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My Companion Robot (Allianceofdroids.Com)

Hello my name is Liam. I am an autistic kid living in Australia, and I am part of a charity called the Alliance of Droids. I wanted to make a companion robot that could help kids like me to be more confident, feel happier, and reduce child suicide risks. I need some help, though. I need someone to invest in it, or form a partnership with my company. I also need someone to talk to me about their experiences. Please contact me @ Thanks, and have a good one!;):D


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Hi Liam, welcome to the forum. Research into how robots can help children with autism has been an interest of mine for a long time. I know there are many other autistic robot builders out there in the world. I think EZ-Robot controllers, parts and kits would be a perfect fit for making companion robots to help kids because it's any "easy" product but also powerful with the integrated speech and camera.

Have you got your hands on an ez-robot kit yet?


Thanks for that info. I will talk about that kit with my members. Thanks so much for yr help! Will talk later.


Should you soon decide to go with the Developer Kit, you will want to check Hobby King. They are currently selling them at half price.

EDIT 10/28/2016: The folks at Hobby King must have taken note of the sudden uptick in sales of the Developer Kit since they have put the price back up to full price (and then some). It's now a few dollars more than it was before they reduced it to half price. They may be shocked at the just as sudden drop in sales of the item now.

Also Brookstone still has a buy one get one free on a few of the parts for building EZ-Revolution type robots. Unfortunately they seem to be out of the lever servo components. Those are a basic building block for making the more complex robots.



My grandson was just tested today for Autism. It turns out that he tested as having Autism. I don't know much about Autism but know a bit about robotics. Needless to say, I now have an interest in understanding how I can help my grandson through robotics. If you have time, I would like to have an offline conversation with you about this.

Please email me. My email address is in my profile.

Thanks David


@WBS00001, thanks for the heads up on the developer kit. I ordered a few so I can give them to some kids at our local school.


@69developer Excellent! Glad to hear it. To give credit where credit is due, we were first alerted to the half price kit sale by forum member jstarne1 in this thread.


Okay, two things:

  1. I am going to be buying some lego mindstorms first, And then
  2. Maybe getting an ezrobot kit after. I have time after all!

Hey there again. I have just done some more work and you can see my build progress here: Hope you like it!


Hey Liam, i checked the website and i couldn't see anything about a robot, do you have an actual link to the page not the site itself?

All the best for your companion bot.;)