Other robots from Synthiam community

Mcsdaver's Android Project Jen
I just got my second EZ-B in the mail today. Now I am working on my android Jen. I am using parts from an Elvis alive...

Ezang's Beginning 3D Printed Hand, Some Moves - Voice...
My new hand, my have to re-work with better string, other commands... Tips are not on yet... still needs a lot of work,...

Robotz012248's My Desktop Trio Of Robots
Ive managed to finish another project. These are my desktop robots. Im going to try to shoot a video of them in action...
Well ain't that cute.
You're awesome EZ!
thanks all for your kind words...
Trying to create something not seen here :)- Whirlybird look
4 continuous rotation servos, two wheels, IoTiny controller with speaker, battery, many servo city plates, servo city servo braces, screws, front caster wheel and ARC, servo movement panel, script for voice
This was a robot site, so I create robots :-)
and more...
Very cool. Reminds me of an old time windup toy actually.
EzAng, Very nice new build, it looks like a Chanute helicopter. Looks great moving and spinning. I enjoy seeing your new ideas. Steve S
Thanks Steve, Perry, RobHappy,
This was a robot site, so I trying to create different robots :-)
What are you up too?