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The Right Choice?

I'm trying hard to convince the Wife that I need one of these new-fangled 3D printer thingy's:) I want to print some of the amazing parts I've seen you guys come up with, but here in Singapore there's only 1 inactive member listed as a 3D-printer, and when I contacted a 3-D printing bureau they wanted to charge me $100 for a EZ-cube extension :-(

I've ordered some from EZ-Robot but with freight charges around $70 small orders just don't make sense, so how much better to be able to print my own?

Anyways, I'm looking at the Cubicon Style (found here) which seems to have some rave reviews on the net. At a tad under $3k, it should:) it has a heated bed and chamber, dynamic levelling table (adjusts the level during the build), and prints PLC + ABS with minimal warping (apparently). Also a filtration system to prevent odours.

It also appears to be relatively easy to use, which is attractive to a newbie like me.

That being said its print size is only a maximum 150x150x150 (6"x6"x6") and I'm wondering if that will be sufficient? Is it true that you can splice a larger build and print it in 2 or more parts and glue together afterwards?

Happy to hear opinions on whether you feel this printer would be a good choice. Please remember in Singapore That brand choices are limited and prices comparatively high compared to the US, Canada and the U.K.

Also wondering if anyone can point me to a good, free (or cheap) CAD program that I could create .stl files on, if/when I get adventurous?

Hoping eventually I will be able to contribute to some of the great work I see you guys doing, but please bear with my questions along the way :)

Thanks in advance.


Upgrade to ARC Pro

With ARC Pro, your robot is not just a machine; it's your creative partner in the journey of technological exploration.


Yes, you can break up prints and glue them together. I like ABS for this because you can use acetone to bond the parts together making a really strong joint.

For about 3/4 the cost, I would look at the Ultimaker 2.

I use a couple of Flash Forge Creator Pro's. I normally don't have any issues unless I run some really crummy filament through them.

Really, with 3D printing, it is about getting a machine and then getting used to the specifics of that machine. Once this is done, you can be happy with most of them.


TinkerCad and OnShape are free and pretty powerful. I recommend those and are what I use to alter or create STL files... Do not be lured in by 3d printers just because they have large print volumes... Large prints are much more likely to fail or warp.... It's easier and more efficient to print smaller pieces and then glue them together. I printed 2 full inMoovs on my UP! Plus 2 printer... It's print volume is 145mm x 145mm x 135mm... I recommend this printer because it is so easy to use and is absolutely bullet proof... However, if you're a quick learner I also recommend the Wanhao Duplicator i3 as it works pretty well and is very cheap...


I just purchased the XYZPrinting Da Vinci Jr. 3D printer from Amazon at a great price. I too am also using Tinkercad. It suppose to be getting delivered today, and want to print out a few things from here too. Will let you know how it turns out:)


I just noticed that FolgerTech has added a few new printers to what they sell. The Cloner 3D looks to be a Makerbot clone but using the RepRap hardware (Arduino Mega & Ramps 1.4). Just like the Prusa i3. Using the RepRap hardware, you have more options as to the software you use being open source. Keep in mind this is all my opinion and we all know what they say about opinions!.

Richard Z


Thanks all, some really good info here, I appreciate it.

Have signed up for Tinkercad, and looked at onshape briefly (it looks scary! But powerful). I'll start up by loading and editing some of the .stl's from here before attempting any scratch designs to get accustomed to the software.

I spent a lot of hours googling your recommendations for 3-D printers, and they look like very solid choices, thanks. Ultimately the decision will be based heavily upon local availability for service and support. I'm probably more inclined for a prebuilt system as we live in small apartments in Singapore where the ability to have a decent toolkit is severely limited by space, and my engineering skills are also somewhat limited (love the price points though!)

It's inevitable these things will only get better and cheaper over time (I remember selling my first Apple LaserWriter 1 300 dpi b&w laser printer to a client for $12k back in the 70's or 80's) but impatience carries it's own price tag:) and I'm impressed by the results I have seen you guys achieve, so I'm willing to dive in now.

Thanks again for the suggestions and advice!