Hello Friend, Oh so long... i never posted a project, well after my first posted project in here about low cost Wall.e and i don't have much money for Microcontroller and the Friend at this community make donation for me to buy ez-board, i never forget to all friend who give me miracle for make my lowcost wall.e alive. whit ez-board who give to me, i make many robot and share the project and tutorial for all people on the world to make his own robot.
6 years ago i have my Ez-board for free from this community donation, i have a good day after that, i have chance to work at Robotic, i teaching at school im spekers at robot workshop and seminar, and i make a free class about tech and robotic for underprivileged children. Now I make a robot for movie, this about Coffee Robot the Name Rori. this Indonesia Web Series Movies, and i make the Robot just in 2 week,now i make with 3d Printer, before i always use water pipe. The system is just manual use a remote control because need improvment act with the human actrees, this is for session 1, for session2 maybe i will Use Ez-Board for controller.
miss for posted and sharing with friend on this Community. Thankyou for all miracle in this Community, it happened to me. "Eric"
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Amazing Eric! Glad to see you back and congrats on being a part of that new Web series!
The Rori robot looks pretty awesome, excellent work!
@Jeremie See U again, happy for that, Thankyou
Wonderful news Eric. I have been wondering how you were doing.
welcome back . the man who makes robots out off averything .:)
Amazing story EricEZ. I'm so happy for you.
Welcome back and what a great video to share! That would be great to watch the movie. Keep us updated, we like hearing from you
I remember you @EricEZ, who was a boy that made things out of everything and now a man. Welcome back. Thanks for sharing your videos. waiting to hopefully see more.
Nice work! Cheers
Hello.... Is so Happy for me, It all starts here and because all of you, thankyou. @Alan you're the one
I learned a lot from you @Nomad 6R @Dave Schulpius,
@DJ Sures you create a board that becomes the soul of a robot that has personality, thankyou
@merne, yea that's me thanks
i back to Share, and I also started again making intructables.
This make me so happy to see your robot and design process!!! This is one of the most adorable robots I've seen. FANTASTIC craftsmanship on this EricEZ!!!
Thankyou @JustinRatliff