Bustercomesto life



I received my second EZ-B and everything is working great with few exceptions which DJ is looking into. Excuse my poor filming equipment but ya gatta do with what ya got. Greetings from Buster and the Bookmaker

Can't seem to get the "Add YouTube Video" to work. Here is the link http://youtu.be/5rLd9zgW9oQ

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That's because your video is actually at this link www.youtube.com/watch?v=5rLd9zgW9oQ&feature=colike:)


DUDE YOU ARE AWESOME! That's such a great robot!! Your shout out to me was super cool:D I now see what you've been soo busy working on. Such a great job! Can't wait to see more of it.

BTW That's the first shout i've ever gotten:) Thanx!


BTW this is my first robot that I have been wanting to build for many years. Thanks to EZ-B it has become a reality. Can't thank you enough.


Wow he can really move that arm of his... and he has working hands. That's cool.

can you share some of your hand building secrets? I have been holding off building any grippers or hands for mine. It really does seem to me to be the hardest and most complicated part to figure out.. Yours work great.

Lot's of his arm and wrist parts look like aluminum.. are you machining the parts yourself?

cant wait to see more of buster's moves hes really really cool




Wow. Really good work. I love the arm. I also would like more information on the build and maybe some close up pictures just to admire the work if not to steal all your ideas:)



Dude that's ubber-cool How did you do the cylon voice? Tell me tell me!!!

And the arm so cool!!!!

Great job!!!

United Kingdom

How good is Buster!

I feel a bit sorry for him though as he only has one arm as he pointed out 'cute'

Great build awesome

We ought to have a Robot Skype session so he can talk to my Omnibot (as yet nameless) lol


Thanks guys, BRW, you are correct in that most of the arm is aluminum. I do most all the machening myself. If DJ gets us a thingie so we can post pictures I will do so. There are two hi torque servos three standard servos and five micro servos in the arm and hand as well as a motor to operate the heavy lifting of the sholder. Pabi!o, the voice is simply a text to speech app. Winstn, don't feel sorry for Buster. His left arm is on the bench and is well on it's way. It won't be anything like his right arm though. Best regards to all from Buster and the Bookmaker.


WoW just so cool. I hope I can make something this cool


Hoping you post pics and a how-to on the arm. Really awesome dude!


bookmaker, there is a button on the right of your screen when you post messages, you can upload the images directly to this post.

if you need other help with image or audio editing you can email me at thegoodrobot@yahoo.com

can i ask you about the robot arm/hand? when the robot raises his hand, and points, is all of that one huge script ? it looks like you used some type of servo recorder to record all of the movements, then play it back.

also is the sound coming from inside your bot? did you install the speaker directly to the ez-b? thanks TheGoodRobot


Hello, I used alot of scripts and then used one script that initiates them in the sequence desired. The sound is from a wireless usb device implanted in Buster and initiates with a script off of the soundboard. I am planning on another video to show off more of his arm and hand soon.


Thats great , i was wondering about that buster toy as a donor bot and it looks cool, its hard to find a omnibot i have noticed.


Book he's pretty awesome... Did he ever get another arm????

United Kingdom

HI Bookmaker

Buster looks and sounds great . Nice work .

Steve_C .


He susre did.

User-inserted image

I need to get the h bridge for his sholders working this morning and then I can take a video


Book that would be awesome. I can't wait to see him...


@bookmaker is that meter in its chest so you know what level the battery is, or something else.


@jstame1, You are right on. It is a volt meter. I got the H Bridge working however now I have a problem with the limit switches in his left sholder. I also burnt out a servo in his right hand so, no video this week end.


Oh poopie.... I don't think I've ever done anything without some sort of complications. Still poopie!

I will look forward to a video though!

So book you gonna give us details on hand? I'd love to know more. I found this one on-line but kind of unsure how to hook to servos. Hand

I am already planning my next project... :o)


I'd love to know more about the hand details as well, nice job:)


Book we will keeping bugging you until you give it up :o) I am female.


Okay Samantha, Here goes. Busters right hand is very similar to the one you found. I got my fingers from a little science kit for $4.00. The rest of the hand is aluminum casting and from billet. There are three servos you can see. One for the thumb (in back of the thumb), and two for two of the fingers in the palm. The other two are in the lower and upper wrist.

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He can pick up one of my dogs toys and throw it pretty far.



Thanks for the details, what is the name of that science kit and what is the linkage used for the movement? are there links for these parts? Thanks


I just used fishing line. If you blow the picture up you can see it. I made everything else so no links. I will look around to see if I can find the fingers for you. It was almost a year ago so I don't remember right off hand.


Book you are awesome..............

Thank you!!!!!


Thank you:)

I have a question, the fishing line is flexible so how do the fingers get released? I assumed the other two servos pull them the other way?


@ltt, No, the fingers have a resilience that makes them want to be straight so when the fishing line is slacked the fingers go to a straight position. I hope this explains it. If not please ask more questions. There are five servos controlling one thumb and 4 digests.

Oh, and thanks Samantha for the nice words.


got it. thanks again. still got a lot to learn, just getting into robots:)


LTT me too....

Book you know your dude is awesome. How about more pics? I want to see what's inside :o)

Thanks again for finding link.



Learning a bit here and there as I go, i think i learned more about the software than the mechanical stuffs. Working on my Wall-E now. I'm currently testing several alternative solutions to Sparkfun MP3 trigger, at least 50% cheaper including speakers, if successful I will post details. Have you think of a solution for the sound yet?

@Book what did you use for your bot sound? we want to see more of his hand as well, upper arms.


I did the mp3 with a speaker. My minion is on here


I've seen him, he's awesomely unique:). By speaker you meant wireless bluetooth speaker?


No he has a speak inside. Under his pocket in the pic actually. I hooked it up with servo cable like DJ shows in video.

Book - what else do you have in buster? Does he have a computer in there or is the EZ-b main controller?


I understand but how are you planning to transmit the sounds to the speaker?


The speaker is then hooked up to the MP3 trigger. With the Mp3 trigger I have some sound clips on the micro SD card. Unfortunately you cannot hook up a microphone. So right now if you talk to him through the mic on computer he will respond through his speaker.

I got this speaker

Used these sound clips/ringtones.

Sound clips

Like if you say EZ, he just speaks jibberish, if you ask him how he's doing, he'll play the theme I'm having a bad day, if you say the word toy he will say yah papoy. If you tell him to entertain himself he will play the moo one and laugh. I can't remember what else right now.


Samantha, Buster is rather full. I am running 2 E-ZB's with 25 servos. 3 analog ports to the Hall effect sensors for turret positioning and two for the Ping sensor. Two H Bridges for the tract motors and sholder motors. In addition there are several transistor swithches for his machine gun and flame thrower. The I2C is hooked up to a 12 digit two line LCD display. His voice comes from a Bump wireless speaker and is played with the sound board. I have probably forgotten something but I think that is it.


Wow.... I didn't know he has "machine gun and flame thrower".

Oooo... I can't wait for video!!!


WOW 2 EZ-B? you have overloaded your Buster for sure:) but he's coolest bot i've seen, must be crazy with the scripts and all to get everything function like that. More details please!


That is part of my problem. I have had him finished now for several months but as soon as I fix his sholder moter one of his hand servos goes south and so on and so forth. Been through 8 servos 4 h-bridges 4 sholder motors 2 transister switches and now I have to fix his sholder limit swithches and another hand servo. If I can get to the point where everything works for a week end I will be able to make a video which has been my goal for the past two months.


Ouch. That has got to be frustrating.

Will try to be patient. I apologize in advance if the female comes out in me. :o)

BTW is there any other females on here? I don't think I have run across any.


Nope , you are the smurfett of ezrobot

United Kingdom

HI Bookmaker .

You my have to invest in some metal gear servos for the most heavly loaded joints in the arms. Exspensive but should last for years , So a good investment .

Steve_C .

PS love the left arm (gripper + gun + flamethower) How about a cattle prod .:)


I have 645mg hitec servos that are pretty good at 133 oz in for general movement like the head.,,h itec 995 mg that have even more torque , 208 oz in 6v , 34.99 Specifically from robotics website , 260 oz in torque , 19.99 , great sweet spot , price vs performance. http://www.pololu.com/catalog/product/1057

Even if your servo stalls , having metal gears means they are less likely to be damaged and more likely to just stop moving.

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Something I.am.doing.you may want to think about is using two servos in tandem to handle the servo stress vs one. , two cheap $20 servos like from pololu could grant you 520 oz in torque from $40 but still have a snappy movement rate , each servo would carry the exact same signal , splice the wire. , I plan the same mad scientists idea for the elbows as well so my bot won't have problems picking stuff up.


Woo those are expensive to be burning out.


@Steve_C comment; Check this for that cattle prod.:) Link

Watch the video too! oooo very mad scientist kinda thing

United Kingdom

HI Glickclick

WOW i just orderd one cant wait to try it .SO COOL. ;)

I got that scene from starwars in mind . with r2 zapping that nasty little critter with a prod thing .

Cheers for the link.

Steve_C .


eek Be careful with that! Also be mindful of the current draw.

United Kingdom

Current smurrent iv got 2 110 amp hour deep cycle marine batterys on Aegis .

But i will be VERY careful .

Steve_C .

PS @Bookmaker Did you set fire to your work bench with that flamethrower yet . eek

Again many thanks.


Yea , so one possible role for my bot was security , having a dang caddle prod should up the annie lol. Seriously though the voltage is not too high because its only able to jump a 1/2" gap , modern stun guns use pulsed 50,000 volts and jump a 2.5 in gap . So it will hurt but its not nearly the punch that a police stun gun would hit you with. I would guess 10,000 volts at the most but most likely less:P HIGHLY recommend.isolating this from your board , highvoltage can backtrack , use a fuse and a diode inline to this guys power so the current can only travel through the step up transformer.


You guys need to make a combat robot.


Just the sound alone is a deterant! But something not mentioned is the RF interference those continuous sparks create. I hope it doesnt create an issue.


Fyi , dynamat.has aluminum backing , ground it.to.the battery and you have a low.cost rf shield

United Kingdom


RF may cause issues with the bluetooth connection, Will have to test very carefully , I agree its going to be the sound thats the real scary thing .


United Kingdom

To Bookmaker

Sorry to have gone off topic , But do you see what BUSTER has done , its inspired us all with its greatness.




That is a good thing. On the RF issue, Busters flame thrower lighter had to be taken off because it made all the continuous servos go crazy. Tried isolating it to no avail. I have to light by hand now.


Slowly working my way through all the different projects here...

Wow, I am very impressed! Great job on arm and hand. Any current news?