Asked — Edited
Resolved Resolved by DJ Sures!

Jd Will Not Move His Head

I have assembled JD and he can move quite well - just getting the hang of it.

Bit the head will not move, and I wonder if I have plugged in correctly, or if I need to configure/callibrate.


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Have you followed all the tutorials related to JD? First thing you need to do is trace the head servo wires to the ezb and make sure they are plugged in correctly... then review the tutorials again... It is probably something simple as it is highly unlikely that both servos in his head and neck are not working...

United Kingdom

Is camera tracking enabled? This can hold the servos in position and make you think they are not working.

To test the servos simply start a new project and set up only servo controls for the two ports of the head servos and move the positions around (not too far to avoid damaging the robot), if they move the head then the servos are fine, if not then they may need replacing but we can get to that once we have determined if another control is holding the servos in position.


Check the black wire of the servo plug matches the black side of the pins on the ezb. Just like your home theater, the black wires much match the black wires.



Thank you for your help - I have folllowed the tutorials.

JD can do all this, and camera is working, but still no headbanging ;-) Shouldn´t he be doing that?

I don´t think the cable instructions are that precise - I have made sure the black wire of the servo plug matches the black side of the pins on the ezb, JD.

Rich, I am not sure what you mean, cause I am not sure what to do to move the positions around.

Am I in trouble?

United Kingdom


Follow these instructions to see if your servos are ok.

Open a new ARC project that has no controls added to it yet.

Connect your EZ-B to this new project.

Select "Servos" from the ARC ribbon menu.

Select "horizontal" or "vertical" servo control.

Press the gear icon on the servo control.

Select which digital port your servo is connected to on your EZ-B.

Double tap/click your mouse on the arrow in the control. Both will be set to 90.

Slowly move your mouse/trackpad so the numbers change. At this point the servo should move when you move your mouse,finger.

Then do the same for the next servo.

If the servos moves then we can move on with trouble shooting. :)

United Kingdom

I made a project to help you.

Save the project below and open it. Connect to JD Use the servo controls to move the head

Using servo controls is as these videos

You should see JDs head move up/down or side to side depending on the control used.

This is presuming the head servos are connected to D0 and D1

Download the project here


Thank you for projects and instructions.

I still can not get the head to move. It makes a lot of noise only.


I am a reseller, so I borrowed a head from another JD-set - and the head moved perfectly. (see video)

So the original head is somehow stuck. Can I fix it? Or should I have EZ-Robot to ship one?

United Kingdom

Remove the servos from the head and test them outside of the head. It is possible that they are stuck. If they don't move at all then you can use the Contact Us form to request warranty replacement (however check them thoroughly first)


Thank you for projects and instructions.

I still can not get the head to move. It makes a lot of noise only.


I am a reseller, so I borrowed a head from another JD-set - and the head moved perfectly.

So the original head is somehow stuck. Can I fix it? Or should I have EZ-Robot to ship one?


As a reseller, so you have jake's contact information? I'll forward this thread to him as well



Yes I have submitted a warranty order ticket and have ordered 5 new JDs from Jake - so maybe he can ship the new head to me. Can´t wait to get my own JD headbanging, too.

Maybe this one should have "his head examined" - do you want it sent over?