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Asked — Edited
Resolved Resolved by DJ Sures!

Servo Controls Min And Maximum Positions

hi everybody I need some clarification on setting initial servo positions and also setting min-max positions [for an InMoov]. I see that I can use a script to set initial servo positions and run this scrip on start up from the "connection" panel. Also I can possibly do the same thing using the "servo profile" configure and advanced tabs.
My first question is - which would take preference and would they conflict with each other? Second question - the auto-position panel would override any preset min-max position anyway? Is there away to retain min-max settings of a servo permanently? thanks Lorn


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  1. Do not use a servo profile to create frames or initialization of your robot. servo profile should never be used for an InMoov because there's no need for calibration as it's a complete custom build. Erase the concept of a servo profile from your mind for InMoov:)

  2. Servo limits can be set using the EZ-Script commands. Additional information is found in the EZ-Script manual for these two commands...


  1. Do not use Servo() commands to "initialize" the servo positions of your robot. Since you should be using the Auto Position control for creating animations, use the ControlCommand() to initialize the robot into position

  2. The Auto Position contains a pre-loaded frame titled "STAND". Use the STAND frame as your initialization. For example, set the STAND frame to servo positions that are safe for your robot joints. Generally the STAND is all 90 degree positions, where the robot is in a cross pose, with its arms out. Some people call it the Jesus pose.

United Kingdom

Hi DJ and Richard Thank you both for such quick and clear answers! All makes sense. kind regards Lorn


@lorncampbell As DJ mentioned inMoov is a custom robot so forget about servo profiles or pretty much any standard Revolution robot setup(s)... Set your servo limitations in an init script to be run before any other control or script... Then use the autopositioner to create your movements...


I just finished doing this for mine. I used a single servo slider control to individually test each servo and establish its limits. It took some time but gave me piece of mind before I started the AutoPosition frames. Prior to that when I tried to enter a frame the servos went everywhere.

United Kingdom

Hi Richard & Perry Thanks for that regards Lorn