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There are at least 3 types of Power fans: A) 2 wires (+, -) B) 3 wires (+, -, TACH) C) 4 wires (+, -, TACH, PWM)

A, B types:

For A, B types you can connect a H-bridge and you can control the fan with control.

it works similar to a continuous servo but is not a continuous servo.

C type: The fan has a embedded micro-controller, and the proper way to drive the fan is to use the PWM pin. Note: Some fan's PWM pin requires a high frequency i.e. 25Khz.  You can try connect the PWM pin to an EZB's digital pin and use the pwm slider: IF does not work due the frequency (EZB PWM is not 25Khz) you will need an arduino micro-controller  and code some custom firmware to generate the 25Khz frequency.

it works similar to a continuous servo but is not a continuous servo.


And one further suggestion is to remove the electronic pcb from a continuous rotation servo and connect it to a regular fan.

that way you use the servo pcb to control the fan speed. And in ARC you’ll just a regular continuous rotation servo control with speed for both directions:)


Both @PTP and @DJ Sures answers assume you want speed control on the fan.  For a simple on off, you just need a transistor (and potentially a voltage regulator or alternate power source depending on whether the fan can run on the same voltage you are providing to your controller).



Ha ha ya and Alan is right on that observation:). The easiest solution is the most elegant

United Kingdom

Thanks very much for details of the numerous options. This level of support is amazing!!!!!


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