Upgrade to ARC Pro

Harnessing the power of ARC Pro, your robot can be more than just a simple automated machine.


The iOS Mobile of ARC is waiting for approval of Apple to be on the iTunes AppStore. It may take 1 to 2 weeks. We will send a press release to all users when it is available.

It will be available in the iTunes AppStore - the same way you install all apps on your iOS device.

*UPDATE: iOS App is available from our Software section of this website, here:


Any word on this highly anticipated app?

United Kingdom

No, nothing yet. Hopefully won't be to much longer.


Still waiting on apple...


Guess thats why I couldn't find it. I am assuming you still waiting on Apple?

Also does the ARC software generate the source code for the IOS app or does it just run in IOS ARC app?

Thanks, Keith


We are still waiting on Apple, correct:)

The ARC generates source code for the EZ-B - not for the iOS or Android platform. You run your app within the ARC Mobile App, which is why you're waiting for it:D


Update: Apple rejected the app - not to be alarmed... they asked for a video to see the app working. I sent it to them and fingers crossed that all is good from here. EZ-Robot is a very different approach to any product that they have dealt with, i'm sure. So we are bound to experience a few questions:)


Geez DJ sorry about that... I hope they see what you have going on here and accept your app....


They are asking for proof that the product works by a video. We're a pretty seriously different style product with serious promises:) They're asking for proof to make sure this thing actually works


The videos were sent and reviewed - Apple would now like hardware to test with. I will be sending a Six EZ-Robot to them for testing. I suspect this will take another week. I can't see any additional delays after they review the physical hardware.


They only want the hardware because it is so cool and they want to play. Good luck getting your Six back:)


LOL! Hopefully that's why:) Guess we will see! I will be in California next week - might just drop the robot off myself.


California? ...OOoohh lucky you, life of jet set a Robot CEO....:D I am in Ontario experiencing the coldest temperatures I have ever seen in my entire life... -30C tonight which will shatter records here... I realise -30 is like July weather for you Albertans... But us Ontarians never see these severe cold temps... :)


I am also in Ontario at the moment and it was -35C last night.. It's -28C right now!


I'm a Texan, and last night I rode around in me Harley...nuff said


Short sleeves and Mardi Gras floats in Louisiana this weekend, nextdoor to Texas.


Planning on going! My bros rode to Galveston for their version of Mardi gras... But I was working


@DJ I live near Kitchener/Waterloo Ontario... I didn't realise it got that cold here last night... Were you in Northern Ontario? I knew I should have switched to 0w-20 in my truck for this winter.... Should have learned my lesson from last winter...


At least you guys have heat. It is 9 degrees (f) in Maryland, so warm by comparison, but my furnace died this morning and I have been waiting for the heating tech to get back from his office with a part that it needs since noon. Getting cold in here.....


@Alan... oh man you win... that does suck... How much do you pay for electricity? Maybe open the oven and crank it?


@Richard R Don't you mean "frostbite me?" Haha



I was in Baltimore last year for the metal fest it does get pretty cold down there


Just heard from the heating tech. He has the part and is on his way to install it. House stayed at 54 all day until the sun went down. Has lost 5 degrees in the last hour, so I finally broke out a space heater and my -35 degree sleeping bags. My wife used to work at REI and we took good advantage of her employee discount, so no way we would have frozen (and we could go to a friends house if it got really bad...)



And I have heat again! Tech just left after installing the part and putting it back together. Will take a while for the house to heat back up, but at least I won't freeze overnight.

We now return you to discussion of waiting for Apple to approve the iOS version of ARC.



Wow Alan glad you have heat back! I'm guessing @DJ will be looking forward to coming back to Calgary, it's like summer in February right now. I think it was around 10°C (50°F) today. My family and I took a day trip to the mountains and it even felt like spring up there, the snow was melting.

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Oh I forgot to mention that I have been doing some beta testing with the new app on my iPhone 5S and been loving it. The Android app I built for six worked right away with no changes, I was quite impressed that @DJ was able to make that happen. I'm building some fun new apps in my free time but the majority of the time is just learning a new graphics program, lol. I used to do a lot of work with CorelDraw but I don't have access to the software anymore so I'm moving over to Inkscape.


Any updates on the IOS App? Did Apple let you drop it off?


Awaiting hardware review for iOS app from Apple.

United Kingdom

WOw. They are THOROUGH!


I can see their concern with this kind of app and why they are being extra vigilant. Because it essentially runs an app inside an app, and they don't have control over the features and functions of the robot app you download from EZ-Cloud, it could potentially be a security risk. This is really different from anything else available, so I am not surprised with the time and care they are taking. I just hope (actually, as an Android user, I don't really care for me, but for all of you....) that they do determine that it is safe and publish it sooner than later.


South Africa

As an apple user I also hope that they feel the app is safe. Mohamed


Man... What A hard waiting.. Só many ideas stucked in this process.. What kind of harm ARC could cause to Apple?!? I can't undertstand...


Apple is usually very thorough in their review process, of the apps we built, all got rejected and some more than multiple times before we got them approved. Their enterprise developer program is a lot more leanient but then its for all internal use.

I heard it took about 60 days for the Robotis app to get approved.

United Kingdom

Any chance you could allow me to beta test the app in the meantime?


We cannot do that. For two reasons -

  1. the app is already in review and modifying it to add new testers causes the app to cancel review

  2. beta test process has already ended a while ago. Our review is for production release.

United Kingdom

Oh well! Here's hoping it gets accepted soon:)


you're telling me! Our fingers are crossed so hard, they're stuck this way!

The last review started March 9th - we're waiting anxiously - as are all of you!


We just received word that Apple has misplaced/lost the robot demo that we had sent them for review. Hopefully they will relocate it to continue the review. Due to this, the review has been rejected until they can find the robot for testing.


I told you they only wanted to play with it. Some Apple engineer took it home and they are delaying approval until everyone gets a chance...;)



How does stuff like that happen?! Some exec' s son got a great birthday gift ...


Not sure how it happened - I dropped it off personally and handed it right to them. The status of the App changed back to In Review a few days after giving them the robot. Today it changed to "Rejected" and the reason says


Thank you for your resubmission. However, we have begun the review of your app but aren't able to continue because we need additional information about your app.

1.) Can you please provide additional tracking information in order for us to locate the product?

Not quite sure how that happened - considering I was in California at 1 Infinite Loop, walked in the doors of the main building and handed the parcel to reception. I even had reception verify the internal address - telling her that it is important it gets delivered because we are out stock (at the time of delivery) and this is the only Six available for review at the moment.

I've said a few times "I'm sure it'll be fine" about this review process. It's getting harder to say


That's extremely frustrating, for you and for us. Hopefully they are not creating their own I robots ( pun intended) and sweeping six under the rug.

Let's just hope for the best and it will show up on the right persons desk soon. I was really holding out for this one. I'll keep my fingers crossed too.

Thanks for keeping us in the loop about its progress.


That´s absolutelly unbelievable! I know they receive hundreds of apps everyday.. but they should show more respect about other people work! I am shure that if Steve Jobs were alive things would run in another way. if only the Iphone and Ipad was not so great, I would consider to change for Android..



Not to take this in an iPhone vs Android throwdown, but Android has always been more capable than iPhone, and the latest devices from HTC in particular, but also Samsung, LG, and Motorola equal or better the hardware build quality.

I used to advise people that if they wanted to be on the cutting edge of technology they should get an Android, and if they just wanted a smartphone that worked flawlessly to go with an iPhone, but that is no longer true. iPhone has had its share of flaws, and top of the line Android phones are as easy to use and reliable as anything Apple has ever done.

There are only three apps that are available for iPhone that I haven't found Android equivalents for that I have interest in, and they are all niche products and one supports a piece of hardware that isn't available yet, and there will probably be Android support before long.

If you make the switch, you won't be sorry.


United Kingdom

I'd go to press about that tbh. It works for other companies.


I am with Alan... You guys are just paying for the name "Apple"... The iPhone and iPad don't do anything better than Android.... I guess it proves that marketing works....

United Kingdom

I don't have an android phone. I use iPhone. So I would love an iPhone app.


I bought a cheap android phone off of eBay for $40.... I didn't activate it as I just use it to run android version of ARC....

United Kingdom

Which one? Does it work well?

United Kingdom

Better to have an app so I don't need to buy an android device.


Any android device with os 4.1 and greater should work... Just buy a galaxy Tab3 7inch if you want a bigger screen...

United Kingdom

Cool:) Thanks for the info.


The iOS app status has changed to "In Review" - just now. I suspect this means they found the robot... or hope that's what it means:)


Outstanding! This is good news. It means that at least someone is listening to you.

United Kingdom

Thanks for the update DJ. Fingers crossed. ;)


Somehow the entire conversation log between myself and the App reviewer(s) has disappeared. The questions and answers in the Resolution Center is now empty. I'm not sure what this means or why they would remove the conversation history...

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On a positive note, I did request to have the app review expedited. It's been many weeks and they even lost a $500 robot demo which is not easy to swallow for our little company. It appears they accepted the expedite request - fingers crossed that they find the robot! I'm sure it'll work out fine this time:)

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United Kingdom


Well hopefully that will get the wheels moving a bit quicker. It's nice that Apple make things nice and simple eyeroll. They should send you a new iPhone 6 Plus for compensation of the lost bot, and something to try out the app on WHEN they release it.;)


Some people are asking about iOS app - here's an update: have no heard back from Apple. The expidetied process had been accepted, so I assume they found the lost robot and are testing.


Received a rejection letter this evening - apparently they still have not located the $500 robot that we sent Apple for free for their testing. They are asking for a description of the box to help locate it.

I've asked for a plead to have the app accepted without a hardware test. Fingers crossed that they will accept a video demo or something that proves the app works. Out of the tens of thousands of hardware controlling apps in the AppStore, I cannot imagine they have a free sample of every single one. There must be some way we can have the app accepted.


Hi DJ,

would you have some screenshots of the (yet to be accepted) app? What is their issue, the way in which you connect to the EZ-B using wifi?

And can I get excited at the possibility of having an iPhone onboard my 'bot providing the processing power to control the EZ-B? Ideally which iPhone, iPad and above would be supported (as I eye off a decommissioned iPhone 4 running iOS 7 and hope it is sufficient).




Byrd, the mobile app screenshots are in the mobile learn help page. The iPhone app looks identical to the iOS app - the issue they are having is not with the app at all. They have no complaints or feedback about its usage. The only feedback we have been receiving is "metadata rejected" and the original reasoning was asking for hardware.

Now the metadata had been rejected because they lost the hardware.

There should be a way to approve an app without hardware testing. Nearly every vehicle built in the last few years have Bluetooth calabilities of some sort, I doubt car manufacturers send cars to Apple. Alarm systems, telecoms, home theater receivers, home automation systems, toys, etc etc... I cannot believe Apple only approves a hardware app if it's been tested by them on the hardware.

I am really hoping we can work through this. We cannot send another free $500 robot to them - maybe they can start sending $500 iPhones to us:)


Really good point on the hardware. Seems very strange they must have that hardwear to approve. Well all we can do is hope. Maybe there is a public place to gripe where other Apple would take notice. In my industry you have to rattle a lot of cans before there is notice.


@fxrtst Is there still an industry out there? All the guys I know who work in f/x are either out of work and/or moved out of Cali...not to fall out of topic, and no disrespect intended towards you:)


What If we send them a letter, signed by everybody around here, and mabe by everyone who got an Ez-b, telling them how much we trust and would like to have this app? App Store is so full of stupid apps that does nothing! What harm ez-b could cause to them?!?! Mabe they listen us, their customers..



I doubt that will be effective and would more likely antagonize them. Unless DJ specifically asks us to do something, I think this is best left between him and Apple to work out.

I work for a MUCH larger company, and we struggle with Apple to get updates to our mobile app approved too. It is apparently a painful process for everyone.



Dang. it didn't do much good to get expedited to "rejected."



Yes there is. It's getting smaller each day. But I've established my self as one of the best make up artists in town and work consistently. I too have moved out of LA because I can, and still work. I've worked for 22 years non stop but this is the biggest change I've seen and a lot of folks have lost their jobs to other local workers in the tax incentive states like Georgia and Louisiana. Those are right to work states. Films will never return to Los Angeles because producers are pocketing the huge amount of saved money. The greedy get greedier.


I have submitted apps and every time they have gotten rejected for a reason or another. Then one day they finally get approved with some changes we had to make. I totally respect Apples way of going through apps and the refinery process. That's on the software side, now throw in some hardware, it gets even more complicated. Not to be negative, but I could think of many reasons why its getting rejected, for one SAFETY. Anyways, just my $.02 worth, and not to bash.


It's not being rejected for any reason outside of they don't have hardware to test with. We haven't received any issue feedback of any sort. However, because they lost the robot - we can't be accountable to send another. There must be an exception because there is no way every auto manufacturer, television manufacture, home theater receiver manufacturer, etc... is sending hardware and cars to Apple for testing.


DJ, you would be surprised at what hardware Apple receives. I cant say much, per NDA's, but every hardware project I have worked with, we sent Apple the device and very clear instructions on using the device. Also had to include MSDS sheets for any particular material used in the device. Again, not saying this is true for everybody, but it has been for us. When I say rejected, not meaning it in a bad way. Also, ALWAYS have a tracking number, as something similar has happened to us. If you drop it off, better have the details, which I'm sure you do.

I also know Robotis sent their hardware in (I'm 95% sure on this).

Its hard to gather that manufacturers send their products in to get evaluated, torn apart, etc, but it does happen. Amazon sends me their hardware and I do just that, dig into it and see what works and what doesn't for the end user. Its better than being an Amazon Vine person.


very interesting - because their first metadata rejection was asking for a video demonstrating how the app worked. Their second rejection was because they wanted hardware.

I find it strange that they were okay reviewing it without hardware - and eventually decided they wanted hardware after all.

I get that there is a quality control process in place - but it sure doesn't work very well when I look at majority of the AppStore items being garbage and not working.... Just sucks that we're being scrutinized and we're probably the most capable development house they'll ever come across lol


Apple contacts us today and they found the robot. They thanked us for our patience during this process and had two questions. I created a video for them that introduced the app and how to use it.


Now, there is activity in a forward direction. That's kinda good news.



this is great news.


Apple has approved our app. It will be available this afternoon

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Yay! Just in time too! My package is gonna be here today!


Don't care for me, but Woo Hoo! for the Apple users!



I have both Android and Apple but carry the Apple most often. I don't understand all the animosity either. Get whatever works for you and move on.



I don't understand all the animosity either. Get whatever works for you and move on.

Totally agree. I recommend Apple to a lot of people. It just isn't what I use, so I am not concerned personally about the app availability. But I know a lot of people have been chewing their fingers off waiting, so I am pleased for them.



Now you can download the EZB app on your soon to be released Apple watch.


it doesn work for iphone4 s

United Kingdom


That's great news. Congrats on getting it approved and released. I'm heading to the App Store right now.:D


Why won't it work on your iPhone 4s? If you have iOS 7 or later it should work.


i got ios 8 it blocks and i try to remove and install back. but now it doesn install.


BTW... How should we look for in App Store ? I did an "Ez-b, ezb and an EZ robot search.. And it is not there..


@tevans. Click on the app store icon on the linked page DJ posted above.


United Kingdom


Right, I got you now. I'm having th same problem with my iPhone 6 Plus with iOS 8.2. Impress "Get" trend "Install" then throws me back out to "Get" again. I say give it a couple of hours and try again, as it's only just been released and not available on a App Store search yet.

ARC Mobile iOS App


steve G

yes i bin to fast.

United Kingdom

Lol, don't worry Nomad. Me too.:P


steve G

can you see the gyro in shop page?


@nomad.... Steve sees what you see... what everyone sees... If you don't see it, it's not there dude...



ah am so impatients.

United Kingdom


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Just a few pics of a new project I'm working on to show off the app. The app is working great so far. Kudos to you for your time and effort on a really nice job DJ. Well worth the wait. And now you can breath a sigh of releif.:D


steve G

that didn take long,looks awesome.


Steve G really like your Roomba control layout app.

United Kingdom


Thanks buddy. I had a little play around with MS Paint yesterday to come up with something a little different, although the "Look Down" button looks a little bit like a duck, lol.


This is awesome news. Congrats DJ and team.


yeach got it and works GREAT

thank you dj


Absolutely fantastic! Now I can move forward! Thanks so much for being so persistent DJ!


I can't wait to download it! My new iPhone will complement it perfectly!:D


just the camera settings need to change. insteadt off puch cam button ones the cam goes all the way down. it chould be one puch and cam moves a little.


@david, was out on cell will be back home in 5, will check skype


Nomad, what you are asking is robotapp specific, not ios.

There are two robot apps with camera control movements. The two robot apps are roli and JD.

To move the cameras, press the direction button for the camera. To stop the camera from moving, press the direction button again.



ah ,great i will try that

thank you

United Kingdom


You have received your very first iOS app review in the App Store, written by some guy named Steve... Whoever that is.:P


Bug report: not bad, but on iPhone 6 plus, the back button in the preference area doesn't work. You have to force close the app and launch it again to use it after log in.


Technopro - that only happens sometimes. I haven't been able to figure out why either lol


Yay bout time apple finally decided to accept the ARC app lol now I can use my ipod and not have to carry my laptop every where now lol


Friends, i just tried to run the app on a iPhone 4.... And here's what i get...

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iPhone 4 isn't selected as a supported device - strange that it let you install it. We are unable to support the iOS of iPhone 4, sorry.


mine is iphone 4 S and works perfect


4s and 4 are different phones



i though all iphones where desame


Nomad, not at all. The processors, and even iOS versions are different. The iPhone 4 does not accept newer iOS versions and therefore also does not receive Apple support any longer.

The iPhone 4s uses the retina display and has a different resolution. I believe that is why the user is experiencing resolutions issues.


ah.then am very lucky i dont have any issues sofar.


Oh... too bad.. I was keeping this old 4 to use it as an onboard computer in one of my projects...

It's really impossible to fix that? Think about how many people have some iPhone 4 in a drawer, that could be used for some's an apple demand?