Latest rock pi x installed windows and followed instructions but antivirus still appears in security settings even though I renamed the windows defender directory. I noticed there was another one called Windows Advanced threat protection. Also antimalware is running consumes a lot of ram as well can't stop process. I assume this is another directory I need to rename. crawling through the services there are a lot running has anyone been through all of these in terns of what we can shut down (do I really need a print spooler)
Is windows 11 more stream lined on an SBC because windows is really not designed well to run in a small amount of RAM / Slow CPU? Life was so much easier when you just had a config.sys and autoxec.bat file to contend with.
I saw a registry hack that seemed to work. CMD run as admin REG ADD "hklm\software\policies\microsoft\windows defender" /v DisableAntiSpyware /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f
Hi Nink, i have the Odyssey J4105 with 8GB of ram. Runs smooth with defender.
No need to disable services because they don’t consume any active ram or cpu. You can use the Task Manager to view processes and their resources. Any threads/applications that aren’t active get shoved into virtual memory. The services are event driven (non-polling) so they won’t awake to do anything unless instructed to. So disabling them doesn’t do much.
as for disabling features, here’s a link to the guide to optimize windows 10 for sbc: https://synthiam.com/Support/Tips%20to%20Make%20a%20Robot/free-space-with-windows-10
ps, it’s not that Windows wasn’t made for sbc’s that’s not it at all. It’s that Windows focuses on user friendliness and hardware agnostic. Meaning, it can dynamically detect, download and load drivers for most any hardware. It can immediately associate any hardware with standard apis so all applications can access the hardware irrelevant of the manufacturer or model. It can install and uninstall applications, detect application stability or compatibility problems. It provides a GUI that is built into the kernel. And so so so much more. All of these things means you can plug and play anything, install anything, and therefore be productive.
so yeah, it is resource hungry because it’s doing things to make your life the opposite of miserable
the opposite is Linux, which doesn’t do any of the things I listed. And therefore means you spend more time learning, breaking and configuring the OS installation to make a usb camera work every time you feel frustrated with Windows, read a random Linux manual: http://www.linuxintro.org/wiki/Set_up_a_Webcam_with_Linux
Thanks DJ,
I had followed your guide and previously it worked well, just the antimalware still running (130mb so you may want to add that to your guide) and virus still in security settings but not running. Still a bunch of apps I could not uninstall so I guess I can manually delete them and clean registry. Task manager/details sort by memory usage does show a bunch of services chewing up some RAM just knowing what to kill or not is a challenge.
I did enable network settings metered traffic as per guide but Tiworker.exe appears to be running (I think that is related to windows update) 180mb of RAM so this is a problem as well. I guess I just need to keep playing wackamole with apps and services until I can get rid of them all.
None of those processes are using any ram. Event driven services and processes will be idle. This means their memory usage will be pushed to virtual memory. That is why the task manager doesn’t say Ram, it says memory. The only processes that are using actual ram would be those consuming processor resources. Anything else is event driven and sits in virtual memory, this includes the printer spooler and all that jazz.
I don’t have a tutorial to disable anti malware because it doesn’t affect performance.
@Nink, I read this about TiWorker :
I updated the performance doc to include instructions for disabling malware. It's a little trickier than disabling antivirus, but it should be clear enough to follow: https://synthiam.com/Support/Tips%20to%20Make%20a%20Robot/free-space-with-windows-10
Don't know what we'd do without you.
Great thanks appreciate you documenting this. Squeaking out the last bit of performance.