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I know the V3 connects via bluetooth but I dont have one so I am sorry that I cant be of much help. I do believe that I saw a video on it at one point. let me see if I can find that for you.

might help you

still looking for video


Assuming you mean Windows 8 and not Windows RT, go to the software page of the web site and download and install ARC for Windows.

The ? On the connection object leads to tutorial videos that explain how to pair and connect to the EZ-B.


I think d.cochran has hit upon the main issue. No matter whether you have a Win 7, or Win 8 PC, you will need a Bluetooth USB dongle or possibly a built-in bluetooth device to establish a connection to the bluetooth that is in your EZB(3)


Here is the EZ Robot tutorial for Bluetooth. Hope it helps, Steve S Edit, I have windows 8.1 Choose hidden icons from bottom right menu, choose Bluetooth, etc. vid. After you have paired, load ARC and connect at the top left corner using the com port that was displayed when pairing. If your EZB3 is new, it will prompt you to install firmware or update. Follow this video for EZ Robot firmware update.


Wall-E lover 360, Did the tutorials help? You can find the firmware update on your PC files in OS C:program files(x86) on my windows 8.1 under EZ Robot. Sounds like allot, but it is easy if you take it step by step. Steve S


I am not sure if Wall-E lover 360 is still here, or if maybe we were being trolled in some strange way... If you click on his name, you get an error as if the profile was deleted (or it could just be a problem with the web site.....).



He has posted a bit in the past.... maybe a kid? His posts have always had a strange feel about them....


On my windows tablet on bluetooth it shows the ez-b but there is no button that says connect the only button there is forget item


Not sure why your profile isn't working. Sorry I thought you might be trolling us. If any of the advice we gave helped, please mark this as resolved giving credit to whoever helped the most. If you are still having problems, let us know what is happening so we can help.

Always happy to help kids get started in Robotics.



All so I tried connecting it once and the board made a laude sound and then the board shut off


By loud sound, you mean like a loud pop? You probably wired the power backwards. Check the two fuses, but the board could be cooked. The v3 (and most electronics) do not like having power applied backwards.



No man I know my positives and negatives. The board was on for a wile and then when I tried to connect the board to my tablet it maid a sound almost like a servo went of and it lasted for about 3 seconds it actually happened twice.


Ok. Back to the Bluetooth. Oncw you are paired, you need to determine which comm ports windows assigned (watch h the tutorial). You don't need to tell Windows to connect again, you need to have ARC connect to the assigned comm port. You need to do it within 30-45 seconds of powering up the EZ-B, similar to how you had limited time to pair it. (we'll ignore the weird sound for now as long as the board powers up and Windows sees it).



It won't connect all it shows is ez-robot(not connected) and remove divice


its good to have another kid on iam only 11 what are you using battery or a blue vex battery I use aa's and it does(the odd servo sound) that if you are using aa's just change them connect if it is the blue one just charge it the servo sound happens to me to and save up for a laptop it is easier to use hope that helps @wall-elover360 and are you using a controller voice command or keyboard control:D


Hey man I use rechargeable aa's and I have a full windows 8 tablet that means its just like a pc and I all ready have ez-biulder installed and I know its hard to explained what your talking about trust me it happens all the time but can U try to explained what your saying allitle better I don't quite understand.


Ok, as Alan suggests have you paired the EZb3 with your PC?.... If you haven't paired your EZB with your PC, please read the following...

Before you can connect to ARC you must pair the ezb3 with your PC (laptop).... To do this, turn on your EZB3 then open the Bluetooth control in Windows 8, search for new Bluetooth devices. Once Windows finds your EZB you'll be asked to pair your EZB with Windows. You'll enter the pairing code 1234 then save.

Open ARC and in the connection dialogue there will be a drop down box, select the new port given by windows to your newly paired EZB...there will be usually 2 new ports created, select the lower port number...for instance if you see ports 3 and 4 select 3. If you have more than 2 ports you'll need to experiment to see which one might connect. Bare in mind you might have to cycle the power on your EZB every time you check a new port for a connection....

Hope you get it working....


if your board has been on for a while u most likely fried your v3 was it touching metal if it is no wonder its fried if not I don't know I will half to see it share a video so I have a better understanding I really want to help you please share a video and listing to Richard he can really help he help me a lot


Please keep at it and let us know how you made out...

United Kingdom

The connection method is the same for Windows 8 as Windows 7.

  1. Go to the desktop
  2. Right click on the bluetooth icon in the tray by the clock
  3. Select Add a Device
  4. Power up the EZ-B
  5. Select the EZ-B from the list of detected devices. It may be named Linvor if it hasn't connected before.
  6. Click Next and follow all on screen prompts
  7. Enter the pin code of 1234 when prompted
  8. The EZ-B should be paired with the PC
  9. Open ARC
  10. Select the correct COM port from the list in the connection control (top left of the ARC desktop
  11. Click connect

Your EZ-B should then be connected to ARC.

If there are any errors ARC will tell you.

If the EZ-B currently doesn't have the latest firmware you will need to upgrade the firmware.

Both the pairing method and updating the firmware process are covered by this tutorial I wrote. It is complete with screenshots to aid you however was written over a year ago and therefore the screens may be a little different now, the firmware certainly is.

The method for Windows 8 is no different to Windows 7 if you use the desktop as described above. Windows 8 desktop is pretty much the same as Windows 7 desktop with the obvious exception of the start button/start screen.


wall-e lover360 listen to rich he is 99.9% right only one problem the code could be 0000 but that is not likely if 1234 doesn't work its 0000 other then that rich is right hope that works for you wall-e lover360 and way to go rich

United Kingdom

The pin for the V3 bluetooth is 1234

Refer to page 6 of the technical manual;



The EZ-B uses a Class 2 Bluetooth transceiver. The distance is approximately 10 Meters (30 Feet) in most configurations. The distance depends on the computer's Bluetooth module and the amount of shielding around the EZ-B.

Here are the steps to add the EZ-B to your PC's Bluetooth devices...

  1. Provide power to the EZ-B
  2. Within 90 seconds, select Add A Device from your Bluetooth Icon on the system tray of your taskbar
  3. The EZ-B device should appear. It may appear as "Other", so please select it and press Next
  4. When prompted for a Device Pairing Code, chose the option to enter one. The pairing code is 1234 and press Next
  5. The EZ-B will be detected as two COM Port devices. The first COM Port device is the EZ-B data-channel (Lower COM Number). That will be the COM Port that you will connect EZ-SDK and ARC to. The second COM Port is unused at this time as it is reserved for future enhancements (Higher COM Number)

wall-e lover 360, The pairing code is 1234 as D.J. says in the EZ Robot tutorial. I would try the EZB only without any servo connections until you are paired and connected. Make sure you have strong batteries and have the EZB close to your windows machine while you pair. There are many great people that will continue to try helping you. Keep trying when you are able to.


Ok, I'll try to help.

Not sure if the full windows tablet shows the same but I think it does.

  1. If you have the Bluetooth devices button click it and then click "Add device".

User-inserted image

  1. Something like this should come up. Click "pc and devices".

User-inserted image

2-continued. Click the "Bluetooth tab".

  1. Make sure the ez-b is on, and the red Bluetooth light is flashing and the blue light is pulsing.

  2. Your screen should look like this. If the ez-b is on it should pop up in the device list with the words "Ready to pair" under the name. click it and when it prompts you for a code, type 1234. It should now install stuff for the board automatically.

User-inserted image

5.When it finishes, go to ARC and choose a com port available. One wont work. One will work. It might say you need to install new firmware. If it does ask.

User-inserted image


wall-e lover 360, Does your EZB board still power up after you heard a popping noise? You mentioned in post #11 "On my windows tablet on bluetooth it shows the ez-b but there is no button that says connect the only button there is forget item "

and on post #18 "It won't connect all it shows is ez-robot(not connected) and remove divice". The actual connect button is on the top left of the ARC software that you will open after pairing, not on the windows bluetooth page that shows "remove device". Today I installed an additional EZB3 on my windows 8.1 After it found the new device, it paired after I gave it the 1234 code, but it did not list the comm ports. I loaded ARC software, clicked on the box next to the CONNECT button (top left), that showed me the possible comm ports. The error box area will give clues on what is happening. After I attempted connection on the correct port, I was prompted to update FIRMARE. I closed ARC, found Program files (86) on my hard drive, EZ Robot, EZ Robot Firmaware Update. Loaded Firmware update, typed in the same comm port that I used above, connected, updated, and recycled power. I would watch the EZ Robot tutorials again then give it another go. Steve S


thanks for helping everyone but I'm just going to get an ez-b v4