Release 2012.02.17.00

(Autonomous Robot Control Software)
Make robots with the easiest robot programming software. Experience user-friendly features that make any robot easy to program.

Change Release Notes

Hello! Here are the details of the 2012.02.17.00 release.

HTTP Server Live Control

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  • The new Live control in the HTTP server allows connected devices to interact with ARC in real-time over the web browser. This includes ipad, iphone, android, firefox, safari, internet explorer, and even blackberry. Do people still use blackberry?
  • Does not require any additional plug-ins or activex stuff:) . It's just magic!
  • Now you can control your robot at home from the office with your phone

Brookestone Rover Support

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  • ARC now supports connectivity to the Brookstone Rover and the Rover's Camera.
  • The brookstone rover panel works like all other panels - speech recognition, joystick, wii, webserver, camera tracking, etc...

Camera Control

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  • I've made the camera control size adjustable. You can full screen the image, if you'd like to see large pixels:). Or you can hide the settings and fit the window somewhere snug away.

Pulse Width Modulation

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  • The new pulse width modulation control allows pulses of current to simulate voltage control. This means you can adjust the speed of an HBridge, or the brightness of an LED

Touch Pad Movement

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  • Drag your finger or the mouse cursor and sketch the route of your robot. When you release your finger, or mouse the robot will drive that path.
  • This control compliments any movement panel.
  • Control takes some configuration to adjust turn distance and forward speeds.

Touch Movement

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  • Instead of using a regular movement panel, this is great for tablets. Lets you drag your finger on the screen to move the robot.
  • Controls any movement panel.

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  • Includes one free 3rd party plugin robot skill per project
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For schools, personal use & organizations. This edition is updated every 6-12 months.



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  • Load and run any ARC project
  • Operates in read-only mode
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  • Early access fixes & features

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  • Minimum requirements are Windows 10 or higher with 2+gb ram and 500+MB free space.
  • Recommended requirements are Windows 10 or higher with 8+gb ram and 1000+MB free space.
  • ARC Free known-issues can be viewed by clicking here.
  • Get more information about each ARC edition by clicking here.
  • See what's new in the latest versions with Release notes.

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Feature ARC
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Usage Personal
Early access to new features & fixes Yes
Simultaneous microcontroller connections* 1 255
Robot skills* 20 Unlimited
Skill Store plugins* 1 Unlimited
Cognitive services usage** 10/day 6,000/day
Auto-positions gait actions* 40 Unlimited
Speech recongition phrases* 10 Unlimited
Camera devices* 1 Unlimited
Vision resolution max 320x240 Unlimited
Interface builder* 2 Unlimited
Cloud project size 128 MB
Cloud project revision history Yes
Create Exosphere requests 50/month
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* Per robot project
** 1,000 per cognitive type (vision recognition, speech recognition, face detection, sentiment, text recognition, emotion detection, azure text to speech)


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And here are a few new videos for you:)

United Kingdom

Yes people still use Blackberry! Reading this on my BlackBerry Playbook. Support Canadian and all that!


@steveburkett good to know!:)


AWESOME!!!! Thanx DJ!


Fantastic as always DJ! "Touch map" I find it very useful, perhaps in cleaning robots to plan their journeys. PWM is absolutely brilliant! http is very practical for surveillance!:)


Unfortunately, neither the live control, passive, or camera view work with any browser on any of my Android phones (all currently android 2.3.x (Gingerbread). I just get a "?" in a box where there should be an image. Movement control does work. On my Motorola Xoom Tablet (Android 3.4 - Honeycomb) everything works. I am going to upgrade one of the phones with a custom Android 4 Rom and will let you know if that works.

One suggestion is to add movement controls to the live camera view page. then you can really use the device for remote control when you can't see the robot without trying to see the whole computer screen on the phone or tablet.

I do love the touch control and touch map when driving Boxbot from my Xoom. Very cool controls.

Does PWM need to be combined with a script if controlling an H-Bridge, or can I use the H-Bridge Movement Panel to give the direction commands and the PWM sets the speed? I am going to be ordering a high power H-Bridge for my wheelchair motors, and speed control will be critical to keep it from crashing into furniture or runnign over the cat:)



@thetechguru I follow script javascript and html references, so if it doesn't work on those opensource browsers, there is nothing i can do, sadly.

Ah great idea! I'll add the camera to the movement page:)

In the next few releases, you'll see pwm being merged with the hbridge control. As well as a few other speed control features.


Are you using html5 for the graphic stuff? That would explain why it works in android 3 but not 2.3 and below.

Great news on the PWM. I am holding out on ordering a Sabertooth 2x25 or a pair of HB25's until I see what EZ-bits come out and at what cost. I need to handle 24 volts and 17amps at top speed.



For the Sabertooth, you won't need PWM. For Sabertooth you'll use R/C mode, which is the bestest way to use Sabertooth.

I use javascript and reference html objects.


I don't want to drag this too off topic, but with the Sabertooth in R/C mode, I would use the modified servo panel rather than the H-Bridge panel, and you will be returning speed control to modified servo somewhere on your todo list. Is that correct?

Since you gave instructions for Sabertooth, is it safe to assume that the high power H-Bridge EZ-Bits you have mentioned won't be 17 amps or higher, or are you just not ready to say? :)



Back on topic... I upgraded my old Droid Incredible to Android 4 (Ice Cream Sandwich). Not official build from Verizon or HTC, but a custom rom. The standard browser DOES work with ARC there, like it does in Honeycomb. Good news for me because that is the device I was planning on building a wrist holder for and using for robot control anyway, and good news for anyone with a fairly recent Android phone (since most will get ICS upgrades this year) or those willing to root and use custom roms since clearly Google has changed something in the browser that makes it work with the capabilities you are using for remote control.



@Thetechguru , download Dolphin HD from the marketplace. In settings change view from android to desktop view. That will process html like normal desktop browser. once downloaded select menu key while browser is open , select settings at the bottom , select "dolphin settings" then select "user agent" and change this to desktop view. delete cache and cookies afterwards. This should fix your issue.


I tried Dolphin, but it uses the aame rendering engine as the defaukt browser. Also tried Firefox and a few others. None work on Gingerbread.



DJ, Very cool new features... this will force me to upgrade my EZB software:) Now I just wish Google would upgrade my Nexus S to ICS:P Alan if you ever find a way to get it working on gingerbread let us know.


I will. In the mean time, Splashtop Remote works as a great remote desktop and is optimized for video so it keeps up well with the camera. I think there is a free trial version, and the paid is worth the price.



I have recently retired the EZ-B complete kit but when I try to connect I get a message telling you to download the latest version, but after downloading the latest version from the site continues to appear to me the same message, you know why?


I'm guessing you mean received(retired). Try removing ARC from your computer then redownload the new version, always better to remove and redownload instead of updating.


How are you updating, make sure you use the firmware updater?


when you download the ARC from the site there is a program to update the firmware so each time DJ puts out an update you have to update the firmware on the EZ-B board itself and also redownload ARC for its new features. Remove ARC via Control Panel/Uninstall Program redownload ARC off here when finished downloading there should be a EZ-B firmware Updater under ARC folder.


The message also provides you with a YES, NO, CANCEL dialog. If you read the message, you may press YES and watch a video tutorial on how to update the firmware.


the correct port for my EZ-B is COM40 but if I put that I get this message:

Attempting connection to COM40 Comm Err: operation timeout. BbytesToExpect: 1

Received: Disconnected Connection Failed: System.Exception: Controller Not Responding in EZ_B.EZB.Connect (String portName) Disconnected

and I start to connect ONLY with COM3, but it is not the right one shortly after I get the message:

Attempting connection to COM3 EZ-EZ-B reports B Firmware V8, 5 Connected Press the UPDATE button to start upgrade ping Usending ping Usending Usending bootloader Failed to load bootloader! Have you selected the correct COM port B-EZ? Use the Help menu option to view the online help and watch a video demonstration.

and so I can not update the firmware and I can not use the EZ-B

You know why I can not update?


I managed to start the upgrade but when the bar fills up at the end of the upgrade does not stop but continues and never ends. But I did not understand what is the contents of the utility that I need to copy and paste.

thank you; Have a nice day


If you watch the video, it will explain every detail. You can watch the video here:


the beginning of the download works fine but when the bar is completely siempie then nothing happens, I tried to wait even longer than 15 minutes but nothing happens, remain the same as in writing:

Attempting connection to COM40 EZ-EZ-B reports B Firmware V2 Connected Press the UPDATE button to start upgrade Starting the Boot Loader ...

sending ping sending ping sending bootloader I am EZ-B BootLoader. Gimmie Firmware!

Updating ... (16,384 Bytes)

appears and then nothing, so is doing nothing, but I do not report errors, remains the way it is.

Thank you :)


2 things to add:

  1. Never have ARC opened while your updating the firmware

  2. the update should only take around 5 minutes during the update while it says: Updating ... (16,384 Bytes) watch the progress bar it will update as the data is transfered when the firmware is completed updating it will tell you to restart the EZ-B at this point close the Firmware Updater and then unplug the power to the EZ-B and replug power back in at this point your ez-b should be updated and ready for combat


when I get the message: Updating ... (16,384 Bytes) of the bar loading begins to elongate, but when the bar is full of all nothing happens, whether I close the EZ-B (as I usually do) and if I leave and open my new EZ-B is brand, I opened it yesterday!


possibly not able to complete the upgrade because my version of firmware is V2 and is too low compared to the V15, 2, can be so?


I am sure DJ will help in anyway to see this issue resolved I have never seen my board have an issue of not sucessfully upgrading the firmware, and I've had alot of updates I had to do as DJ went through a phase of never leaving his computer LOL.


I do think that the software does not feel the EZ-B because if when it comes to writing: I am EZ-B BootLoader. Gimmie Firmware! If I unplug the EZ-B before the appearance of next word (Updating. .. 16,384 bytes) (but also after) does not give me any error message, but even if I turn off the wi-fi!


I don't think it is wise to unplug your ez-b while it is attempting to upgrade the firmware. What bluetooth device are u using to interface with the ez-b board?


I disconnected the only 2 times, once after 34 minutes, and another to see if he said something, though the bluetooth is built into your computer and do not know what model it is.:(


hey DJ, does HTTP server live control needs a strong internet connection to have a fast response in the web browser or it just depends on pc/laptop/android/ipad/iphone specs?


Faster the kbps rating and ping time the better your response will be. Its impractical to control it remotely without high speed / broadband class internet. Phones or tablets with a descent 3g connection or higher should work well.