Asked — Edited
Resolved Resolved by Jeremie!

EZB Connect To PC By USB


I have followed the instruction to try to connect EZB 4 to PC by USB from the link as below:

But It is not works. I guess, I bought the wrong USB adaptor (shown as below) or something wrong in connecting. So, would anyone have any suggestion for the USB? (EZB to USB adaptor, GND to GND, RX to TX, TX to RX)

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Thanks in advance!

Related Hardware EZ-B v4


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Hi Rickymahk2013,

The EZ-B v4 is designed to connect to your PC over Wi-Fi, not USB. The USB port on the EZ-B v4 is for firmware updates only.

To connect your EZ-B v4 to your PC, you should follow these steps:

  1. Power on your EZ-B v4.
  2. Connect your PC to the EZ-B v4's Wi-Fi network. The network name will start with "EZ-B v4".
  3. Open ARC on your PC.
  4. In ARC, click on the "Connection" button, then "Connect".
  5. Select the EZ-B v4's Wi-Fi network from the list and click "Connect".

If you're having trouble connecting, make sure your PC's Wi-Fi is turned on and working properly. You might also want to try resetting the EZ-B v4 to its factory settings. You can do this by holding down the reset button on the EZ-B v4 for 10 seconds.

If you're still having trouble, you can find more detailed instructions and troubleshooting tips in the Synthiam support section.

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any other questions.

I am a customer support GPT-powered AI and still learning. If you have doubts about my response, please use the support documentation to verify my answer.

Ricky that usb adapter should work great. It may need the rts enabled in the connection control settings. Some usb adapters require that.

as for wiring, the link you provided is the best source for it. My debugging recommendations are

  1. to check the wiring,

  2. verify the baudrate on the ezb matches the connection control

  3. try with rts enabled in connection control

#3   — Edited

Thank you DJ!

I have try to follow your instruction. But still is not works! Please see the attached picture for your ref.

  1. EZB connect to USB

    User-inserted image

  2. USB connect to tablet

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  3. Though Bluetooth to connect EZB ( and set the USB connection to 921600 in "Advanced Setting" and then save and reboot. 

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  4. In software ARC Pro - Connection - COM/USB connection change the EZB#0 to 921600 and click the "RTS Enable" button to match the EZB setting.

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  5. And then refresh the connect button in connection. But no any change!

So, I have no idea what wrong in my procedure. Anyone can help? Thanks for advance.



i'm not sure but i believe you have to switsh the tx and rx on the other side of the cable . i'm wildly gessing .on the camera cable .

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#5   — Edited

Check continuity on all wires to the board. I've had bad jumper wires and weak connectors in the past.

What kind of PC are you trying to connect to? Check the USB port on it in windows device manager.

Maybe something in the PC is keeping it from connecting. I once had trouble connecting some EZB's to a SBC through USB. It was driving me crazy.  I finally found I needed to install missing window drivers in the SBC's.


Thank you Normad, I have try it but not works.

Thank you Dave, I have try desktop PC (MSI MEG Aegis Ti5 Gaming Desktop Computer) and Tablet (Surface Pro).  But both is not works. I'm not sure, is it missing the driver. If yes, do you know where can download the driver?

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Okay there’s two things that is stopping it from working

  1. the rx and tx need to be swapped. The instructions clarify that. Make sure tx is connected to rx. And make sure rx is connected to tx

  2. the driver for your usb adapter is missing. Install the correct driver. Device manager should not have a warning for the device.

Do those two things and it’ll work


what happens when you scan for new devices ?

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Thank you DJ, will try to find the driver to install.

Thank you Normad, nothing happen when I click it.


means no driver is there.

#11   — Edited

Oh ya! Now I remember. DJ is totally correct. The reason I couldn't get my setup to connect was because of missing windows driver for the USB adaptor. I had to go to the website of the adaptor and download the driver then install it. Windows Device Manager didn't do it automatically for me.

So this may help;

Your adaptor has the CH340 chip so you need the windows drivers for that. Here's a link to a page where you should be able to get them on the Sparkfun site. Scroll down the page to find your version needed. There is also a video there on how to install it  and how troubleshoot any problems that happen:


I was going by the description of your adaptor at the Amazon link you supplied. This is what is stated in the Product Description section:


USB TTL is a Complete Plug-and-Play USB UART interface solution developed with advanced CH340/ CP2102 chipsets.
Sorry if I gave you the wrong info.


Thank you Dave! I downloaded the "CP210x Universal Windows Driver" file. Not sure the procedure that unzip the file but can't find the installer driver in the folder!

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For that right click on the device in list. Select update driver. Browse to that folder


Thank you DJ, I followed your instruction. How to sure it installed? Because refreshed the connection in ARC Pro but no any change! This is my tablet information and the steps to install the driver as below:

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Hi Dave,

To simplify, could you please recommend a USB that is compatible with both Windows 10 and 11? Thanks in advance!


Hello Ricky,

This symbol means that there is an error with the driver. 

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The USB-UART chip has to show up under COM ports and have a COM number assigned to it in order to work.


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Once the driver error is cleared up I recommend a slower baud rate as most USB-UART chips advertise to work at 1MBaud, but can't communicate at that speed.

The only chip I've found that can communicate at that speed is the Prolific PL2303-HXD (it has to be the D version)


Hi Jeremie and everyone,

I just wanted to let you know that you're doing an awesome job! I noticed that you paid attention to the small icon, and it's working perfectly. I really appreciate everyone's help here.

Keep up the great work! love


So, you have your easy b communicating with your PC through the USB now? So this is awesome!


Hi Dave, Yes, It is works now! Thank you for your help:)


Outstanding! I'm really happy for you. I know what a relief something like this is.


@Athena, it seems Ricky solved the problem by updating the correct driver. What do you think of that? Great. Nice work Ricky


I'm glad to hear that the issue has been resolved, Ricky! Updating the correct driver is indeed a crucial step in ensuring the proper functioning of your hardware. It's great to see the community come together to help solve this problem. If you have any more questions or run into any other issues, don't hesitate to ask. Happy robot building!

I am a customer support GPT-powered AI and still learning. If you have doubts about my response, please use the support documentation to verify my answer.