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Video Of Ez-B Controlling The Waist Rotation Of My B9

Hi all,

I've been struggling and working on learning scripting in ARC. With the help of a couple members here (Gunner and Putt Putt) giving me some pointers and code examples I was able to bake a break through on one of the most important animations on "Blinky" I'm building (my full sized B9-Robot frOM Lost in Space).

The waist rotation motor is a 24vdc gear motor running through a Pololu VNH5019 Motor H-bridge. I'm a Multi turn pot for encoder feedback running in-line on the waist gear next to the motor. The script is setup to listen for a call from another script stating the $adcSpecified values received from the pot. The values tell the script where I want the waist to stop rotating. Right now I have this call script set up to send different $adcSpecified values, one at a time after a little Sleep period so the motor has time to move there. I also have different PWM levels set for each move so the speed will ramp up as it starts up and down as it reached the stop point. The torso of my B9 Robot is very heavy (I think around 70 lbs) and I don't want it jerking to a start or stop. Works great thanks to the EZ-B!

Here's the vid. Enjoy:


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That is fantastic! And it is also nice to see some of the insides. This is such a professional looking build, very impressive. I love B9! Best robot ever! Isn't the EZ-B the easiest controller to work with? I can't wait to see more videos.


Ahh, thanks Bret. This has been a joy to build. I was going to do all the programming and animation after the build was complete. Now I'm glad I'm doing it as I go along. It's great to see him seem to come alive as I progress.

Yes, EZ-B is amazing. Although I've never worked with other controller boards I think there are none other that can do this and make it easy enough for someone like me. If I can do this, any can (with a little research and help). It seems like if the robot is kept simple this board is just about "plug and play". Taking things to a different level requires some acquired knowledge. Thank God for this community, being able to search past posts, the internet and DJ (not in that order of course). I've been pushing this board heavily to the B9 Builders Club when ever I can with posts and some videos. I think a lot of builders there are going to incorporate this platform into their B9.

I do plan to do more videos and share on both this forum and the B9 Builders Club. I need to get better at my movie camera skills. I need to start filling up the window instead of having the two black bars on the side. However this was only my 2nd attempt at YouTube. The next attempt will beclose ups of his inner guts working with the EZ-B.

I guess I should start a project in the showcase section of this forum. It would be nice if I could move the several threads I've already had on my challenges and questions there. However I don't know how to do that short of cut and paste and if that's even advisable.

Thanks again for the kind words, Dave Schulpius


Excellent dave , very smooth just like a robot should be;)


I've taken another vid of the waist rotation on my B9 being controlled by EZ-B. This time I took off the CCS and now you can see the actual gears and motors working. I also give a little under the hood tour.

Have fun, Dave Schulpius



Sorry for bringing this thread back to life. DJ suggested I look at your potentiometer setup.

My R2-D2 dome setup is very very similar to your B9's waist. I'm running a rockler lazy susan with a big gear exactly like yours (A&A?).

Motor is a Pittman controlled via a Syren10 motor controller.

I'm looking to be able to spin R2's dome and be able to return to center.

Can you share some more info on the hardware specifics and code?




All I can say is dude you rule, thats a great robot way to go!


WOW! I'm so glad you shared those videos. Thank you. It really helps to understand how much work you have put into it. I don't think anyone fully comprehends how much work is involved until you see it. Very impressive!


Thanks for the positive and encouraging comments. It's been a lot of work but a labor of love. Just think, this time last year before I even knew about EZB, I knew nothing at all about robotics. Didn't even know how to start to write a script. EZ Robot is really responsible for all this!

R2D2, I posted info on this in your thread about encoders. Hope it helped. let me know if you need more.