A few weeks back, while writing a report, I had it. The stroke of brilliance. I've always looked at my EZ-b as a fragile, I find that all electronic boards look fragile when they don't have a case or a housing that protects them. Eventhough they usually aren't, but I do.. So here comes the idea, a case for the EZ-b. A few hours of "Inventoring" and mesuring later:
I added all the holes you would need to plug in servo's and other things, but I also added a hole on top, so that you can add a fan to cool the heatsinks. Also I added a hole in the middle of the case. If I wanted to use an external communication system, like USB, Synapse, Xbee, WiFi, etc. And finally I added holes to the bottom of the case for easy mounting.
Last week I ordered it from ShapeWays, to have it 3D-printed and today it came in. Here and there some adjustments (it's always difficult to design something for an object if you don't have all dimensions or a CAD model of the object), threaded the holes made some spacers and taadaa:
Presenting the EZ-Case
It works, looks great and is easy to assemble.If anyone else likes it, wants one, you might be able to motivate(yell at me, "I want one!") me to design v2.0 that requires less "adjustments" ,is a little bit smaller and a few other things that I would change now I have my one.
Nice job, I love the allowance for a fan (although I'd have put it on the side right behind the regulators personally but your position is fine).
I'm sure people would be interested in it. Do you have the cad files or STL so others can get it printed (or modify it if needed)?
That is all nice for people like us who have one or two or more EZBs. But, what about the NEW EZB board? D.J. may discontinue selling it. But, I know he will continue to support it. Just a thought.
@aameralis when is your birthday?
@bude what 3d software are you using? Also how did you learn to use it?
Starting from the top:
@Rich My idea for the fan on the top came with the idea of heat rising, my theory is that adding a fan would speed up the airflow that already is rising. And I liked the way it looked
. Maybe the next version will incorperate the fan, that
it wont sit on top, but it'll be inside the case, the will give a more smooth design.
@Aameralis I'll add the STL's at the end this post, but it will be the ones I used for the current version, I haven't changed them yet. When the EZ-B mini comes out, I can design a different case for that one, just need an EZ-B mini or a CAD model of it and some inspiration.
@Moviemaker Same answer as the last part for Aameralis, I can always design a new case. Designing, once I start, it's like an addiction for me. But I like to do it and I'm very good at it
. Designing this case took me about 2 hours, but I had to messure the
EZ-B and had to make a few assumptions based on what I've mesured. But it isn't hard for me to design cases, I've designed
way more complex things than this case
with dozens of parts(time to show off
), I designed the 3D printer from
This instructable at my internship and I'm currently working on V2.0 of the 3D-printer, the opensource consumer version,
visual attractive and stuff.
The initial design took about 60 hours, but it took way more time to optimize it so it could be build with the least amount of machining.
@Jstarne1 I used Autodesk Inventor 2013 for this design, I learned how to use it at school
. I'm currently(well after summer holiday again)
studying mechanical engineering where I learned how to design, calculate stuff and much more.
I designed the top part of the case starting with a block, "sculpting" it by removing shapes. But it depends on what
you are designing, I always generate a design plan in my head, where I plan what I'm going to add and remove and in
what order. But it usually changes while I'm designing.
The files EZ-bcaseSTL.zip Note: that I haven't done anything to it yet.
@BudeIO well thought out! Thank you so much for the contribution....Do you know Niek..from the Netherlands who is currently in the EZ-B hive recieving some great job experiance!
@Irobot58 Thanks man, I'm doing my best
and I have many more ideas which will slowly(a budget thing, maybe I should offer
this for sale on the Shapeways website, but don't know the regulations with selling things on this forum) enter the forum.
The case came on impulse, you should guess what would come if I thought about something for a long time
Well, I don't "know" Niek, but I've seen him on the forum, youtube, but I've never actually met him. I do keep track on the Niek EZ-robot experience, it's always fun to watch it.
That is fantastic! I love the creativity and the look. 3D Printers are the future, and this is a good way of showing off how it can be easy to design, and print off something very practical
Great job!
That design deserves some recognition
Have you considered posting it on http://www.thingiverse.com ?
We have had others post on http://www.thingiverse.com/ with great success. Such as http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:114349 and others
That's an awesome enclosure dude
Nice! I'd do what DJ suggested and post it to thingiverse. I'm sure a lot of people would love to have the files for your enclosure
You need something for doing this, great job. Thanks for sharing. John
I'll add my voice to the "Yes we want it" crowd. And also my compliments on the great work.
One comment. I would leave the fan outside the case. That way if someone needs to save space but doesn't need the fan, they can just remove it. With it inside, that height will be used whether you install a fan or not. This design also makes the fan easier to replace.
Thanks guys for the complements, I'll eddit the current design, make a few changes here and there and I'll make a tutorial on how to make it like mine. Before that, I'll post the new design.
So V2.0...
Starting at the top left, I increased the thickness of the bottomplate, this gave (top right) the possibility to countersink the screws on the bottom. In the previous version you would need to add your own threads. Now on the bottom left, I increased the total hight of the top half of the case. By doing this I'm securing the fact that you can still use it with a bluetooth module or it would be a narrow fit. Continueing with the bottom right picture, I moved the square hole for the power supply 2mm to the left and I made a round cut-out in wall above where the connector of the bluetooth module would be. This cut-out would allow thicker cables going out of the case.
The EZ-Case V2.0
Files EZ-CaseV2.0.zip
Let me know what you guys think.
Wow! Keeps getting better. Totally dig it. We will print some!
Awesome, let me know how it works out and what you think of it.
I had some time left so I made a tutorial.
I also made this: The EZ-Case order link For those who don't own a 3D-printer but still want an EZ-Case.
Thank You Guys so much. I looked on thingiverse but could not find it. Fortunately you posted the stl files and I downloaded them.
God Bless you guys. This is the Greatest forum in the whole world.
@MovieMaker- agreed!
+1 For this as well. I didn't even know it existed until now.
Oh woah, completely forgot I made this thread. Glad you all still like it
Will this work with the EZB 4? And: annyone in the community offering prints, or do I need to go through Shapeways?
The print files are for the version 3 EZB. There have been no new stl files created for a version 4 EZB.
The V4 comes in a case.
Also The V4 Case Stl Files Are Available On The EZ-robot WebsitE And In ARC.