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Voice Activated Door Lock

Today I discovered the obvious. You can not only control robots with the EZ-B but you can control any peripherals compatable with it. There a so many different possibilities, varying from simple to complex. So I have set out to create a simple voice activated door lock. I am still in the planning stages and I hope I will be successful. Here is the link. The key will first rotate to lock or unlock the door. The pinion will then rotate moving the servo back. This whole mechanism is contained within a metal box which can be slid across to reveal the door knob.


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hmmm interesting. why not take the knob all the way off and plug the hole. make servos slide a pin or pins from around the door jam and swing the door open for you?

I dont think i understand the lock part.... wouldnt the door unlock for anyone with a voice that knew to ask out loud? A power outage or computer problem may ruin your day as well.

look at this

You could probably do something easier with something like this



I guess you could have some sort of secret phrase. Hopefully no one hears you! Hahaha. There are a few users of the EZ-B that bought it for home automation. Its too bad we don't see many of those people on the forum. I bet they lurk. They're probably reading this now:)


supercalifragalisticexplialidotiousOPENsaysmepertypaleeze would be a good word to use.


@ thegoodrobot. Thanks allot now i need to go change my bank account password LOL.

DJ... I don't think there lurking around anymore. They are on ebay trying to resell the ten mile spool of servo wire they bought after they realized Smart Home all ready makes cheap solutions to everything and much more that does not depend on lots of wires and programing.


I am probably going to drop the idea anyway. It seemed cool at the time. But there is always the hundreds of other things I can do with the EZ-B. I will just have to work out what they are.


I have just finished writing the code for a servo mounted security camera. Is there any way to share an ARC file without email?


I think it's time I get our butt in gear and have a section on here to upload files for sharing


I like the idea of mounting security cameras to servos.... it be like a miniature home made pan tilt device... nice.

and the motion tracking could track and follow the action. Now you need to talk DJ into adding recording video upon movement and multiple cameras...


I have been wanting to include the motion activated recording but I haven't been able to work it out. A number of major companies use it in their security systems to reduce footage. Check out the programming I have done for my camera. It isn't perfect and I have made a few changes in ARC that I haven't added yet. I can't wait until DJ includes the Motion Found and Lost for the Camera. They are the keys to perfection for my camera.


That will be a great addition. It is slowly becoming more and more like a real security camera. But I bet those security cameras weren't using the EZ-B.


Haha, you're awesome for using the EZ-B as a security camera. You'll have a house like the one from Eureka soon!


That is an awesome price. $6.99 and free shipping to Australia. I don't think it can get much better. The camera in the Robot Kit is awesome as well, probably even better. I love how you are able to buy a full kit or assemble your own. I will be buying one right away. Are there any shipping costs?


The shipping cost is now calculated in real-time. Each item has a weight, and it queries the postal office and gives you shipping options. It is pretty much $11 to ship by AIR to anywhere. Strangely, it costs more to ship within my own country than it does to ship to France. We found that out last night, kind of weird.

People wanted the ability to have expidited shipping. But they wondered about the cost and such. Now they get to see the actual values. And links to the post office page with information about cost and delivery times:) It's all there now


Imagine, when your famous and everyone is talking about you I can just say "I'm best friends with DJ Sures." It is strange how having connections with well known people can change how others view you. Not that your not famous now.

I love how your are slowly expanding your business. It is a good move. And because of it you are being recognised on Hack-A-Day, MAKE Magazine. Even had an article about you. And it is a very well know news website here in Australia. It is actually how I discovered you.


Haha, that's cool! I've never had so many internet friends before! Sure is a cool feeling. It's nice because there are so many people on the forum. I can log in at any time of the day and have a great conversation! Even the facebook wall is quite active. I'm glad to see our passion for robitics bringing a bunch of good people together


Quite a few years ago when I was much younger I would draw all these robots and machines. Some of them looked cool but I didn't understand the electronics and programming and I desperately wanted to. Now I am beginning to grasp the concept. The EZ-B is a brilliant starting point for people like me who have a very basic understanding and are very interested in the concept. Before I didn't have any where to go but now I am expanding my knowledge. I have been teaching myself a few things but having people like you DJ and everyone else on the forums is brilliant way to learn. My dad is an electrical engineer so he is able to help me aswell. Three cheers for DJ Sures!

P.S I am thirteen and not a man still living with his parents, spending his day building robots:)


:) Man we're such a mushy forum lately! So many happy people:D


If I were to use ToggleDigital(D1) would this toggle between the digital port on and off? Also, how are you going with enabling us to upload files for sharing?


It toggles the port, but it won't turn on and off the camera. You'd have to do this to turn it on, and then again to turn it off...

SetDigital(d1, true)
SetDigital(d1, false)

You have to simulate pushing the button. I think it's 1 second. Might be 2 or 3 even.


That's annoying. I wanted to push down on the right and left joysticks to turn on and off the corresponding servos. Perhaps I should just drop it. Unless there is an alterative

  1. Create a script control called "cameraToggle"
  2. Paste the above code in it
  3. On the joystick button use this code:

ControlCommand("CameraToggle", scriptstart)


Thanks for that. That will definitely work. Scripts are perhaps my favourite part of ARC. They are brilliant!


I'm going to think of a way to make the scripts all fall into one control. Someday... because there are LOTS of controls which takes up screen realestate:(

and PS, your nickname is very accurate... you're super creative! it's impressive


Thanks. But I wouldn't be able to do any of this if you hadn't had the idea and if you didn't feel passionate about robotics.