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Need Help With Connecting Ez Robot.

Recently, I bought this EZ robot kit, and everything looked impressive. I built a WALL-E EZ robot from a u command toy. Sadly my EZ robot isn't connecting to the ARC software causing me to feel worried and a little agitated. before it was getting the connections from the Bluetooth adapter, although it still didn't do anything to begin with as I tried applying power to the modified servos. Now it doesn't seem to get any connections at all...I can't figure it out. I am hoping it's not anything wrong with it, because I made a nice robot...I spent hours trying to figure this out and it doesn't seem to want to work. Could it be the software itself?Any help will be greatly appreciated! thanks...:) :) :)


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United Kingdom

If you haven't done so already have a read through the Diagnostics tutorial

When you power up the EZ-B what do the blue and red lights do? What are you using to power the EZ-B? And what voltage? Is the battery fully charged? When you try connecting are any messages displayed in the Debug window? If so, what are they? Has the EZ-B ever connected? And if so has the problem only started since fitting it in the Wall-E? Are you using the Microsoft Bluetooth Stack or a third party Bluetooth Stack?

Is it the same board you posted about in this topic? Did you follow the advise given in that topic? Did you solve the blowing fuse problem?

It's very unlikely that it's the software. It works for everyone else. The problem will be either with the board, with the bluetooth dongle or with Windows.


A little trick I found is to make sure no scripts are running when you try to connect in ARC.

I'll ask the basics.

Are your batteries fully charged?

Are you connecting to the proper com port? Sometimes you need to refresh, com port might have changed on you.

What lights are blinking on the EZ-B board?

Power to modified servos? Explain?

Disconnect any connections other than power to the board and try re-connecting.


Hey rich,

The blue light just pulses slowly and the red one quickly. This can vary sometimes; however. I am using 6 AA Energizer batteries to power the unit. All batteries are brand new and fully charged. when it turns on the motors move for a second, so I assume that the connections are fine. On the bottom of the ARC screen, it says things like "disconnected" or "TCP server stopped" and sometimes even "connected"...The EZB seems to connect but not do anything, for example- servos don't move even though I program them too. I don't think it has anything to do with the ezb being mounted inside the WALL-E as the lights flash and it seems to receive the data but with no response. To be honest, I don't know what a Microsoft Bluetooth stack is, but I am using a Bluetooth usb adapter that I collaborated, using the tutorials. It is the same board that blue a fuse, but the fuse was replaced with the exact same fuse and it boots up and works again. it hasn't blown a fuse since. I don't think theres anything wrong with the board- I just think maybe something isn't connected right...I hope. Thanks for the help Rich!

United Kingdom

Flashing red means it's not connected to the PC.

Has it been paired? Firmware updated? Are you using the correct COM port in ARC?

Try this to check the board works;

  1. Remove everything from the board
  2. Attach a standard servo to port D0 (Black/Brown towards chip, White/Orange towards outside of board)
  3. Open ARC and start a new project
  4. Add control for a horizontal servo
  5. Click on the gear icon and set it for port D0
  6. Select the correct COM port in the connection box
  7. Click connect
  8. Check the debug for any messages if connection fails - copy and paste them here if you get any
  9. If connected use the slider on the servo control to move left and right (at this point the flashing red light on the EZB should be solid red)
  10. The servo should move. If it doesn't check the debug again and post any messages it shows along with anything that happens with the lights on the EZ-B

That should help narrow down any problems.

It may also pay to post your project file here. You can add it to a forum post by clicking choose file under Attach File to the right of the reply box. Browse for the project and select it. Then click on the black upload button below the choose file one to the right.

Or you can save it to the EZ-Cloud within ARC, the option is in the ribbon along the top next to the normal new, open, save buttons.


I took your advice, and it still doesn't seem to work...

Here is what came up on the screen... EZB 0: EZB 1: EZB 2: EZB 3: EZB 4: TCP Server stopped TCP Server stopped TCP Server stopped TCP Server stopped TCP Server stopped Attempting connection on COM9 Connection Failed: System.TimeoutException: The write timed out. at System.IO.Ports.SerialStream.Write(Byte[] array, Int32 offset, Int32 count, Int32 timeout) at System.IO.Ports.SerialPort.Write(Byte[] buffer, Int32 offset, Int32 count) at EZ_B.EZB.Connect(String hostname, String tcpPassword, Int32 baudRate) Disconnected Attempting connection on COM9 Connection Failed: System.TimeoutException: The write timed out. at System.IO.Ports.SerialStream.Write(Byte[] array, Int32 offset, Int32 count, Int32 timeout) at System.IO.Ports.SerialPort.Write(Byte[] buffer, Int32 offset, Int32 count) at EZ_B.EZB.Connect(String hostname, String tcpPassword, Int32 baudRate) Disconnected Attempting connection on COM9 Connection Failed: System.TimeoutException: The write timed out. at System.IO.Ports.SerialStream.Write(Byte[] array, Int32 offset, Int32 count, Int32 timeout) at System.IO.Ports.SerialPort.Write(Byte[] buffer, Int32 offset, Int32 count) at EZ_B.EZB.Connect(String hostname, String tcpPassword, Int32 baudRate) Disconnected

It is tough, but i'm sure well get through it!


In ARC what com ports are showing available from the drop down?