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Country: Singapore
Member Since:


  • 2016-04-23 - joined Synthiam
  • 2016-05-01 - connected ARC to the cloud
  • 2016-05-01 - joined your first forum discussion
  • 2016-05-01 - created first new question
  • 2016-05-02 - created a custom avatar
  • 2016-05-05 - shared your first photo in the forum
  • 2016-05-09 - attempted to help a fellow robot builder
  • 2016-06-16 - answered a forum question

Latest submissions

Servo Burnt Out?

Servo Burnt Out?

I was running JD successfully last night, up until the time I had to put him on charge. Charged up the battery, disconnected after the charge. Tonight after powering him up as usual, I...
New Office Space

New Office Space

Ooh! Tiles! The place is really coming along now. Any confirmed occupancy date yet?

The Right Choice?

Im trying hard to convince the Wife that I need one of these new-fangled 3D printer thingys I want to print some of the amazing parts Ive seen you guys come up with, but here in Singapore theres only 1 inactive member listed as a 3D-printer, and when I contacted a 3-D printing bureau they wanted to charge me $100 for a EZ-cube extension :-( Ive...
I Don't Httpget What's Wrong

I Dont Httpget Whats Wrong

I was excited tonight as I was able to connect to my EZB via client mode for the first time. (Previously my anti-virus software was preventing the scan from succeeding)...
Elseif Questions

Elseif Questions

The last couple of days I have been struggling with Elseifs which do not appear to be recognized by ARC (latest version) as an Elseif but rather as an If in the structure as can be seen...

Help Prevent Jf Faceplanting

Hi all, When my JD decides that his battery level is low, he lurches forward from a standing position and does a spectacular faceplant on my desk or floor! To prevent the poor guy cracking his face, I was hoping to script an early warning system that would advise me when he was approaching critical level so I could at least lay him down flat first....

Windows 10 Vs Windows 7 For ARC

Hi folks, My pc has informed me it is going to do an upgrade from windows 7 to windows 10 in a few days. Before allowing this to occur, I am wondering if theres any advantages/disadvantages to running windows 10 as far as ARC is concerned, or does it run equally well on both OSs? Id be interested in hearing peoples experiences. Thanks.
Jd Claw Foam Inserts

Jd Claw Foam Inserts

Just received my new JD and going through battery charging and calibration prior to assembly. Attached to the inner of JDs claws are some foam inserts, and they seem to be attached...

Ezb4/2 ?

Hi, Im a new member of the forums and have seen mention of a new version of the EZB4 controller coming out. I was wondering what the differences are likely to be between it and the current version? Im in the process of preparing my first order, likely for a JD kit as well as a developers kit, and deliberating whether to hold off until the upgrade...

Robot Ideas

Prior to my purchase of JD (who should be arriving tomorrow, whoot!) I submitted a robot idea, and received a nice little discount coupon which I applied to the purchase. Thanks for that! Whilst awaiting JDs arrival, Ive thought of another couple of experiments Id like to try, and as the banner to submit ideas still comes up when I go to the...
Duplicate Controls In ARC (Windows)

Duplicate Controls In ARC (Windows)

Hi all, Just started playing with ARC on windows whilst I await the arrival of my JD, and I noticed that in several of the add control categories I...
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