So, as I'm waiting for robot parts to arrive, I've been goofin around with ARC. I just wanted to try this to see if it would work. In the Camera tracking scripts, I used ControlCommand("Camera", CameraRecordPauseOn) and ControlCommand("Camera", CameraRacordPauseOff) to toggle camera recording based on whether or not the camera saw motion. I have the script set to 5 frames before Script execution. 5 frames of motion, the camera rolls. 5 frames of lost tracking, the camera pauses. What made me laugh is what the camera picked up. While my girl and I were in the other room watching a movie, my a-hole dog got caught in the act of downing all the cat food. Yay. DJ, this software rocks.
By Kenny Storm
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HAHA That's really funny! Good idea with the motion detection for recording, that works fantastic
PS, you're welcome and thank you
That was funny! ha!ha!
Haha... now you need to make collar tags with glyphs on them so that when the dog's glyph comes into view the computer says "Bad Dog, go to your bed"