— Edited
Hi all,
i want to walk my JD with C# program. I know that you can export the Action and frames from Auto Position, but whats with the servo Profiles. I dont think that it exports the servo positions with the actual servo profile.
How did you control your JD with C#, or are there any ideas? confused
Patrick, there is a servo fine tune command in the servo class of the sdk. Specify the servo fine tune values there. ARC wasn't designed to create c# programs for you, the Auto Position code generator is an exception
Ohhh yes, just saw it eek
I know that, ant the code generator is very useful, thanks
Now again a question:
EZ_B.Servo.SetServoFineTune(4, 3);
would that be right in this way?
"Servo.SetServoFineTune" is red underlined. It says that it is in available in the context
Thank for answering, and greetings from Germany