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Resolved Resolved by thetechguru!

Compatibility With Ubuntu

Hi there,

I was wondering if there are any users who currently use this software with Ubuntu. Wanted to know if there are an compatibility issues that I should be aware of before making the transition.

  • Ankit


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It is Windows software. Not compatible with Linux. Might (slight chance) run under WINE, but probably not well.


United Kingdom

I have read reports that it will work under WINE however that was a while ago and, like Alan said not very well.

The OpenBot can be made to work under Linux but entails a lot more work and you lose the simplicity and power of ARC.


Virtual machine may work better than WINE. Handles hardware interfaces like Bluetooth better. Of course in this case we are talking about the new EZ-B where control is through WiFi so WINE may be sufficient and doesn't require a Windows license like a Virtual Machine does. I would be surprised if voice recognition worked well in either unless the hardware is very high spec. Video could also be problematic. Depends a lot on what features will be used.

Given a choice, I would just stick with Windows for EZ-B control. If the PC is going to he used for multiple functions you can always dual boot or rum Ubuntu in a virtual machine with Windows as the host.


There is no ARC for Linux. We had discussed in the past having a Linux version, but only around 5% of the computers in the world run Linux, and we've only had 2 or 3 requests for Linux support ever. We created EZ-OpenBot, but it isn't full featured like ARC.

I have heard ARC runs great in WINE - but I've never tested it


Roger that, makes better sense than before. Thank you all.


@Ankit , I'm glad you were able to get the answer to your question:). Could you please close out the thread by choosing someone who answered it. Thanks in advance! - Josh