Playing around learning the software . Camera and arm are next ! J.W.
By ww321q
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That's a wicked platform. are the tracks driven by servos?
The 2 servos that came in the kit. Butted together just made it on width . Started off as a toy from Walmart for $19.98 .
Smart! Great idea for a platform
Hmm. I think Box Bot may get an upgrade this weekend. I like the idea of treads, particularly on a little bot ehere the wheeld have trouble on carpet.
Tracks are always cool, and these are pretty cheap as a set.
where did you get that arm claw
It was the bucket for the backhoe. I split it in half then cutout the side and used that piece to reinforce the other side
i see that ,good idea looks good just got my board in,and made a order for 2 more
ww321q you have some genius hacking ideas! You're inspiring me to be more creative.
@skater_j10 it's about time you built a robot one of the most helpful guys here and still haven't finished anything yet!
@ww321q i agree with skater, you're a smart cookie
I've already changed the claw. I'm not using those aluminum brackets I made. I went to 3 small gear ssalvaged from the toys gearbox.I want to cram 2 small servos between the claws to keep it short. Once I get that done the rest if the arm should go right together. J.W.
Been busy for a week and out of town . Finally got to do a little more on testbot
Very nice, keep up the great work testbot is turning out great, alot of ideas for others to build on and incoroperate into their own.
great job,nice work on the claw using a different claw for my design.but using the same setup as yours,it little like the robotic claw they sell by robodyssey
but first finish my ROOMBA project,getting 2 more EZB in about a week,to have them for other projects then latter 3 more boards
I like those claws . Open wide ! I should use one on Buster ! J.W.
Pay no attention to the Radical Right wing talk show in the background! LOL J.W.
looks real good nice job
where do you buy your tread
see first page this thread !
Wat are the sizes of the servos
your custom claw is impressive!
The drive servos are the ones that come with the EZ-B kit. The claw and arm servos Are those small 9g ones from Hobby King JW
Thanks DJ It's just made from left overs from the backhoe and some cheap servos I already had from my RC Crashplanes !