Asked — Edited

Web Server / Web Services


Is their a way to control the EZ-Robot via web services? They're some references to a web server in the forums and in the marketing material but I'd like to know where I can find out some more specific information.

Can the EZR connect to a wifi network and host it's own webserver (with or without a host computer) and then other computers control the EZR via web services.




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Ez-b has the ability to be connected to http server so the ez-b can be connected to one computer and is capable of being controlled via another computer connection, most op for using embedded computing in this application.


Can you please confirm if I can do the following?

Host/Server Computer:

  • Host the EZ-B and connect to robot
  • Host the Web server (listen for commands)

Remote computer:

  • Send commands over web to webserver

Is this possible?



You can do all of those things. And you can also connect via TCP as a webservice to the console.

Look at this tutorial and watch the video for client server on this page:

That will explain a bit about the console server.

As for the HTTP connection, the above response covers that:D


Hello everyone,

Does anyone know the syntax for a http command to EZB throught web server. For now the only thing I got is to have a shortcut on my iphone to connect directly with proper identification so I just have to open the bookmark to be logged in. However I'd like to do something as below :

http://IP_Address:port/login?password="""""&command such as set(1.D8, on)

Any clue ?


You can start with this:

And when you connect to it, there is a Script Interface option in the menu. You will see it when you connect to the HTTP via web browser. There are instructions within that Script Interface to send EZ-Script commands over HTTP.

Off the top of my head I forget what the syntax is, but you have it close. It's something just like you posted...

United Kingdom

I have them written down at home, I'll post them when I get home.


Many thanks! That was really helpfull!