
Multiple Movement Panels
Can you allow multiple movement panels in ARC please. I have the roomba panel added but then went to add AutoPosition to control a robot arm and received a you are attempting to break the time space Continuum error
Under servo there is one, and under movement panels there is another
under servo, as many as you need can be added = auto-position movement panels
After you select a servo, you can also pick a connection - connect 0 - 4
Add the Auto Position non-movement panel.
Arc -> project -> add robot skill -> servos -> auto position
If you think about it, you’ll realize why there logically can only be one movement panel. Check the manual on what a Movement Panel is as well
Aggh OK I did not know that existed. Thanks EzAng That is exactly what I was looking for. OK not a required feature any more :-) Time Space saved again. Please close request.
This was moved into a question
Thanks Jeremie,
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I added an entry in the manual for each of the Auto Position robot skills so people will know there are two of them.
Movement Panel:
Non Movement Panel: