— Edited
I have many programs that I created with the AimlBot / Bing Speech recognition programs. I would like the AimlBot to speak the response the same way the PandoraBot speaks its responses.
Thank for any help?
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look at the top for ez script with sayezb.
@Normad 6R Hi just wondering are you still using ARC or have you installed the bata ARC. You have to be using ARC to test this.
i used the ARC .
I have many programs that I created with the AimlBot / Bing Speech recognition programs, They all worked well.
When I asked a question, I received an audio answer. Aiml Bot worked like Pandora Bot
ah sorry i though it was desame.
something changed
Pandora Bot, you just talk and it answers
Aiml Bot use to do the same thing
To make AIML bot speak, you will need to add a piece of code that takes the variable holding the response, and have it speak.
Add the AIMLBot control to your project
Press the GEAR icon for configuration
Press the Response Script button. This is the script that will run when a response is created
Add this code, since you're using ARC we should use JavaScript because it's much faster...
I added the java code it loaded correctly
Here is what I did:
Bing Speech control add:
ControlCommand("AimlBot", "SetPhrase", $BingSpeech)
Aiml control add
java Audio.say(getVar("$BotResponse"));
Above - works with PC
Above - works with ez -robot
now it works, trial and error, happy I learned perseverance a long time ago :-)
I just tried this, its pretty good. One question...I have to keep manually start/stop recording under the Bing Speech tool, How do I make it work automatic?
I always have to click the Bing Speech Recognition to ask it a question, then I just get some kind of automatic answer.
In Bing Speech Recognition put: ControlCommand("AimlBot", SetPhrase, $BingSpeech)
In Recognized Script
In AIML BOT Put in java script:Audio.say(getVar("$BotResponse"));
Save that’s it, good luck