Other robots from Synthiam community
Ezang's My New And Improved Talk Servo
My new and improved ARC Talk Servo with the Arduino Arc software
Kkeast's Its Gonna Be RAD
Hey all. I was really excited when my EZ-B arrived about a week ago. While it was on its way I was searching around for...
Ezang's Some Examples From The Past Of Glyphs, Glyphs With...
Some examples from the past of Glyphs, Glyphs with augmented reality and QR codes Using a USB camera and the EZB4 with...
Hobbico cs170 , 333oz torque @ 6 volts 405 oz torque @7.2v $80 Or Power HD 1501mg 240 oz in @ 6v and 284 oz in @7.2v $ 25
Either option is good , the base is mostly lateral movement (left and right rotation) but if your looking for the first joint to support the whole arm the cs170 is your best option for the money.
Interesting gripper!
Thanks J, I'll check them out.