Synthiam : Mars First Contact



"The Mars EZ-rover, based on the EZ-Robot JD humanoid model, with added 3D printed parts is capable of launching a Hubsan X4 Mars Flyer Drone for high speed aerial recon. During the mission, First Contact with an unknown lifeform was established and turned out as quite a shocker!"

I had the opportunity to 3D print some extra parts and turned JD into the Centaurus 2 Mars Rover, complete with 2 on-board cameras, a rock sample collector, wheels and stab legs, and a mobile platform to launch and retrieve a small X4 drone!

Don't miss the ending , love can hide in the oddest places in this universe:)

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United Kingdom

Brilliant video, great fun!



That was fun, thanks for posting.



Cute. It put a smile on my face. Thanks for the fun 2 minutes. :)


Great video and a very funny story, thanks for the work you put into that presentation.


Best video yet! Haha - we watched it twice!


awesome love it,great work.

United Kingdom

Just to echo what the others said, really good video and JD mods. And the end was worth waiting for. Very funny.:D

Nicely done.


Well Alain, now I am too embarrassed to do anymore of my own videos... That was superb... Anyway, what's next? A JD full length movie? :) Who needs Star wars when we got the adventures of GI JD.;)


Lol Richard, I would need a LOT more robots for that !

Thanks all for the kind words:)


Wow, What talent! I'm still in the Stone Age! Im blown way! Great video, thanks for Sharing.