


This little robot grew out of my son's insistence on building the sample project pictured on the Tamiya Universal Arm Set packaging (see first pic below). Not wanting to duplicate the sample exactly, I changed a few things here and there and then stumbled upon the shell of a cheap convenience store RC vehicle to help pull it all together.

The EZ-B fits inside the RC shell rather nicely. I Still need to finish the power system and run wire. I just received his battery pack in the mail several days ago so it's time to get back to it!

Here are a few pics of his progress...


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EZ-B in a half-shell:

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Takin' Out the Trash:

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Judgement Day:

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Piling On:

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By — Last update


Upgrade to ARC Pro

ARC Pro is your passport to a world of endless possibilities in robot programming, waiting for you to explore.


Dude that EZ-B looks like it belongs in there!


No please not Mr. Bubbles!!! Lol. I wasn't even aware that Tamiya had a scorpion kit, pretty sweet and I like the addition of the RC car top, thanks for sharing Radmeck!


That's the thing - it wasn't a scorpion kit! It was just a picture of a "sample project" you could build using various Tamiya components. But every time my son came across the picture he was mesmerized and insisted that we build it. So we eventually came up with our Scorponic from studying the picture...