I've started work on my humanoid once again, and this is the thread where I'll share all of my discoveries and such with the new EZ-B. Advice and comments will be appreciated as my project progresses.
Shogun's stuff: 15" tall runs off a wall socket, chibi robo style built with a bioloid premium kit and magic has 26 degrees of freedom, which has the off (often) chance of browning out the EZ-B. can stand and wave and thats about it at the moment
sexy grainy pictures (these will get better too, i promise)
By Sudo the Banned
— Last update
Other robots from Synthiam community

Bhouston's My New Robot
Heres a short video introducing my new robot. Thanks for everyones help to get this far with it.

Ezang's Robot With Audio Voice Command And Audio Response
robot with audio voice command and audio response EzAng

Doombot's Dirgebot V1
Hello all Its been a while since I posted, been busy catching up on back orders for IKON so that took up most of my...
got shogun in somewhat working order, he's got a few servos that need the gears changed but other than that he's working like a champ. here's a little video of him waving hello:
Awesome! That's going to rock. Are you using the Auto Position control or coding the servo movements manually?
Keep in mind that you can set the servo speeds to get smoother movements - although i'm pretty sure you know that because you've been contributing to our Dynamixel integration
@DJ Sures just using the Auto Position control, it works wonderfully for making animations. Also- when are you guys going to make a gyro? I would love to try and find a way to make this little guy walk
Almost forgot- here's the design i want to use for Shogun. tell me what you think
lol I love your art skills! I think it'll be awesome
JEremie is working on a gyro and hoping for after the new year