Garden-bot Aka Gb Robot


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Garden-bot aka GB robot

Parts: 1 - 6WD Thumper Chassis (sold by EZ-Robot) 3 - 2.5a Motor H-bridge controller 1 - EZ-B controller v4 update 9/17/14 1 - 6 pack battery holder no longer needed 9/17/14 1 - Std. EZ-Robot servos no longer needed 9/17/14 1 - Ultrasonic Distance sensor no longer needed 9/17/14 1 - EZ-Robot Bluetooth Camera - optional but fun to use. v4 camera update 9/17/14 1 - 7.2v Power 2800mAh, Rechargeable Ni-MH Battery Pack (more for backup can carry four of them). 6 - 1.5v AA Batteries no longer needed 9/17/14 2 - small round plastic containers no longer needed 9/17/14 1 - small Bertucci's reusable container (from Bertucci's Food, salad take out) updated to new plastic 9/17/14 1 - larger Bertucci's reusable container holds 3 h-bridges... 2 - Milk shake straws for wire covers - optional. no longer needed 9/17/14 1 - jumper cablet kit a must I also made my own cables, Speaker wire from Radio Shack, Female Crimp Pins for 0.1" housings, 0.1" Crimp Connector Housing, Do purchase a Crimp tool. Also used black heat shrink on connectors that I made.

Videos Indoors use desktop computer in the apartment, smooth floors and carpet. Outdoors use tablet computer outside and testing in house.

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By — Last update


Upgrade to ARC Pro

Harnessing the power of ARC Pro, your robot can be more than just a simple automated machine.


What has take me the longest to learn was how to turn the 6wd thumper chassis. Finally got it work in arc's not sharp turns on carpet when indoors using PWM sliders one full and the other 50% to 30% for turns. Also this works outdoors to go in circles of various sizes.

Now working on writing scripts for wii controller to do movement. Also have camera working with GB too.

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Screen shot of ARC controls that are used in robot project.

South Africa

Did you use a dc motor or continuos rotation servos for the weeks and where did you get the setup For example the aluminum in between the wheels did you buy it or make it


The 6WD Thumper Chassis (sold by EZ-Robot) comes with 6 motors.

6wd thumper

:):):):) j


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testing outside ran out of range of wifi router.

but connected directly to ezb.

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youtube from robots camera...

This was a test run. Hit one bush and ran into a hill.

I got to learn how fast this goes on different parts of the yard and street.




J, Looks very interesting, I like outside robots. Sonar looks like a little helper. EZB3 cam w EZB4 option, cool. Looking forward to vids. I luv seeing new EZ Robots. Thanks for sharing. Steve S


That's an awesome robot POV video! It's like i'm actually there


I posted video to face book friends, and I posted it to g+.

I am really enjoying what the v4 camera can do. Love how I can record on go.




That is a cool viewpoint. Great bot !


new and improved garden bot with ezb v4 controller and camera.

as always it is never done, need to make a better landing and take off area.



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