. The remedy was a complete reinstall. Ugh.



Looks like it might be better and a bit less expensive to go with Win 8.



In regards to the RoboSapien, I opened mine up today and my board has the ground and IR in the right spots but mine is labeled IR-Out. Is that the right one? I'm just asking because I think it would be an IR Receive (or something) since it's receiving commands from the ezb. Could someone clear this up for me? Also, is he soldering the pads or the pins in the video?

And my power switch has a slightly different board. I'm geussing possitive would go to the Vcc but where should I solder the negative? There's an In, Out, Vcc, 2x Fr, and one (bottom left in the pic) that isn't labled unless that's another In?

The power switch:

User-inserted image

Here's my board:

User-inserted image

I'm just not sure what one to use. I know the Black circle is Gnd but would I solder my other wire to the Red, Yellow or Blue circle?

User-inserted image

Thanks in advance.