Wall-e From Czech Republic


Czech Republic
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The first real but not main reason for Wall-E construction was that my son loves movie Wall-E and the second one was that I lost my son because of his abduction by his mother from his home and subsequent divorce in a country where the law is just a piece of paper. This (Wall-E robot construction) was and is a way I could be with my son.

So back to the project. Wall-E from Louis T was an inspiration for me. But I found own way how to solve construction challenges, how to replace wrong or destroyed servos etc.

List of necessary parts: EZB Board V3 Metal gear digital high speed modified continuous servos for wheels - HS5245MG Micro metal gear servos for wheels tilt -HS81MG. Mini metal gear servos for vertical arms movements - HS81MG. Micro servos for horizontal arms movement -HS56HB. Micro metal gear servo for vertical neck tilt -DS-939MG. Micro metal gear servo for horizontal neck movements-HS81MG. Micro servos for individual eye movement DYS 0202. Sub-micro servos/mods for eye's lid animation HK 282 with voltage regulator 5V/3,3V. Get rid of dummy cables in the head, run all servos/camera wires from head down the same way and use heat shrink/black nylon mesh for realistic look. Red and white high power LEDs between eyes. Mock up left eye's lens. Analog Sharp GP2Y0D805Z0F IR Range Sensor HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Range Finder Wirelless 2,4G camera 199MP3 Module SD memory card Dual 3W amplifier BT module BEC 5V separate power supply for amplifier LiIon Battery monitor and old toy U-Command Wall-E from eBay LiIon Accu - 3,4Ah 7,2V and with protection circuit 5A

One image replaces a thousand words, so now I will use pictures with short description:

  1. Dissasembly:

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  2. Installation of 1st Floor

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  3. For installation of hands I used little bit different approach then Louis T

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  4. Installation of 2nd Floor

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  5. Installation of 3rd Floor and Neck

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6.Installation of Head with Eyes

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7.Electronic circuit installation

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First proposal was not good

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Accu was too big and heavy

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I had to find another solution - smaller 2 accus LiIon 18650 Panasonic 3,4Ah cells with protection circuit

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Smalll update of Head -Eyes moving

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Better solution with final placement of cables, mp3 circuit, comm BT

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First charging process

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Charging connector and Wall e looking at my son

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Video with Wall-E object recognition and sensor tests will follow...

By — Last update


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ARC Pro will give you immediate updates and new features needed to unleash your robot's potential!


Very good picture progress! Good job on the servo placement as well.... I am looking forward to seeing Wall-E move!:)

Czech Republic

Details of volume control, IR sensor and Wall-E switch on/off

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Video from the first test is here:


hey the IR sensor at the bottom, are hose for edge detection? does it work? i like the set up and was thinking of adding this feature to my wall-E



Loved the video! The tracking went very well! Well done donesvarc!


awesome how he spots the red item.:D

Czech Republic

To @hoolagen1: Yes, it is hose for edge detection. I will attach video with test.

Czech Republic

I know, that board v3 is out, but it is good opportunity to test a lot of things in robotic area. This board has still good price/performance rate. Before I started working, I was solving the connectivity problem until I found out subsequently, that the delivered BT was faulty and so I ordered on eBay another. I did not deal with the claim, because sending to Canada was more expensive than buy another BT module with free shipping. Another factor was the time spent in solving many problems outside the building Wall-E.


very very very awesome


@donesvarc good work! now you can focus on wall-e's personality:)


Very nice so far. I'm very impressed. Nice workmanship and great pictures. :P

Czech Republic

I am watching Wall-E movie with my son to learn some gestures....


there is a wall E game too


Beautiful Wall-E. The gestures are smooth and genuine which I am very impressed by. Awesome job!:)

Czech Republic

Thanks, I plan some improvements - new IR sensor for side detection and gestures.


hey @donesvarc I'm originally from Prague! we should grab a pivo when I go visit my family :-)


I always did like the movable feet on Wall-E projects.

Czech Republic

To Jake Stika: Hello Jake, Pivo is fine. I can invite you. Let me know. Wall-e is fine and I plane another piece for my daughter because technological proces is known :-).


Hey great job, that actually gave me a few ideas. I am just started working on this project. Disassembled the robot and set up the software, I am now waiting for parts. Let me know if you have any specific tips.

Czech Republic

To: sgavit11... I will add two IR sensors within the better recognition of terrain in front of the robot.


I was curious how you did the voice. So I want him to say my name in the Wall-E tone that he says his name or something. I can type a set of replies in the program and he will say those words in his voice. Does anyone have a suggestion for this?


@sgavit11 He's using Wall-e sounds that you can find doing an internet search... Most people who have done the wall-e project just collect Wall-e sounds (wave or mp3) and use them with ARC's sound board control....



here are sounds off wall E and some others to.


to download from ez cloud.choose the one calt soundboard.


I already collected all the wall e sounds available on the internet. But I wanted wall-E's actual voice for any sentence that I might want him to say.


Hmmm, didn't know wall-e had an actual voice. I thought his entire vocabulary was all just sound affects created for the movie... However, If you do find a computer voice of Wall-e like Microsoft David or Anna please let us know... That would be very interesting....


i dont think wall E have actully voice only a few words like eva.

Czech Republic

Yes it is true. You need for the creation of new words or sentences voice synthesizer and it is not easy. However Wall-e knows only words from the movie, then it would not be Wall-e:D


Hi Donesvarc, First say that is an amazing job and you inspired me to buid one.

Following your job and Adria Garcia (http://diymakers.es/wall-e/#prettyPhoto), I'm trying to build my one Wall-e, but I'm having troubles to define low cost servo motors without loose quality, due Hitec seems really expensive.

How much cost all servomotors that you mention? And also, where you bought them? At hobbyking? Here at local stores, price of hitec is doubled:(, so I will have to find a european provider that have all range of servos.

By the way, I understood that requires to be metallic gears and digital to avoid tilt and be broken gears.

You believe that power hd servos could be an alternative servo to reduce costs?

Czech Republic

Adria's Wall-E is cool. Different model and different brain - arduino, but really cool. So. I used servos from hobbyking and from my old flying models. Hitec is expensive, true, but reliable. For moving of wall-e, head tilt and rotation is used servos with metal gear, complete metal gear. Digital servo version is not important. I used both analog and digital too. HD are good servos. But they must fit into the reduced space of robot. Please carefully check the servos dimension. Shops are not always true :-).

Czech Republic

I decided to continue in project. I would like to use more IR sensor for obstacles detection from different angles. I don't know why, but edge sensors after upgrade of SW are not reliable. they are very sensitive for different floor covers, carpets etc. I will change them for obstacle detection. I will also develop another behavior models.


Hi Donesvarc, Nice to hear your answer and pretty more great that you would work in it again (^_^)

Right now, a more or less pricing for me could cost about 400euros. So my question is: How about cost you mount wall-e? Is for have a estimative cost what is acceptable to pay and what is over expensive.

My first block is money:( and I only have wall-e toy dismounted and prepared to mixing your job and some other concepts of Adria's project. I'm affraid to waste money and not catch main objective of robot.

Do you have any first advice to me to start and then advance step by step following money possibilities? Due have robot open for much time I belive that would be a problem of dust and damage few components installed. I suppose that start for microcontroller + batery + main motors of wheels could be a possibility and then add motors every month or like that...

Also problem to do like this is travel costs of each online-shop; so I don't know what is best... Wait to earn all money and buy all, or buy in 2 or 3 times; to could afford more quick and could work through earning for new buying?

Sorry for writting you often, but is my first robot working from 0, learning through internet + some books, and I really appreciate your experiencies and from other buildiers to avoid errors and could done this wall-e experiencie that I'm so enthusiastic to do. blush

Following your project and news every month! I hope you have luck with edge and obstacle sensors. Also add some soft rubber or cardboard couldn't help you for this matter? Have a nice day!

Czech Republic

I think it is important to find the right servo drive belts and neck motion of the head. For others, it's almost one. Definitely pay attention to consuming drives, arms, neck, lifting belt drives. Servos must be metal. The dimensions of each servo needs to be measured.

I have built Wall-e with MCU V3. V4 is now easier. Anyway, it is necessary to solve the cameras connected to the MCU to fit the cabling into the braid.


Due I found some buildiers of WallE's I created a facebook club to try to join all people involved nowadays and share open information, photos, and ideas.

WallE buildiers club -- . https://www.facebook.com/groups/790473184415755/

As a reference of walle buildier, I want to invite to participate to this club and also people who has participated in ezrobot forum.


Hi Donesvarc,

I am very impressed on your job so I decided to follow your steps.

The first thing I am trying to figure out is the camera.

Can you provide detail product info of the camera module (manufacturer, model name)? I want to use same product because most of cameras that I've found doesn't fit into the Wall-E's eye.


Czech Republic

Camera is original from packet ez-robot v3. But you can find it also on e-bay pages or DX.com - KTZ-100MB.

2.4 wireless camera