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Wow... you're right.... Can't buy anything from ez robot right now.... Maybe they are doing maintenance on their online purchase system?

United Kingdom

I think Richards right about maintenance. Just browsing through the store and I noticed the product pages/pictures have a newer look now.


To me it looks like we now have to buy from other sites confused there is links to where you can buy them from elsewhere confused

United Kingdom

Why speculate? EZ-Robot will comment on the situation.

I would be very surprised if EZ-Robot stop selling direct, that would render the store credit useless. It is likely they are making changes to the system and while the changes are made the shop is part disabled.

Wait for EZ-Robot's official response before presuming.


@Wolfie.... Relax, don't panic dude... Do you really think they are closed for good? Give ez robot a chance to comment on this... What do you need from ez robot that's so urgent anyway?

United Kingdom

The "Find a store" links have been there for quite a while now. Like Rich said, EZ-Robot will probably leave a comment on the issue.


We're out of stock:) it will be 2 weeks before we're back online selling direct

#9 that means business is good, I'm happy for you. You have all put so much work into it. oh and thanks for making learning fun again.


Whew!.... I was already beginning to have ez robot withdrawals....:D


Haha, nah - everything is good - simply short of some raw materials for inventory. In the meantime, our resellers wont' charge you duty if purchasing locally within your country:)



does part #8 also comes availeble in stock?

United Kingdom

@Nomad, what in the world is "part #8"?


He has mentioned part # 8 a few times in the past... For the life of me I can't remember what it is or why he even wants it... I think it is for his JD... @nomad, can you show us what part that is again?



endpart choulderservo's

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Is it part of a rotation servo assembly? The part that goes on the horn of a servo? If it is this P19 A-01.STL part you can have it 3d printed can't you?



last i hear they come out in the chop end fall.molded ones.

United Kingdom

@Richard, I just checked that but it's the other way around to "part #8".


Ooops... I guess nomad has a point.... I never looked close enough... Sorry Nomad.... I think you broke that part and you have been waiting to fix it, right?



i cant use this one.cause the legs have male brackets.



haha no. am saving to make a big order and let print some parts. i wanted a case whit the rotation servo's in to be able to turn the legs off jd.

User-inserted image


Ok, now I am interested... I can't wait to see your updated version of JD... with new hip joints....:)



whit this config i be able to ad another servo as elbow.