Upgrade to ARC Pro

Your robot can be more than a simple automated machine with the power of ARC Pro!


If you preordered your already then yes , you should have it between the first and second week of December. The staff are preparing shipment of the mass produced boards and kits at the present. I cannot promise when but check your order every few days. It will show shipped just a few days before receiving your order.


hi ,i just ordered the board.does the board can supply power to a camera? for excample i have one from the ez cam and one from ebay whit a transmitter. confused

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The camera needs to be the EZ-B v4 Camera. This is because there is a communication protocol to transmit the video. The EZ-Robot camera includes a 32 Bit ARM processor which encodes and transmits the data through the EZ-B. The camera processor is the same processor as the EZ-B.

Other cameras use their own unique interface and communication protocol. Due to no standardization across other camera modules, we had to create our own.

This is a picture of the EZ-B v4 Camera removed from the casing

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This is the two camera PCB boards separated. One board includes the camera and compression chip. The other board includes the 32 bit ARM processor which buffers and communicates to the EZ-B

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Here is the wire attached to the camera which connects to the EZ-B

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Thanks for update on new v4 camera.




great.thnks dj. this is also on sale here? and how big is the camera.:)


@nomad18.08 Have a look at the online store here... It has the camera and everything else you'll need as well... And yes, the Camera is powered off of the EZB4 board...


hi i have the wireless cam from ez.but to big for what i needed for.i have a look.thx:)


I think the new V4 camera is smaller than the old V3 version....

United Kingdom

Try and work it out:)

Pin headers are 0.1" apart, 5 on the bottom half of the one board so I'd guess that side is roughly 1" long, the other side is slightly shorter.

I'd say it's much smaller than the old V3 camera and it's around 1" to 1.5" wide, deep and maybe 2" tall.


i will using the robi robt.currently am waiting for answers from deagostini too. howmuch volt the servo are.and if the wires are to get in lengt 40 cm. due to that avery servo needs to be connected to the ezb4.

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Is there a way to off set (as in extending ) the camera from the board so you cam place it in very tight locations. Could you even unsolder the lense from the board and extend with wires?


no, the lense has a hundred little connections:)

The board is quite small. It is approx. 3 cm x 2.5 cm x 2.5 cm


It that a special wire and connection between the V4 camera and EZB? Also does it matter how far away the camera can be mounted from the EZB?


The cables would have to be lengthened I guess but your wondering about lag due to wire resistance?


there are some little camera to by on include reciever to for some 19 euro. the camera needs only power and you see on your tv what the robot see.


I FOUND THIS CAMERA ON EBAY.its power is 9.50 volt


The ezb v4 camera wire can be extended. I don't think you'll have a resistance issue.

That camera in your robot is neat. Nice that it has a composit output


Thanks DJ that is quite small, I'll make do. Sorry for the delay I'm in China at the moment. Getting super excited for the new boards and cameras! Keep up the great work.


is it possible to connect this camera on ezb4? blush

thank you


From what I'm reading the answer is no. Sounds like EZB V4 uses it's own protocol to stream the image back to ARC. However there may be ways to still use your camera with ARC but not directly through the V4 EZB. You still may be able to do it like we did with the V3 board and ARC. That way the image was sent back to your laptop via Bluetooth and ARC gathered the info through Windows as an installed device. I think I remember DJ saying we could still use our old cameras like that if needed but I may be wrong.


only the camera for sale on this website works with the ez-b v4, to my knowledge.


will there be other chapes availeble from the camera. excample like in the pic.

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i need a flat one.

United Kingdom

@Techno, I would say that any camera that is detected by Windows will work with the V4 since it will use ARC which already supports this. The V4 camera will only work with a V4 EZ-B since it plugs in directly to the EZ-B. This is for the PC version of ARC, the android and iOS versions will probably be different.

@nomad, you can use EZ-Bits to change the alignment of the camera. You will also (probably) be able to remove the camera from it's housing and make modifications to make it fit.


hi i dont have lot off space in the head.that why i need only the camera whithout housing.


I'm almost positive you can remove the EZ-B v4 camera's casing. I would be careful, though- working with a board that small is probably a fairly delicate procedure.


i read i can repossition the lens,


I wonder if the camera has an IR filter or if it can see the 850nm ir light.